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1、interviewprospectcourse of actionin the way(by the way, in no way, in a way) make a guess at contribute to and the like (and so on) seek to do sth. in part point of view vary fromto apply for (to)have no ideabring abouttake the trouble to doput oneself in ones place to ones advantageat a disadvantag

2、eask forin hand turn down (up, on, off,)重点、难点句子详解1. A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available.例:Well inform you as soon as tickets become _. (06-4) A. valuable B. capable C. acceptable D. available 2. some suggest that the management process is decision

3、making.It is suggested that the meeting _ (hold)at some other time.3. decision making includes limiting alternatives as well as identifying them. 4. In fact, I did have several questions, but you have already answered them all.5. but do not let it worry you too much.6. There is little likelihood tha

4、t 对比:There is a/ every/no likelihood that/ofThe two sisters are _ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.(06-4) A. like B. likely C. alike D. lively重点句型1、决策是在现有的可选做法中所做的选择。A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available.2、管理者经常必须对未来的情况下做出

5、最佳的猜测,尽量不存侥幸。Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance. 3、如果没有选择,就无决策可言。If there is no choice, there is no decision to be made.4、对于管理者而言,每次决策都受到政策、程序、法律、惯例等待因素的制约。For managers, every decision has constraints based on policies, p

6、rocedures, laws, precedents, and the like.5、例如,管理者有时以非此即彼的方式来处理问题。For example, managers sometimes treat problems in an either/or fashion.6、决策者们必须有办法决定数个可选项中的哪一个是最好的-哪一个对组织目标的实现起作用最大。 Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is bestthat is, which contributes the

7、 most to the achievement of organizational goals.7.就更大的系统来说,增加研究经费以便改进产品,对该组织更有益。In the larger scheme of things, however, increased funding for research to improve the products might be more beneficial to the organization.8、有些目标比另一些目标更重要,但其排序和重要性则因人和部门而异。Some of these objectives are more important t

8、han others, but the order and degree of importance often vary form person to person and from department to department .TEXT C-E1.决策者应该能够对将来作出最好的推测。2.有人认为经理们所作的一切均与决策有关。3.没有正确的选择就没有正确的决定。4.不同的人对同样的问题有不同的看法,所以解决的办法也不同。5.决策者往往是公司业务发展的关键。历年试题1. Almost everything a manager does _ (involve) decisions, ind

9、eed, some suggest that the management process is decision making . (99.4)。2.If there is no choice, there is no decision _(make). (99.4)3. If you are now_your thirties, you can expect to live nearly one third of the rest of your life after the age of 60. (99.4) A. in B. at C. between D. among 4. Almo

10、st everything a manager does_decisions; indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. (00.4) 5. When_(present) with a common case, sales managers tend to see sales problems and production managers see production problems. 6. An organization is a group of people, and a decision

11、_(make) today may have consequences far into the future. 7. 汉译英:通常管理者必须对未来的情况作出最佳的预测。8. 决策的目的是为了实现组织的目标。9. 决策过程对经营管理至关重要。10. 经理所做的任何事情几乎都与决策有关。11. 虽然我们不能预见未来,但应当尽量减少偶然性发生。12. 不同的管理者对同一问题的解释不同。Unit 2exert collapse shrink basis launch convince operate revolve glitter unlikely (be likely to) whereas co

12、ncerned plateauin theory apply to depend on research into swallow up make use of together with in every respect in other words consist of a great many under the circumstances make a difference above all as a ruleI hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and _ kind. (06-4) A. above all B. in all

13、C. at all D. after all 1. Einstein claimed that matter and energy are interchangeable2. It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.例1:It is on Friday _ we will hold the meeting. A. that B. when C. in that time D. what 例2: As a painter, Ted was very _ about the

14、 colors he used. (03-10) A. specific B. special C. peculiar D. particular 3. The earth is one of mine planets which move in orbit round the sun.The earth is the only one of the nine planets which has life on it.4. The total water area is about three times as large as the land area.5. The more we lea

15、rn about other people, the better we understand their ideas, and, as a rule, the better we like those people themselves. 例:_ we are, _ we become. A. the oldest; the wiser B. older; wiser C. the older, the more wise D. the older; the wiser 41、天文学家和科学家认为黑洞是一种空间区,物质可以掉进黑洞但任何物质不能逃脱。Astronomers and scientists

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