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2、,详细介绍分析了济南光明机器有限公司进行业务流程再造的背景及其必然必要性,揭示了供应链企业业务流程再造的动因。第四章是案例分析第二部分,首先指出基于供应链流程再造的原则,并通过对济南光明机器有限公司原有业务流程特征进行深入剖析,在此基础上对流程再造过程进行了详细阐述。并通过对客户、企业自身与供应商组成整个供应链中的全部业务流程进行重新设计,构造出新的流程模型。第五章是本文结论部分,概括了供应链管理环境下业务流程再造的本质,并指出本文研究对我国企业开展流程再造的启发性意义。关键词:供应链,供应链管理,业务流程,业务流程再造 AbstractSupply chain management (SCM

3、) and business process reengineering (BPR) are two kinds of management modes to seek to promote the competitiveness from outside and inside of organization border by enterprises, while face to outside market with predominant custom, fast changing, keen competition and various kinds of inside environ

4、ments with highly mobility of production. Two theories are pursued to pay close attention worldwide from 1990s. But the research and practice are still in ascending stage of development, especially while SCM becomes the environment. The traditional business process needs to expand further. Combining

5、 the BPR case of Jinan Guangming Machine Co., Ltd, this paper discusses just like BPR model under the SCM environment.This paper fetches the real example and analyses the research, through succeeding in launching the case analysis that the business process gives a new lease of life to Jinan Guangmin

6、g machine Co., Ltd., The paper includes the following several parts content:Chapter one, the part of the introduction, has introduced background of the selected title, selected title meaning, thesis research value and research approach, make the brief introduction to the place of innovation of this

7、paper finally. Chapter two, recommended SCM with the traditional business process basic conception, essential characteristic and domestic and international research results of giving a new lease of life to the theory. Have explained the traditional business process gives a new lease of life to and s

8、upplies the close connection between the SCM, point out the essence that the traditional business process gives a new lease of life to emphatically and each link the relation between degree, and point out at the end that the traditional business process has not broken through the organization border

9、, have already hindered the further improvement of enterprises key competitiveness under SCM environment. So BPR needs to “reengineering” under SCM. And through constructing the process Division VS process model , give a new lease of life to the content, trend, degree that will be involved to the bu

10、siness process possibly and carry on the trying theory to derive. Chapter three, the first part of case analysis, detailed introduction to Jinan Guangming Machine Co., Ltd, carry on the background and inevitable necessity of BPR, and point out the reason that BPR needs to reengineering in the enterp

11、rises fact to SCM. Chapter four, the second part of case analysis, point out the business reengineering principle under SCM at first, and through analyzing the original business process of the case deeply, explains in detail the process on this basis. And construct out the new process model after th

12、rough the business process analysis about the customer, enterprise, the other supplier corporation.Chapter five, this paper conclusion part, generalizes the essence of BPR under SCM environment, and point out the enlightening meaning while enterprises of our country reengineer their process.Key word

13、s: Supply chain, SCM, Business process, BPR目录第一章 绪论 11.1选题背景 11.2选题意义及论文研究价值 31.3本文研究思路及内容 41.4本文写作方法 41.5本文创新之处 5第二章 相关理论综述与辨析 62.1供应链管理基本理论 62.1.1供应链管理的产生背景 62.1.2供应链及供应链管理的概念特征 72.1.3供应链管理文献探索 82.1.4供应链管理与传统管理模式的区别 102.1.5小结 102.2业务流程再造基本理论 122.2.1业务流程概念解析 122.2.2业务流程再造的产生背景 122.2.3业务流程再造概念的提出 14

14、2.2.4 业务流程再造的本质 152.2.5业务流程再造的维度 162.2.6业务流程再造中的“分工”一个模型探讨 182.2.7小结 20第三章 基于供应链的业务流程再造原因 213.1市场竞争激烈 213.2产业集聚效应 233.3成员企业位于供应链中核心位置 243.4核心企业竞争力下降 263.5小结 27第四章 基于供应链的业务流程再造过程 294.1供应链环境下业务流程再造的原则 294.2供应链环境下业务流程再造维度的重新识别 314.2.1业务流程四层次 314.2.2业务流程识别结果 324.3原有业务流程分析 324.3.1观念层次 334.3.2核心业务流程层次 334

15、.3.3组织层次 354.3.4技术层次 354.4供应链管理环境下业务流程再造实施 364.4.1部门内层次再造 364.4.2部门间层次再造 414.4.3企业间层次再造 434.4.4支持保障层次再造 444.5业务流程再造评价 46第五章 结 论 48参考文献 48后记 50第一章 绪论1.1选题背景从世界范围来看,自二十世纪九十年代以来,企业经营面临的外部环境发生了巨大变化:顾客需求上,越来越体现出“多样化、个性化”特征;企业之间的竞争,已经由过去的相对简单、静态、缓和转变到如今的较为复杂、动态和激烈;经济、政治、社会等因素也在以比过去更快的频率在发生变化(马士华 2000);另外,从企业组织

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