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1、 2) your presentation and performance in the lectures and your fulfillment of the assignments given by the teacher (20%).IntroductionWhat is language?Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication (Hu, et al. 1988: 3). System (系统性): elements in it are arranged according

2、 to certain rules, they cannot be combined at will.Arbitrary (任意性): pen (English) 钢笔 (Chinese)万年筆 (Japanese)Symbolic (符号): words are associated with objects, actions, ideas by convention.Design features of human language Arbitrariness(任意性):凳子 (Chinese), chair (English),椅子 (Japanese).Duality(二重性:两个系统

3、): sounds vs. meaningCreativity(创造性): to talk anything we never heard before.Displacement (移位性) : human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and place) at the moment of communicationWhy we learn/use a language (the function of language

4、)?Informative function (信息功能)Interpersonal function (人际功能) 1) performative function (施为功能) eg. Stand up. 2) emotive function (情感功能) eg. God! 哇sei!3) phatic function (寒暄功能):吃饭了?去哪里?Good morning!Recreational function (娱乐性功能) eg. verbal dualing (对歌)Metalingual function (元语言功能 ): using our language to t

5、alk about itself. Definition and classification/branches of linguistics Phonetics (语音学): to study speech sounds.Phonology (音系学): to study sounds patterns (system).Morphology (形态学): to study the internal organization of words. Syntax (句法学): principles of forming and understanding correct English sent

6、ences.Semantics (语义学): to study how meaning is encoded in a language.Pragmatics (语用学) : the study of meaning in context.Macrolinguistics (宏观语言学) : to study the relationship between linguistics and other disciplinesPsycholinguistics (心理语言学)Sociolinguistics (社会语言学)Anthropological linguistics (人类语言学)Co

7、mputational linguistics (计算机语言学) Foreign and Second Language Learning: a multiple discipline (closely connected with the above disciplines)Foreign language vs. second languageForeign language: a foreign language is learned primarily for contact outside ones own community, eg. English in China. Secon

8、d language (L2 in its narrow meaning): a second language has social functions within the community where it is learnt, eg. English in India and Hong Kong. Used officially. Official language. (hyponym下义词)Second language (L2 in its broad meaning): any language other than ones mother tongue. (superordi

9、nate上坐标词)The term Second language as a cover term for both foreign and second language.Second languageSecond language Foreign languageIdea of mother/native/first language or mother tongue, eg. Chinese is our mother/native/first language or mother tongue (L1)Target language (TL): the language the lan

10、guage learner is going to master.Why learn a second language?For exams or for communication, getting information? What is the criterion of a good L2? India: fluency China: accuracy Idiomaticity Merits and shortcomingsThe ideal one: both fluency and accuracyImmersion (浸入式学习), eg. a Chinese child live

11、 and learn English in an American primary school. his pronuciation, intonation and grammarSpeak idiomatically(地道性)Chinglish: not only ones knowledge of the pronunciation, intonation and grammar of the target language, but also his knowledge of the culture of the language, especially the way he is th

12、inking. Mental translation. eg. Have you ever had your breakfast?红烧肉What is language acquisition? It refers to the childs acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.What is SLA (second language acquisition)?L2 acquisition can be d

13、efined as the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside and outside of a classroom; SLA as the study of this. Language teaching : teacher-centered, spoon-feed, students are like soft clay.Behaviorist idea (行为主义观点): stimuli - response- reinforcement Focuses on the ex

14、ternal factors.Language learning: learner-centered. Learners are the main actors.Input(输入)-output (输出)Input -intake(吸收) -outputWhat is the role of the teacher?Guide, helper, organizer, father, friend, protector, psychologist, doctorWhat is the role of the language learner?main actor, active participantAcquisition vs. learningAcquisition (习得):refers to subconscious process. It is in natural linguistic setting, by subconsciousness, informal, focus on meaning.Learning (学得): refers to conscious process for internalizing a second language. It is in classroom setting, by consciousness, form

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