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1、 Saturday,September 3 , 2011At the end of September, if Congress doesnt act, funding for our roads and bridges will expire. This would put a stop to highway construction, bridge repair, mass transit systems and other important projects that keep our country moving quickly and safely. And it would af

2、fect thousands of construction workers and their families who depend on the jobs created by these projects to make ends meet. Usually, renewing this transportation bill is a no-brainer. In fact, Congress has renewed it seven times over the last two years. But thanks to political posturing in Washing

3、ton, they havent been able to extend it this time and the clock is running out. Allowing this bill to expire would be a disaster for our infrastructure and our economy. Right away, over 4,000 workers would be furloughed without pay. If its delayed for just 10 days, we will lose nearly $1 billion in

4、highway funding that we can never get back. And if we wait even longer, almost 1 million workers could be in danger of losing their jobs over the next year. Those are serious consequences, and the pain will be felt all across the country. In Virginia, 19,000 jobs are at risk. In Minnesota, more than

5、 12,000. And in Florida, over 35,000 people could be out of work if Congress doesnt act. That makes no sense and its completely avoidable. Theres no reason to put more jobs at risk in an industry that has been one of the hardest-hit in this recession. Theres no reason to cut off funding for transpor

6、tation projects at a time when so many of our roads are congested; so many of our bridges are in need of repair; and so many businesses are feeling the cost of delays. This isnt a Democratic or a Republican issue its an American issue. Thats why, last week, I was joined at the White House by represe

7、ntatives from the AFL-CIO and the Chamber of Commerce two groups who dont always see eye-to-eye, but who agree that its critically important for our economy that Congress act now.Thats also why 128 mayors from both parties wrote to Congress asking them to come together and pass a clean extension. Th

8、ese are the local leaders who are on the ground every day, and who know what would happen to their communities if Congress fails to act. So Im calling on Congress, as soon as they come back, to pass a clean extension of the transportation bill to keep workers on the job, keep critical projects movin

9、g forward, and to give folks a sense of security.Theres a lot of talk in Washington these days about creating jobs. But it doesnt help when those same folks turn around and risk losing hundreds of thousands of jobs just because of political gamesmanship. We need to pass this transportation bill and

10、put people to work rebuilding America. We need to put our differences aside and do the right thing for our economy. And now is the time to act.ObamaSaturday,August 27, 2011WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama called on the American people to come together in the spirit of service and re

11、membrance as we approach the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. All Americans can pay tribute to those who lost their lives during 9/11 by visiting Serve.Gov to find ways to help within their own communities. Through even the smallest of actions, we can reclaim the sense of unity that

12、followed the attacks, and demonstrate that our sense of common purpose is just as strong today as it was ten years ago. Americans can once again come together to mark this solemn anniversary with service, and move towards a bright future as one nation.In just two weeks, well come together, as a nati

13、on, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Well remember the innocent lives we lost. Well stand with the families who loved them. Well honor the heroic first responders who rushed to the scene and saved so many. And well pay tribute to our troops and military families, and all t

14、hose who have served over the past ten years, to keep us safe and strong. Well also recall how the worst terrorist attack in American history brought out the best in the American people. How Americans lined up to give blood. How volunteers drove across the country to lend a hand. How schoolchildren

15、donated their savings. How communities, faith groups and businesses collected food and clothing.We were united, and the outpouring of generosity and compassion reminded us that in times of challenge, we Americans move forward together, as one people. This September 11th, Michelle and I will join the commemorations at Ground Zero, in Shanksville, and at the Pentagon. But even if you cant be in New York, Pennsylvania or Virginia, every American can be part of this anniversary. Once again, 9/11 will be a National Day of Service and Remembrance. And in the days and weeks ahead, folks across th

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