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1、-Can you come down a little? -Sorry, its one price for all.你能便宜一点卖吗?对不起,不二价。He had one over the eight after be drank only half bottle of the wine.他才喝了半瓶酒就醉得七歪八倒了。(3)不必译出One mans meat is another mans poison.人各有所好。Ill love you three score and ten.我会一辈子爱你的。Ten to one he has forgotten it.很可能他已经忘了。His ma

2、rk in math is second to none in the class.他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的。She is a second Lei Feng.她是雷锋式的人物。I always believe my sixth sense.我总相信我的直觉。He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat.每次我们闲聊他几乎都谈及你。The parson official1y pronounced that they became one.牧师正式宣告他们成婚。I used to study in Fran

3、ce in the year one.我早年曾在法国学习。不定冠词a的翻译特点英语中不定冠词a(an)相当活跃,就连英美的作家有时对它也看法不一。现用实例来说明在翻译中常出现的一些非常规用法。(1)a day or two(one or two days)一两天但前者作主语时,谓语动词用单数、复数均可;后者作主语时,谓语用复数形式。(2)more than a year一年多的时间(即一年零几个月);比较more than one year不止一年的时间(即两年。三年)。(3)a ten years l0年a dozen times l2次用在基数词前表示一个数量单位。(4)once upon

4、 a time从前for a time暂时in a sense从某种意义上说in a measure有几分在某些口语中作“某一”“某些”讲。(5)A cow is a domestic animal母牛是家畜。主语中的a表示any“任何一个”,所以a可以表示一般性,代表全体。(6)be of an age同岁we are just of an age.我们恰好是同岁。(7)once a year一年一次three times a day一日三次其中的a近似于per, each,very用于计算价钱、时间和速度。(8)have a look看一看need a wash洗一洗a good know

5、ledge丰富的知识a crashing of gears变速箱发出的一阵阵碰撞声a screeching of tyres刹车时汽车轮胎发出刺耳的响声a有在与动词同形的名词前或名词化的动名词前,表示一定的量或一些响声。(9)We need a Washington ioday.今天我们需要像华盛顿那样的人物。The city is a London in miniature.那个城市就像是个“小伦敦”。a可以表示借喻,表示“和相似的人、事或地方。(10)I have got a complete Shakespeare at hand.我手头有莎士比亚全集。My wife is a Stua

6、rt.我的妻子是斯图亚特家的人。A Mr.Smith called this morning.有位叫史密斯的先生今天早上来过电话。His father bought an Uuderwood last week.上周他父亲买了台安德伍德牌打字机。a可用在作家、画家、名家、发明家前表示其作品,用在姓氏前表示某家族的一员或不认识的姓。(11)He settled in a China which every orie knows to have been completely changed for two years. 他在大家都知道的已经完全改变了面貌的中国定居了两年。a用在带有定语的专有名词

7、前,表示情况的改变。(12)a glass一只玻璃杯 - glass玻璃a hot coal一块烧红的煤-coal煤a heavy rain一阵大雨-rain雨a用在物质名词前,使物质名词变成普通名词(13)It is a bOther to me.这对我来说是件麻烦事。She is an honour to her school,她是个为母校增光的人。a用在抽象名词前,使抽象名词变为普通名词。(14)a new moon一轮新月(c.f. the moon月亮)a world like ours像我们这样的世界(c.f. the world世界)原本the的名词改用a后,表示某种状态。(15

8、)a red and black skirt一条红黑相间的裙子(一条)a red and a black skirt一条红裙和一条黑裙(二条)两个词同指一物或一人时只用一个a,指两件物品或两个人时,两个词分别用a我整理的英汉汉英翻译英翻中fellow countrymen 同胞?militarist军阀?Chinese Communist Party 党组织 he Grand Canal (京杭)大运河?Industrial Revolution 工业革命?down to dark从早到晚especially English 具有英国特征的cottage industry 农村手工业?Indi

9、an summer 最后的余辉stock-raising 畜牧业?Homestead Act 宅地法?wild west 西部荒原the gold rush 淘金热?basic occupation 基础产业?Department of Agriculture 农业部门the Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲coastal erosion 水土流失Mediterranean climate 地中海型气候surveyor general 测量总监?sovereign nation 主权国家?aggregate output 总产量coastal area 沿海地区?telephone conn

10、ections 电话用户?economic well-being 生活水平two way trade 双向贸易?lucrative export market 出口市场?foreign exchange 外汇sum total 总数?per capita 人均?GNP 国民生产总值joint ventures 合资企业?net income 净收入?world investment system世界投资体系the stock of foreign investment 外资存量?major economy 经济大国the stimulus, the technology and the fun

11、ding 动力、技术和资金international trade and investment 国际贸易和投资?popular science 科普读物Arctic seas 北冰洋?vegetable oil 植物油?mineral oil煤油internal combustion engine内燃机warfare on land and sea 陆战和海战minute sea creatures and plants 微小的海洋动植物?crude oil 原油?sedimentary rocks 沉积岩pitch lake 沥青湖?superhighway 高速公路?living orga

12、nism 生物体applied entomology 应用昆虫学?environmental Law环保法?wildlife 野生生物freedom from noise pollution 无噪声污染?Act 法?amendment 修正案? 转贴于bill 议案?hearing 听证会?lobby 院外活动集团?universal copyright convention 世界版权公约a system of copyright protection 版权保护制度?Contracting States 成员国Director-General 总干事mean temperature 平均温度C

13、hinas “most important historical sites” 全国重点保护文物the cultural relics文物mutual prosperity 相互繁荣international trade 世界贸易bilateral trade双边贸易commercial and financial relationships 贸易与金融关economic performance/reform经济改革economic course经济道路?employment 就业?food production 食品加工heavy industries 重工业financial services sector 金融服务foreign exchange dealing 外汇交易the international community国际社会foreign funds外国资金domestic competition 国内竞争multilateral disci

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