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1、Judging from 由来判断Considering 考虑到Assuming 假设(Consume v. 消耗 consumption n. 消耗 consumer n. 消费者)Supposing 假设Viewed from 站在的角度看1. 孩子们应该多去参加那些为了培养社会责任感(aimed at the cultivation of their sense of social responsibility)而开展的志愿者活动。Children should participate in volunteer work aimed at cultivating their sense

2、of social responsibility.2. 由于收到了媒体的影响,很多民众盲目(blindly)购买(purchase/ buy)日常生活用品(daily essential items)。Influenced by media, many people buy daily essential items blindly.Asteroids3. 虽然遭遇了(suffer, encounter, experience, undergo)苦难(adversity),但是他们仍然没有放弃他们最初的梦想。Although encountering adversities, they do

3、not give up their original (initial) dream. (ultimate adj. 最终的)(eventually, finally, lastly, ultimately, in the end adv. 最终地)4. 当看到众多孩子因为传染病(infectious diseases)而死去(pass away)时,很多医护人员(medical workers)主动(actively)申请(apply)去非洲支援。When seeing many children passed away because of infectious diseases, num

4、erous/ a large amount of medical workers apply to do volunteer work in Africa.5. 如果受到了家长的溺爱(spoil),那么孩子就会变得自私。If spoilt by parents, the children will become selfish.(spoil spoilt spoilt)虚拟语气结构1. 与现在事实相反的虚拟结构:主句主语 + would/ could/ might + do, if从句为if + 主语 + 一般过去式did或were2. 与过去事实相反的虚拟结构主句主语 + would/ co

5、uld/ might + have done, if从句为if + 主语 + 过去完成时had done1. 如果我是校长,我就会鼓励学生多参加丰富的课外活动(extracurricular activities)。If I were the headmaster, I would encourage students to join in various extracurricular activities.2. 如果我是公司领导人,我更愿意招聘(employ)那些具有创新思维(innovation idea)的年轻人。(novel n. 小说 adj. 新颖的 fiction n. 小说)

6、If I were the leader of the company, I would be willing to employ young people who have innovation ideas.3. 如果当初政府限制(limit, restrict)私家车数量的增长,交通拥堵(traffic congestion)就不会出现了。If government had restricted the rise in the number of private cars, there would not have been so much traffic congestion.4. 如果

7、这营销策略(marketing strategy)能考虑一下(consider, take sth into consideration, take sth into account)当地的文化,那它会更成功。If this marketing strategy could take local culture into account, it would be more successful.If this marketing strategy had taken local culture into account, it would have become more successful

8、.5. 如果当初他的父母多关心他,他就不会误入歧途了(go astray)。If his parents had cared about him more, he would not have gone astray.There be 句型There is a ghost wondering on the street. There is a nice story that the prince and the princess live happily ever after.1. 大都市有很完善的基础设施(infrastructure)建设,如医院、学校、商场和公共交通。(metropoli

9、s/megapolis/megalopolis n. 大城市)There is well-developed infrastructure in metropolises, such as hospitals, schools, shopping malls and public transportation.2. 学校有很多课外活动(extracurricular activities)可以培养(cultivate, develop, nurture)孩子的人际交往技能(interpersonal communication skills/ social skills)。There are

10、many extracurricular activities in school, which can nurture childrens interpersonal communication skills/ social skills.3. 贫困国家的犯罪率(crime rate)也很高。There is also a high crime rate in poor countries.4. 中国出现了一种趋势(tendency),越来越多的家长把自己的孩子送到国外学习。There is a tendency in China that more and more parents sen

11、d their children to study abroad.5. 新加坡(Singapore)在治理环境污染问题方面有着很严格的规章制度(regulations)。There are strict regulations for dealing with environmental pollution in Singapore.6. 看起来现在似乎有更多的年轻人通过网络来获取信息。There seems to be more young people getting information through Internet.7. 现在出现了一个趋势:越来越多的人更愿意独自在家过周末。No

12、w there seems to be a tendency that more and more people are willing to spend weekends at home.8. 如果政府再不限制私家车的数量,交通堵塞(traffic congestion)的问题将会变得越来越严重。There will be more serious traffic congestion if government does not restrict the number of private cars.9. 几乎没有人怀疑旅游业可以带来巨大的经济利益。There is little doubt that tourism can bring great/ enormous/ tremendous economic gains.

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