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1、组建足球队_;取得好成绩_;吃更健康的食物_;进行大量锻炼_;学一门外语_;上吉他课_。二、单项选择。1.Can you see _ in the picture? A. different something B. different anything C.something different D. anything different 2.What can I do for you? I want to buy _. A. five slice bread B. five slice of bread C. five slices of breads D. five slices of

2、bread3.Look! This is a recipe _ a great turkey sandwich. A. for B. to C. in D. with4.Jane _her next winter holiday in Rome. A . will spend B. is going to spend C. are going to spend D. spent5.Chen Liu never studies hard, so he can _- answer teachers questions. A. usually B. always C. often D. hardly

3、自主互助学习 一、 阅读63页的内容,完成下列问题。1.仔细阅读3a中的文章,填写下列表格。We got over 1000 letters, faxes and e-mail from ourreaders about their NewYears resolutionsMany readerswork harder in school2.小组内讨论你们填写的结果。3.翻译下列词组并大声朗读识记它们。调查结果_;超过,多于_/_;在学校更加刻苦学习_;做运动_;吃更多蔬菜_;学习一门新的外语_;多锻炼以保持好的身材_;与孩子更好地交流_;辞去工作_;找一份作为一个语言老师的工作_;许下新年愿

4、望(新年决心)_。4.练习复述课文。二、弄清题意并在课本上写下这篇文章。【课堂练习】根据的要求,写一篇关于你自己新年决心的文章。你需要首先在下列表格中简单写出至少个你的新年愿望(决心)、原因及实现它们的途径,然后,通过使用恰当的顺序副词及“be going to + 动词原形”这个一般将来时的结构将它写成一篇清晰明了的文章。My New Years ResolutionsNew Years ResolutionsReasonsHow are you going to do them?_【要点归纳】 回顾所学词组;复述3的文章。【拓展练习】 选择 “German, How, What, make

5、, study, practice, sounds, look, resolution, France”中恰当的单词补全对话。Wang: Did you make a New Years 1 this year?Zhang:Yes, Mr. Wang. 2 are you going to do? Well, Im going to learn to play a new instrument. 3 are you going to do that? Im going to 4 a lot and Im going to ask my parents for a family tutor(家庭

6、教师) What about you, Rose? Did you 5 a New Years resolution?Rose: Sure. Im going to learn to speak 6 . Oh, that 7 a little difficult. It is one of the most difficult languages.I hope you can do it. Thanks so much. 1._;2._;3._;4._;5._;6._;7._.【总结反思】【课题】Unit11 Could you please clean your room? SectionA

7、1a-1c(1)(1课时)1.识记并运用关于家务事的词组。2.学会使用 “could”提出礼貌委婉的请求。识记关于家务事的词组;学会向别人提出礼貌委婉的请求。一、默写下列单词。总是_;通常_;经常_;有时候_;几乎不_;从不_;首先_;然后_;接下来_;那个之后_;最后_。二、按要求完成句子。1.He took the subway to school.(变为同义句) He _ to school _ _.2.We got over 1000 letters, faxes and e-mail from different readers.(变为同义句) We got _ _ 1000 let

8、ters, faxes and e-mail from different readers.3.They enjoyed themselves yesterday.(变为同义句) They _ _ yesterday.4.I spent three hours finishing reading these five stories.(变为同义句) It _ me three hours _ _ reading these five stories.5.He learnt to play an instrument when he was five years old.(变为同义句) He l

9、earnt to play an instrument _ _ _ _ five.6.This cook eats vegetalbes four times a week.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ the cook _ vegetables?7.The manager is going to make their employees(雇员,员工) work 10 hours.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ the manager_ _ make their employees work.8.He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 mouths.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ he _ ?一、 阅读65页的内容,完成下列问题。1仔细观察图片并根据图片的提示,将1a中的短语写到表格第二行相应的空格中去。整理你的床铺倒垃圾扫地洗碗折叠你的衣服打扫客厅2.先将下边这些词写到对应的空格处,然后使用它们对这些家务事进行评价。 tired, dirty, boring, interesting, easy, difficult, ne

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