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1、六课时。第一课时:BC 部分第二课时:A部分第三课时:DEF部分第四课时:GH部分和练习第五课时:单元测试第六课时:试卷分析第一课时1能听、说、读、写单词和词组:penfriend, glue, envelope, postcard, finish, writng paper, write a letter, e-mail address, a fax number, a fax machine2能听、说、读、写句型:Can I have a/an/some/the?What for?I want toSure. Here you are.1penfriend, glue, envelope,

2、 postcard, finish, writng paper, write a letter, e-mail address, a fax number, a fax machine 的正确读音和拼写。2Can I have some? 句型中some 的用法。3注意I want与I want to后单词的不同词性。教学准备:pen, postcard, envelope, glue, writing paper等的实物或图片。投影仪,本单元磁带教学过程:1 Free talkDuty EnglishWhats the weather like in spring?Which season

3、do you like best?Why?What can you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?Can I have a look at?Do you want?Do you want to? Ask Ss to talk freely.2New words teaching T: Do you have a penfriend? S: Yes/No. 引出penfriend Can I have a pen and some writing paper?S: Sure. Here you are.T: I want to write a letter.

4、 I finish my letter. But I dont have an envelope. (Turn to a S.) Can I have an envelope?引出finish, envelope,writing paper强调envelope前用an, paper后无须加s。 Can I have some glue?引出glue. I want to write a letter to my penfriend. This is his e-mail address.引出e-mail address.T用幻灯给学生看传真机和贺卡的图片,教授a fax machine和a f

5、ax number, postcard。Teach both, lake, everything:1) Tell the Ss the difference between both and all. 2) everything, something, nothing, anything3New drills teaching1) T: Can I have a pen?2) S: Can I have a postcard? (Help S to answer.) I want to write to(S-T, T-S)4 Practice I want a pen.Can I have a

6、 pen? (S-S, 让学生在新句型基础上尽量扩充对话内容。)5 Listening to the tape Listen and read after the tape on Page 56.6 Look and say Look at the pictures and talk to the partner. Then T asks several Ss to check.7 Homework1) Copy the new words and phrases six times.2) Try to recite them.板书设计: Unit 7 A letter to a penfri

7、end penfriend write a letter postcard writing paper envelope e-mail address glue a fax number a fax machine everything both finish Can I have? I want to教学后记:第二课时1 听懂、会说、会读并会拼写单词also2 听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Ihopeso.WhatshouldIdo?3 正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。4 运用本课所学知识,鼓励学生大胆用英文与国外友人沟通。教学重、难点:1正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话

8、。2运用本课所学知识,鼓励学生大胆用英文与国外友人沟通。A部分教学挂图,布置课前预习A部分对话。1 Speak English. Can you?What do you want?What do you want to do?Do you have any brothers or sisters?Where do you live?Who do you want to write to?2 Say a rhymeI want to write a letter.3 Listen, read and say (1) T: Yesterday afternoon, Liu Tao read abo

9、ut an English boy, Peter, in the newspaper. What does Liu Tao want to do? Lets listen. 让学生先听引言部分回答问题。(2)Listen to the tape, and then answer the questions. What does Liu Tao want?(3)T uses the picture of the text. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and then answer the questions about Peter. Whos Peter? W

10、here does he live? Does he have any brothers or sisters/ What are his hobbies? Do Liu Tao and Peter have the same hobbies?(4) After knowing about the text, Ss read after the tape.(5) Do the exercise.(6)活动自我介绍。为增强此项活动的趣味性,可以要求学生在写自我介绍时不提到自己的名字;再将全班分为6-8组,把收上来的个人简介打乱发给每个学生,让学生通过阅读猜出作者是谁。4 Homework Copy the text and try to recite it.Whos Peter?第三课时1培养学生正确的听力习惯,提高听力水平。2让学生观察信件和电子邮件的格式,并介绍英文信件和电子邮件的写法,包括地址,日期,起首语,结尾问候语的处理方法。3鼓励学生大胆用英文与国外友人沟通。4了解字母组合ur在单词中的读音。5学说歌谣I want to write a letter.2向学生介绍英文书信的书写方法。录音带,教学挂图,实物投影,写好的信,电子邮件与信封1Free talkWhat do

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