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1、能听懂并会物品的颜色的表达。问答别人能画的物品。情感、态度、价值观:培养学生对颜色的兴趣,引导学生学习颜色的英语表达以及对物品颜色的描述。重点What color is it ?Its .难点Can you draw a tiger?字母u 在单词重点发音。预习要求Preview the new words教学手段1. 录音机2. 多媒体教学过程教学预设Warm up1. Greeting 2. Review Listen and speak1. Look at the picture and think.杰克和丽萨在看什么?2. Listen to the tape and answer t

2、he question. A hat.3. Learn new Look in this box.Hatcolor What color is it?yellow Its yellow.4. Listen and repeat. 5. Role play.6. Look at the picture and think. 小丑的鼻子是什么颜色?7. Listen to the tape and answer the question. Its red.8. Learn new words. red a red nose blue blue eyesput on9. List

3、en and repeat. 10. Role play.Wrap upPlay a game. Say color.通过描述事物的颜色,掌握句子:What color is it?Yellow.Yellow banana.Its a yellow banana. 小丑在干什么?2.Listen to the tape and answer the question. Draw a tiger. draw draw a tiger Can you draw a tiger?color black Color it yellow and black. 书中的月亮是什么颜色、太阳是什么颜色? It

4、s a green moon and an orange moon green moonorangesun orange sunstars many starsPlay a game. What color is it?小组合作将颜色名称用到生活中。 Can you draw a?Yes, I can.Word Fun . 听录音,跟读。 yellow red orange blue green white black2. Talk Together. 运用学过的单词进行句子替换练习。 1. What color is it? Its.2. Can you draw a ?

5、3. Check Up.A Listen and match.B Listen and color.C Listen and number the picture.D Read and check the correct word. The moon is.The cat is.The star isThe sun is.The monster is.1. Greeting2. 复习学过的单词。1. Follow Me.教师一边做示范动作,一边说出句子。Color the eye. Cut them out.Put them on.2. Play a game. Answer quickly.

6、What this?.Its.Its a .3. Join the Beat.4. Sounds and letters. A Listen to each wordsun bus cup B Listen and check the correct word.bug big cat cut run rat C Chant together. 5. Have Fun.Play the board game.1. Greeting. 2. Review the words.Review the sentence.改编Chant.Listen to the tape and repeat twic

7、e.Change the word.Eg: I have a .Its a .Can you draw a ?Color it . 2. Review the context.Do the exercise.1. Read and choose. red nose_ put on _blue eyes_ how much_look at me_ 2. Read and write. bread yellow socks seventeen shirt pizza shoes nine sixteen red hot dog black 数词:食品:颜色:衣服:3. Read and match.1. color what is it ?_2.a its yellow hat a draw can tiger ?_用实物教具可能课堂效果更好,让学生做自己的盒子放进物品。注意eyes的复数形式,学生可能读成eye。作业布置Recite the new words and context.板书设计:Its a red nose教学后记:本科的主要知识为颜色的表达,学生比较容易接受,在教学中如果能把本课与画画相结合效果会更好,让学生在动手的同时学会知识。可适当拓展其他颜色如pink purple brown gray

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