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1、Answer the Anti-social behavior05-09, 5, 150Juvenile delinquency Grammatical accuracy and range主谓宾,主席表双谓语5复杂句 Lexical resource1. 口语A lot of=a great many, variousLet=lead to Allow to2. repetitionbeneficial-rewardingharmful-detrimental-damagingmerit, strengthdrawback100203. ChinglishMake sb interested

2、 in.Interest meExcite meAmuse meTouch-accessColorfulpleasant and enjoyable Coherence and cohesion逻辑和连贯Statement, supporting detailsSample writing雅思写作话题1. Education2. Technology and Media3. Government 4. Tourism5. Women &Families6. Culture and Languages7. Development and Globalization8. Crime9. Anima

3、ls10. Environment1. 结构,范文,句型2. 句型,语法3. 背景词4. 小作文5. 背景词雅思写作结构及段落展开雅思写作文体分类辩论类:(argumentation) 例如:What is your opinion?Do you agree or disagree?To what extent do you agree?Discuss both views and give your opinion.Sample: Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countri

4、es is a positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Whats your opinion? Some people think that universities should provide graduates with knowledge and skills needed in the workplace, while others argue th

5、at the main function of universities is to teach students theoretical knowledge. Whats your opinion? or to what extent do you agree or disagree? Modern buildings are appearing in large numbers, and some people believe that we should build our buildings in traditional styles. To what extent do you ag

6、ree or disagree?讨论类:(discussion or report) 这个类别通常是指:对比比较(compare and contrast)原因结果(cause and effect)原因解决(cause and solution)等英文中的几种问题。通常不需要同学提出观点,只需要按照作文题目的要求写出答案即可。例如:What are the advantages and disadvantages?Which is the most important and which is the least important?What are the reasons and what

7、 solutions can you suggest? Schools offer a wide range of courses such as physical education, music, economics, philosophy, math, English,geography, physics and history. Among all these subjects, which one do you think is the most important and which one is the least important? In many countries, mo

8、re and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individuals and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions.混合类 (mixed) Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an op

9、portunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to be made in the new century?文章结构1 辩论类的文章结构:1) 这种文章大家写一边倒,全部支持或者全部否定,五段式。开头段支持、反对段一支持、反对段二支持、反对段三总结段2) 还可以写部分平衡,一段支持,两段反对或者两段反对,一段支持,五段式。3) 还可以写完全平衡,一段支持一段反对,四段式

10、开头段:3支持或者反对段一支持细节1 +1句解释支持细节2+1句解释支持细节3+1句解释1+31+4=51+6=7支持或者反对段二(与第一段相反)总结段: 1+12-415212 讨论型文章结构:一般采取四段式,根据问题来回答就可以了。所以一般写作就是这四种文章结构。BannedUnbelievableMany parents tend to spoil their children, not only in the terms of money, but also in some material aspects.Taking part-time jobs benefits students

11、, not only in terms of money but also in practical skills.Supporting 1 +1Human raceHumanity很多:Numerous, a variety of 举例子的时候:关联:In addition, Furthermore, Moreover, What is moreApart from this太空探索的1. inhabitable space2. explore more resources总结理由。To sum up, I am in favor of the idea that space researc

12、h is necessary and should continue in the future. It results in various useful products for human race and various satellites produced benefit many people. Besides, we can acquire/gain scientific knowledge about other planets. 4 各个主体段落的展开1)开头段的展开:开头段一般分为三个部分,介绍背景点题,双方观点,自己的观点。2)主体段:四段式的主体段:一个主题句+三个支

13、持观点,每个支持观点加一句解释。五段式的主体段:一个主题句+三句或者四句递加的逻辑解释3)总阶段:一句总结+一句或者三句理由的归纳。开头段的写法1 介绍背景,不给观点It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is also

14、evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time.It is quite common these days for people to engage in some sports after returning home from work.It is quite common these days for students who study abroad to engage in some part-time jobs after arriving in the country.The trend is not restricted to sb (定从), but is also evident among sb (定从)The trend is notto the parents who can afford to send their children to nurseries,

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