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1、Unit 11、What do you think of game shows 8Unit 12、Dont eat in class 9初一英语人教版下册知识点内容学习目标 1. To talk about where people are from . 2. To talk about countries , cities , and languages . 3. To get some knowledge about geography in English . 4. To get information about different cultures .学习内容 A. 主要句型: 1.

2、 Where is your pen pal from ? 你的笔友来自哪里? 2. She is from Mexico. 她来自墨西哥。 3. Where does she live ? 她住在什么地方? 4. She lives in Mexico City . 她住在墨西哥城。 5. What language does she speak ? 她讲什么语言? 6. She speaks English and Spanish . 她讲英语和西班牙语。 7. Does she speak French ? 她讲法语吗? B. 主要词汇: Countries : Brazil , Sou

3、th Korea , Japan , The United States , Canada , Australia , Mexico , Argentina , China , The United Kingdom , France , Germany , New Zealand Languages : Chinese , Japanese , German , French , English , Spanish , Portuguese , KoreanOther words : pal , pen pal , south , country , New York , Rio de Jan

4、eiro , Tokyo , live , language , easy , step , beginner , advanced , conversational , introduce , written , world , Ottawa , place , physics , enjoy , frequency , nationality , dislike 难点解析 1. To ask about where people are from . 询问人们来自哪里。 a. be from “来自” (1)Where is your pen pal from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”

5、(2)Mary and Tony are from the United States . “Mary 和Tony来自美国。 (3)Im / I am from China . “我来自中国。 b. come from “来自” (1)Where do you come from ? “你来自什么地方? (2)Where does your pen pal come from ? (3)My pen pal comes from Korea . “我的笔友是韩国人。 (4)They come from Russia . “他们来自俄罗斯。 2. To ask about what langua

6、ges people speak . 询问人们讲什么语言。 (1)What language do you speak ? 你讲什么语言? (2)I speak Chinese . 我讲汉语。 (3)What language does your pen pal speak ? 你的笔友讲什么语言? (4)He speaks Japanese and a little English . 他讲日语,也讲一点英语。 注意:“说”某种语言,要用“speak”. 不能用其他的动词。 3. To ask about where people live . 询问人们居住地。 (1)Where do yo

7、u live ? 你住在哪里? I live in Beijing . 我住在北京。 (2)Where does your pen friend live ? 你的笔友住在什么地方? She lives in Washington . 她住在华盛顿。表示在某个城市,介词用“in” 如:in New York in Tokyo in Mexico City 4. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports . like“喜欢”,后多跟动词ing形式。I like listening to music ! My fat

8、her likes watching TV. Boys like playing balls. 5. Can you write to me soon ? 你可以快些给我写信吗? write to sb . “给某人写信” I write to my pen pal twice (两次)a month . 我每月给我的笔友写两次信。 Sometimes I write to my parents . 6. I enjoy physics class at school . enjoy “非常喜欢”,指可以从中得到乐趣。 e.g. I enjoy listening to classical m

9、usic . 听古典音乐是种享受。 He enjoys his meals . 他非常满意饭菜。学习目标 :1、掌握表示地点的词汇;2、掌握where 引导的特殊疑问句;3、能够简单地描述地点方位;4、能够画出简单的示意图。语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇1掌握表示地点的词汇和短语:hotel, bank, park, supermarket, street, avenue, new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy, left, right, near, paypost office, video arcade, next to,

10、pay phone, across from, betweenand, turn left / right, go straight, take a walk, excuse me, go through, take a taxi, arrive at2掌握where引导的特殊疑问句;3能够简单地描述地点方位;4能够画出简单的示意图;5. There be句型以及where句型的问答。教学重点和难点1. 重点:问路和指路。句型:Is there a near hear/ in the neighborhood? Go straight and turn left/right. Its down

11、 on the left/right.2. 难点:要使学生能在看地图给他人指路时,把自己设身处地地放到地图当中去,不然很难搞清楚何为左何为右。同时要熟练掌握指路时的几个重点句子,能举一反三。 一、学习目标谈论自己的喜好询问他人的喜好能够谈论喜爱某种动物的理由二、学习向导语言目标:使用like的一般现在时句型,使用like的一般现在时的疑问句,并作肯定与否定回答。学会使用What animals do you like ? I like koalas .Why do you like koalas ?Because theyre cute .重点词汇:Zoo , animal , tiger ,

12、 elophant , koalas , dolphin , panda , lion , penguin , gireffe , smart , cute , kind of跨学科学习了解自然,熟知更多的动物,保护动物。三、重点句型Why do you like pandas ?Because they re very cute .Why does he like koalas ?Because theyre kind of interesling .What animals do you like ?I like elephants .Unit 4、I want to be an acto

13、r学习目标:1.知识目标1)词汇:doctor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, sales assistant, dangerous2)句型: What does he do? He is a waiter.What do you want to be? I want to be an actor.Where does he work? He works at a bank.2.能力目标: 谈论有关职业的话题. 为将来踏入社会求职打下基础.3.情感目标: 热爱学习, 以便将来在各自不同的岗位上为建设祖国做出贡献。重点,难点1.重点1

14、) -What do you do? -I am a reporter.2) -What does he do? -He is a student.3) -What do you want to be? -I want to be an actor.4) -What does he want to be? -He wants to be a bank clerk.2.难点一般现在时态的概念和用法: 当主语用第三人称单数时, 谓语动词的相应变化。Unit 5、 Im watching TV1.语言知识:本单元要求掌握以下词汇(phone, mall, movies, sound, show, boring, libra

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