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1、s responsibility to promote a harmonious state、 As nature is harmonious so must society be、 在公元前第五世纪,孔子有着巨大而持久得影响。儒家得价值观强调道德与义务,如责任、忠诚、孝道、尊重她人或长者,资历与诚意。在儒家思想中,每个人都有一个对统治者、对长辈、对家庭、对权威得义务与义务得权利。在儒家主义有循环自然元素。儒家伦理认为它就是集体所有人得责任,以促进一个与谐得国家。因为自然就是与谐得,所以必须社会。Another aspect of Chinese thinking is influenced

2、by Taoist philosophy developed around the same time as Confucius、 Taoism emphasizes the principle of Wuwei (action through nonaction), naturalness, simplicity, and spontaneity coupled with passion, moderation, and humility、 Often symbolized by yin and yang the concept that everything depends on oppo

3、sing forces and the need to keep them in harmony and balance、中国思想得另一个方面就是受道家哲学得影响,大约与孔子就是同一时间发展起来得。道教强调“无为”得原则(通过行动行动),自然,简单,与自发性再加上同情,温与,谦卑。通常象征着阴阳得概念,一切都取决于反对力量与需要保持与谐与平衡。Summary: Chinas traditional culture is the bination of Confuciuss Confucianism and Lao Tzus Taoist thought、小结:中国得传统文化就是孔子得儒家思想与

4、老子得道家思想得得结合。Todays Chinese culture今天得中国文化Todays China is a plex blend of traditional Chinese culture (characterized by Confucianism and Taoism), munism, with a growing influence of Western culture、 With the advent of munism in the 20th Century, Confucian values were themselves under threat and suffe

5、red relegation to the shadows of munism, even though some elements of Confucianism actually worked in synergy with munist philosophy、 In todays modern China Confucianism is less threatened by munism as it is from the enticements of capitalism、 今天得中国就是一个复杂得中国传统文化(以儒教与道教),共产主义,西方文化得影响越来越大。随着共产主义在20世纪,

6、儒家价值观本身受到威胁,遭受降级共产主义得阴影,虽然儒家得一些元素实际上在协同工作与共产主义哲学。在今天得现代中国儒学更少受到共产主义得威胁,因为它就是来自资本主义得诱惑。Though China has embraced a partially capitalist agenda hungrily grasping many Western business concepts and ways of operating, it has spurned being a western clone、 Its long and proud history, rising global status

7、 and emerging sense of self confidence post the 2008 Olympic Games is more likely to see China reshaping its own cultural values for the foreseeable future rather than assimilating or converging with other leading cultures、虽然中国已经接受了部分资本主义议程,抓住许多西方商业操作得概念与方法,它拒绝成为西方得克隆。它得悠久而自豪得历史,不断上升得全球地位与新兴得自信2008年

8、奥运会后更有可能瞧到中国重塑自己得文化价值观在可预见得未来而不就是同化或与其她领先得文化融合。 now the Chinese traditional culture has been greatly influenced by the western capitalist culture, but the Chinese culture can gradually shape their own cultural value and strive to achieve cultural integration、现在得中国传统文化受到了西方资本主义文化得很大影响,但中国文化可逐渐在塑造自己得文

9、化价值,并且努力地实现文化融合。 (2) 从这篇文章来瞧,中国与西方文化得差别表现在哪些方面?Question Thinking 问题思考chinese culture 中国文化In Confucianism there is an element of circular nature、 Time is a good example wherec the same things happen again and again、History to the Chinese is circular and nonlinear as it is often perceived in the West、

10、在儒家思想中,有一个元素得循环性质。时间就是一个很好得例子,同样得事情发生在一次又一次,历史得中国人就是循环得,非线性得,因为它通常被认为在西方。Western culture 西方文化In Western thinking problems are often tackled in a more linear, rational, and direct manner、 And selecting options of instances may be very specific based on objective considerations、 在西方得思想问题往往以更为线性、合理、直接得

11、方式来解决。选择得实例可能就是非常具体得基于客观得考虑。 the Confucian thought that thinking about the problem of recycling, western thinking that the problem is linear、儒家思想认为思考问题时循环得,西方思想认为问题就是线性得。munication 传播chinese culture 中国文化munication in China can be more like a chess game, often subtle and indirect、 In China a yes coul

12、d in fact mean no、 Chinese will rarely be blunt on the basis it may offend and cause loss of face、 Chinese may see their Western counter parts as sometimes rude, blunt, or uncaring 、在中国得传播更像就是一个国际象棋游戏,往往就是含蓄与间接得。在中国,“就是”实际上意味着“不”。中国很少会生硬得基础上,它可能冒犯与造成丢脸。中国可能会瞧到她们得西方人有时粗鲁,钝,或冷漠。In Western culture yes

13、generally means yes and no means just that、 Westerners perceiving Chinese as indecisive, less confident and not proactive、在西方文化中,“就是”通常意味着“就是”,“不”就意味着。西方人认为中国人优柔寡断,缺乏自信,不积极得。 as a result of the situation is not the same, easy to cause mutual misunderstanding, due to the lack of awareness of cultural

14、 thinking and sensitive or wrong stereotypes、由于情况得不一样,容易造成相互误解,由于缺乏意识得文化思考与敏感或错误得刻板印象。Human relations 人得关系Confucian ethics hold that it is collectively everyones responsibility to promote a harmonious state、 As nature is harmonious so must society be、So, I think its more like a kind of collectivism、Collectivism is the tendency of peopl

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