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1、NPVPQual V NPofte n read detective storiesd) the argume nt aga inst the proposalsPPDet Nthe argume nt aga inst the proposalse) move towards the win dowtowards the win dowmove3. Draw phrase structure trees for each of the followi ng senten ces.a) The jet Ian ded.In flP(=S)InflPstIan dedThe jetb) Mary

2、 became very ill.Pst Vbecame veryillMaryc) What will you talk about?CPS zNP InflVPNWhatwillyou etalk about ed) The apple might hit the man.SAuxTheapple might hit themanORVe) He often reads detective stories.QualNHeoftenreads etectivestoriesPresN QualHe often4. The followi ng sentences contain modifi

3、ers of various types. For each senten ce, first ide ntify the modifier(s), the n draw the tree structures.a) A frighte ned passe nger Ian ded the crippled airpla ne.Det AN Pst VA frighte ned passe nger Ian ded the crippled airpla neb) A huge moon hung in the black sky.NP Infl VPA hugeN Pst V PPmoonc

4、) An unu sual event occurred before the meet ing.DetAn unu sual event occurred before themeet ingd) A qua int old house appeared on the grassy hill.APDet A NA qua int oldhouse appeared on the grassy hill5. The follow ing sentences all contain conjoined categories. Draw a tree structure for each of t

5、he sentences,a) Jim has washed the dirty shirts and pan ts.N CON NJimhaswashedthe dirty shirts andpantsDet A NPwashed the dirty shirts andb) Hele n put on her clothes and went out.CONHele n put onher clothes andwent outVP /X入c) Mary is fond of literature but tired of statistics.A PMary isfond of1V A

6、 P1 1tired of statisticsbut(is)literatureV A/T 1Mary is fond ofd) The detective went out and the mysterious mancamein.Advand the mysterious man came inThe detectivee) Crusoe knows that spri ng will come and the snow will melt.Crusoe knows that spri ng will come and the snow will melt6. The followi n

7、g sentences all contain embedded clauses that fun ctio n as compleme nts of a verb, an adjective, a prepositi on or a noun. Draw a tree structure for each sentence.a) You know that I hate war.NP VPYouknow thatN V NI hate warknow that Ihate warb) He said that Tom asked whether the class was over.CVL

8、AHe said that Tom asked whether the class was overc) Gerry can believe the fact that Anna flun ked the En glish exam.Neg VGerryd) Chris was happy that his father bought him a Rolls-Royce. Scannot believeVLChrise) The childre n argued over whether bats had wings. SwasA CzV PThe childre nargued overwh

9、ether batshad7. Each of the follow ing sentences contains a relative clause. Drawwin gsthe deep structure and the surface structuretrees for each of the sentences.a) The essay that he wrote was too long.Deep structureThe essay hewrote that wastoo longSurface StructureDegessay thattoohewrote elongb) The dog that he keeps bites.dogkeepsthatbitesPres Vc) Herbert found the man she loved.C SN InflHerbertfoundtheshelovedwho

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