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1、直接法、听说法、情景法、任务型教学法七、Teaching proceduresStep1 :Warm-up老师播放Old Mac Donald音频,师生同唱这首儿歌,提高学习气氛。Step2 :老师用PPT呈现Lets read 部分的图片,问“What can you see in the picture ?” 学生用中文回答所看到的动物。老师从而呈现“Sperm Whate and Killer Whate ”。然后老师让学生快速阅读文章大意。回答“Sperm Whate and Killer Whate ”之间的不同。找出不会的单词,老师进行带读,然后在进行分组读和自己默读。Step3

2、:把Fill in the blanks 部分用PPT呈现,让学生根据互文章的内容,完成下面的填空,根据填空加深文章的印象,然后让学生跟着录音大声朗读课文,同时卡片呈现新单词“skill, length, shark, squid” , 老师读学生跟读,然后one by one的形式读.( )Step4 :Post-reading给3分钟的思考时间,让学生用自己的话对文章进行复述一遍,对没有理解的,老师进行引导,帮助学生进行巩固。八、Homework给每位学生发一篇与上述类似的文章,回家完成,下次课前交上。九、Blackboard design小学英语教学设计方案教学内容1、主题:Wheres



5、ouagain小学英语教师资格面试 How Do You Go There教案Unit 1 How Do You Go ThereLesson Type: New lessonPeriod: The first periodTeaching Objects:1、Knowledge and Skill ObjectsTo enable the students to hear, read and write the new words like subway, bus, plane ,train and on foot, and also the main sentence: How do yo

6、u go to.? I go . .2、Ability ObjectsTo develop students ability of speaking and to train the students ability of communication in the real situation.3、Emotional ObjectsTo foster the students awareness of living a healthy life and protecting our environment.Teaching Key PointsTo help students he

7、ar, read and write the sentence: How do you go to . ? I go to .by .Teaching Difficult PointsTo help the students to make use of this conversation in their daily life.Teaching AidsTape recorder, pictures, PPTTeaching ProceduresStep 1、Lead-inShow a video clip about a busy day on the street and ask stu

8、dents to describe it. Then ask questions about todays topic, such as “There are many ways to go to somewhere, do you know what they are?”Step 2、 Presentation(1) Show a picture of bus, then teacher say “I go to school by bus , how do you go to school?” With the showing of a picture of bike and help s

9、tudents to answer with “I go to school by bike”. In the same way, to teach them“I go to . by plane/by train/ on foot.”(2) Play games. Ask one student to the front and stick the word cards next to the sentences written on the blackboard when teacher read the sentence quickly and the other students pu

10、t up their cards. The one who reflect fastest and correctly is the winner.Step 3、 Practice(1) Activity 1: Play a match game, offering the places, such as school, park, Beijing, America.and traffic ways like by bus/train/plane/on foot. Ask students to match the proper transportation to go somewhere.(

11、2) Activity 2: Pair work. After matching, students work in pairs to make up as many sentences as they can with above places and ways of transportation, and then make a conversation and practice it in pairs.Step 4、 Consolidation(1) Task 1: students work in groups to make a survey about “How do you go

12、 to school?”, and then make a table to present the results of your group members.NameMeans of transportationLi Mingby busWang Leion foot.(2) Task 2: Make a report about “How do you go to school?” based on your survey and report it to the whole class.Step 5、SummaryStudents make a summary on what they

13、 have learned this class, and teacher make supplement that although we go to school in different ways, we all need to pay attention to the safety and enjoy your way to school every day, whats more, teacher encourage the students to go to school on foot to keep healthy and protect our environment.Step 6、 HomeworkMake a survey on how your family members go to work or go to school and describe it by using the words and sentences we have learned this class.Black

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