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新课标英语高三上模块十Unit 4 Learning EfficientlyWord格式.docx

1、 Get the students t n h t be a suessful and effiient reader and r ut a prgra t iprve their reading Teahing diffiult pints: Enable the students t use the infratin entined in the reading part t evaluate their reading and r ut an iprveent strategi prgra Teahing ethds:perative learning, tas-based learni

2、ng Teahing aids:A puter, a blabard, a tape-rerd Teahing predures:Step Lead-in1Greetings2Sh the a alulatin questin “ 1+2+3+100=?” The students surel ill respnd iediatel ith an anser 00 As the h first red ut the prble in the rld ith a uh easier slutin (A ten-ear-ld b (高斯(F Gauss ) red ut the prble ass

3、igned b the teaher in a fe sends)3Get a nlusin: Fr this exaple, e n the signifiane f ethd Right ethds an alas help iprve the effiien f slving prbles As t ur stud, e an als appl ertain ethds r strategies t ae urselves an effiient learnerStep aring-up1 Assign Exerise 1 Disuss Ss ansers1Set Exerise 2 2

4、As Ss t help u ae a list n the bard f readn fr learning English, fr exaple:᠄t pass an exat get int universit fr further stud in English t read bs in Englishfr travel purpsest get a better b3Having ritten the list, g thrugh the st ppular reasns fr learning English and as hat sills the ill need

5、in rder t sueed4Assign Exerise 2hen Ss have pleted their graphs, ass the t disuss ith a partner hether the nsider the are giving the right aunt f tie t eah language area arding t their reasns fr studing EnglishStep Reading1As Ss t disuss the six grups f questin in Exerise 1 Spend se tie heing their

6、ansers and reinfring the ideas utlined abve2Set Exerise 2 Step Reading1As the Ss t read the text n their n, eeping in ind that their reasn fr reading the text is t plete the first exerise in prehending In rder t disurage Ss fr reading in re detail than the need at the end f the exerise, give the a s

7、et tie fr read the passage and plete Exerise 1 Advise the nt t l up unnn rds in their ditinar, but t underline an the annt r ut the eaning fr2As Ss t finish Exerise 2 The a read the text again if neessar, but nl ne, befre ansering the questin in Exerie23As Ss t read the text ne re in pairs r grups a

8、rding t their abilit And d Exerise 3 ≈ 4Step Her 1 As Ss t g ver the text again and underline pints the find diffiult in the text2 As Ss t evaluate their reading stle and r ut a prgra t iprve their reading r giving thers suggestins h t iprve reading effiien新标英语高三上模块十Unit 4 Learning Effiientl Peri

9、d 2 Language Pints1Target Languageentigrade, petent, allate, blet, reipe, in detail, sl dn, frequent, nsult, aptin, shabb, rainb, breer, aute, bent, ab, urren, uisine2Abilit galsEnable Ss t use the ne rds in the text r passagesEnable Ss t give rrespndent definitin f eah ne rdEnable Ss t learn useful

10、 strateg t expand their vabular Enable Ss t use the ne rds in ntextEnable Ss t learn useful strateg t expand their vabularA puter, a blabard, a tape-rerdedStep GreetingsStep Lead-inT: esterda e read the text n “H t bee an effiient Reader” D u g thrugh the text again after lass? S Id lie as ne Ss t t

11、ell us hat advies are given in the textStep Language pints in Reading1As Ss t figure ut hether the have diffiult pints in the reading passage 2Anser t the respetivel3Here are 2 n diffiult pints fr refereneLanguage Pints1There are ertain tehniques u an learn and then it is up t u t pratie, pratie and

12、 pratie 有某些技能技巧可供你学习,然后就全靠你自己练习、练习,再练习了。it is up t sebd 意思是 it is sebds respnsibilit r dut, 可理解成“取决于某人;在于;该由负责”如:Shall e g ut? 我们可以出去吗?Its up t u由你决定。 I ant tae the deisin Its nt up t e 我不能做决定,这不取决我。拓展up t 还有表示“深度、高度、地位等”直到;(数目上)直到,至多;“接近于;达到”“胜任、适宜”等意思。ar is sall and ust es up t Bills hest Everne h

13、as his part t pla, fr the ffie b up t the president The red here up t the last inute Up t ten peple an sleep in this tent If ur gds are up t the saple, the ill ertainl sell ell in the aret The interpreters English as nt up t the tas hat have u been up t latel?2 Fr exaple, suppse in bilg u ere studing h plants reprdue, then u uld fin d an English text abut this n the Internet 例如:假设在生物学中,你正在研究植物如何繁衍,那你会在因特网上找到有关这方面的 suppse 可以看成连接词,意思是 iagine hat ill/uld happen if 它所引导的从句表示“主观设

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