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1、 多媒体课件、幻灯片、录音机、学生自带的食物、食物的卡片四、教学过程 Part1:Greetings!(师生互相问候)师生问候,使课堂气氛温馨,拉近师生距离。Part2:Warming-upSing a song: I get up in the morning (见L4中歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,使孩子们情绪高涨,主动投入到学习中。)Part3:Review利用食物图片或学生自己带的食物,复习上节课所学知识,让学生介绍自己喜欢吃什么不喜欢吃什么,并通过动作表情来让别人对自己的喜好一目了然。很好的做到温故知新! I like_. (微笑,点头) I dont like_.(皱眉,摇头)Part4:N

2、ew Concepts()做游戏Colour Point (出示食物大挂图)利用食物大挂图中颜色,做此游戏。Point to red , point to blue用已学过的知识,让更多的孩子有展示自己的机会。然后自然的导出以前所作游戏。 T: Whats your favourite colour? S1:Blue.Whats your favourite colour? S2:Red.Whats your favourite colour? 让学生了解自己在课堂上的所得和不足,以便及时的进行自我提高和更五、板书breakfast、 lunch 、supperMy favourite foo

3、d is _Lesson 6 Whats for breakfast?教学目标:一、 知识与技能:认知词汇juice eggs bread toast and jam porridge cereal 能够运用句子I like _ for breakfast.进行问答。二、 过程与方法:创设情景,使学生在语言情境中体会并使用语句。学生小组合作, 给学生更多的交流机会。运用事物或图片,学生更直观的理解认知词汇。三、 情感态度与价值观:培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。提高学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性。教学重难点:理解认知本课词汇及句子。了解西方的饮食文化,介绍早餐。教具学具:与本课教学相

4、关的实物及图片,单词卡片等。教学过程:一、 Class opening and review.1、 Greating .Hello , boys and girls ! Did you eat your breakfast?2、ReviewI like _. I dont like _. 二、New concepts1、 Whats this ?I get up in the morning . In the morning ,I eat breakfast. Whats for breakfast?Look, ask and answer“Whats this?”.出示实物及图片,演示词汇j

5、uice eggs bread toast and jamListen to the radio ,read these words a few time. Play “Whats missing?”2、 Porridge or cereal?(1). 利用手偶演示板书I like _ . I like _ for breakfast.(2). Ask and answer in pairs.What would you like for breakfast ?I like _ for breakfast.(3)帮助学生理解本课中涉及到的食物及相关的文化背景。In Canada , we ea

6、t cereal for breakfast.It comes in a box.I put milk and suger on it .(4).Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.(5). 小组创编对话 use these sentences:I like _ for breakfast. Would you like some _ ?Yes, please.No, thanks.I put _ on it. Its delicious!三、Class closing活动手册板书:juice eggs bread

7、toast and jamWhats for breakfast?I like _ .I like _ for breakfast.Lesson 7 Whats for lunch?四、 知识与技能:认知词汇sandwich milk dessert cookies ice cream cake四会单词 juice 回答问句Whats for_?能理解会唱本课英文歌曲“Its time for lunch”。五、 过程与方法:学习歌曲,使学生在语言情境中快乐使用语言。运用事物或图片,使学生更直观的理解认知词汇。六、 情感态度与价值观:培养学生的文化意识,扩展知识面。理解认知本课词汇及句子,会唱

8、本课英文歌曲。与本课教学相关的实物及图片,单词卡片,录音机等。二、 Class opening and review. How are you today ?Sing an English song you like best. 2、Review ask and answerWould you like some _ ?I likeeat _ for breakfast.What about you?3、 Lunch-time(1).T:I like _ for breakfast.Then I go to school.In the afternoon,I eat lunch. Now, i

9、ts Lunch-time! Let eat lunch!Whats for lunch?(2).Look, ask and answer“Whats this?出示实物及图片,演示词汇sandwich milk juice(3).Listen to the radio ,read these words a few time. (4).Practice in groups:I like _ .I dont like_ . I like _ for lunch .4、 Whats for dessert?(1). 教师介绍西方饮食习惯。引出dessert(2). 出示实物及图片,介绍学习词汇c

10、ookies ice cream cake(3) Ask and answer in pairs.Whats for dessert?What would you like for dessert ?I like _ for dessert.三、Lets sing a song.Listen and introduce:Its time for lunch.Point to each picture as read all the sentences with the song.Sing after the tape and do actions together.七、 展示活动 小组创编对话

11、I like _ for breakfastlunchsupperdessert.或 唱(改编)本课歌曲Its time for lunch. Lesson 7 Whats for lunch?sandwich milk juice Whats for lunch?Dessert: Its time for lunch.cookies ice cream cake Lesson 8 Again , please!一、知识与技能:能够听、说、读、写本单元词汇breakfast lunch supper chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles

12、 rice soup vegetables drink eat evening 数词11-15会唱本单元英文歌曲“Its time for lunch”。二、过程与方法:运用游戏,调动学生积极参与。创设情境,创编对话。三、情感态度与价值观:小组合作的形式培养学生的团结协作的精神。提高学生的学习兴趣,树立学生学习的自信心。一、Greating .(1)Free talk.How are you ? How old are you ?Whats this ? Do you like _ ?How many _ ?Whats for breakfastlunchsupper?(2)Sing an English song you dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables)当学生回答正确后,教师作为奖励将卡片赠送给学生。2、全班活动将所学的单词分类,如:1三餐(breakfast lunch supper) ,2时间(morning afternoon evening),3食品(chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles

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