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1、中考英语总复习目录专题一 名词1专题二 数词、冠词7专题三 介词、连词14专题四 代词21专题五 形容词、副 词30专题六 动词的分类39专题七 情态动词、系动词46专题八 动词时态53专题九 被动语态59专题十 非谓语动词66专题十一 简单句、并列句76专题十二 祈使句、感叹句84专题一三 宾语从句90专题一四 定语从句98专题一五 状语从句105专题一 名词1. 名词的数1. 概述: 名词按其表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。2. 可数名词及其单复数:可数名词有单复数变化,其前通常用不定冠词和数词来修饰,还可用many, few, a few, some, any, plenty

2、of, lots of, a number of 等修饰。构成名词复数形式的方法分为规则法和不规则法两种。1) 复数的规则构成法:绝大多数英语中的名词复数都是在单数名词后加上词尾-s或-es构成的。具体规则如下图: 规则 例词一般情况下加-sapple-apples, ruler-rulers以s, x, ch,sh,结尾的加-esbus-buses, box-boxes, watch-watches, brush-brushes以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变成i再加-escity-cities, county-countries以f或fe结尾的,把f或fe变成v,再加-esknife-kniv

3、es, leaf-leaves以o结尾的,有的词尾加-es,有的加-s在初中英语范围内加-es的主要有以下4个:tomato-tomatoes,potato-potatoesHero-heroes, Negro-Negroes2) 复数的不规则构成法:a单复同形的:Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, deer-deer, sheep-sheep, fish-fish(表示鱼的数量)b. 熟记下列词的复数变化:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, mouse-mic

4、e, child-childrenc. 以man, woman做定语构成的复合名词,变复数时要全变:a man teacher-two men teachers; 其他情况一般只变主体名词而作定语的名词不变:a girl student-two girl students3. 不可数名词:不可数名词没有单复数。如:water, meat, air等。在表示数量时,通常用以下方法。1)用some, much, a little, little, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 等表示多少。 There is little milk at home. The old ma

5、n has lots of money.2) 若要表示不可数名词的数量,应用“数词+量词+of+名词”这种形式,若数字超过一,量词应用复数形式。如:a glass of water-two glasses of water, a piece of bread-two pieces of bread2. 专有名词:专有名词是表示特定的人,事物, 地点等,如:Tom, China, the United Kingdom. 专有名词的第一个字母一般大写,大部分专有名词前一般不用冠词。3. 名词的所有格:1. 概述:名词的所有格在句中是表示所有关系,作定语。2. 名词所有格的构成:名词所有格包括 s所

6、有格和of所有格两种形式。无生命的名词的所有格通常用of短语来表示所有关系。如:the name of the school, the window of the house等。s所有格主要用于有生命的东西和表示时间,距离,国家等的名词后。构成方法如下:1) 一般直接在名词后加s. 如:Jims book2) 复数名词的所有格,若以s/es结尾只加撇号,不以s/es结尾仍加s。如:Childrens Day, the teachers office.3)“ and”连接的并列名词的所有格,表示两人“共有”只在后一个名词尾加s; 表示“各自拥有”,两个名词尾都要加s. 如:Jim and Luc

7、ys book(共有); Janes and Toms books(不共有)4)表示店铺或某人的家等处所时,常在名词的所有格后省去shop, house, home等。如:the barbers, at my uncles5) 表示时间,距离,国家,城市的无生命名词,可以在词尾加s或表示所有格,如:todays newspaper, five minutes walk.3. 双重所有格1)名词双重所有格的含义:of+名词所有格称为双重所有格,这种结构中,of前面是一部分,of后面是一个整体。例如:Mr Wang is a friend of my fathers. (=Mr Wang is o

8、ne of my fathers friends.) 王先生是我父亲的一个朋友. 2)名词双重所有格的构成方法: a. of前面的名词前面通常有一个含泛指意义的限定词,如a, any, some, no, few, several以及two, three等。例如: Have you read any stories of Lei Fengs? 你看过雷锋的故事吗? They gave me some books of theirs. 他们把他们的一些书给了我。 Three classmates of my sisters have found good jobs. 我姐姐的三个同学已经找到了好

9、工作。 b. 有时of前面的名词前面可以用指示代词this, that表示某种感情色彩。例如: That answer of Jims was right. 吉姆的那个回答是对的。 Something is wrong with this eye of mine. 我的这只眼睛出了毛病。 c. of后面带有s的名词或名词性物主代词通常是特指的人。例如: Thats a book of Lu Xuns. 这是鲁迅的一本书。 This is a child of theirs. 那是他们的一个孩子。 3)名词的双重所有格与“of + 名词”结构之间的区别: a. 句子所表达的侧重点不同。试比较:H

10、e is a friend of my fathers. (着重说明“父亲”的朋友不止一个)He is a friend of my father. (着重说明“他”是父亲的一个朋友)b. of前面是picture等词时,含义不同。试比较:This is a picture of my teachers. 这是我老师收藏的一张照片。This is a picture of my teacher. 这是我老师的一张照片。实战演练(250)1. June 1st is _ Day all over the world.A. Childs B. Childrens C. Childrens2. Se

11、ptember 10th is _ Day in China.A. Teachers B. Teachers C. Teacher3. This is _ news.A. such a good B. a very good C. such good4.What _ it is! Lets go out to have a picnic.A. a fine weather B. fine day C. a fine day5. Tom and I go to school _ every day.A. on feet B. on foot C. by foot6. Are those _? -

12、No, they arent. Theyre _.A. sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cow 7. A group of _ are talking with two _ over there.A. Frenchmen; Germans B. Frenchmen; Germen C. German; Frenchmen8. That doctor drank two _.A. glass of water B. glasses of waters C. cups of tea9. Mrs. Smith is an old friend of _.A.

13、 Bob mother B. Bobs mothers C. mother of Bob10. The tall man with a big nose is _ classmate.A. Tom and Carl B. Toms and Carls C. Tom and Carls11.In _ time, there will be more tall buildings in our city.A. few year B. a few years C. a few years12. How many _ do you want every month?A. milk B. water C

14、. apples13. Whose is this new bicycle? -Its _.A. Sue and Jims B . Sue and Jim C. Sues and Jims14. Would you like _tea?-No, thanks. Ive drunk two _.A. any; bottles of orange B. a little; bottle of oranges C. some; bottles of orange15. How many _ do you want? -Two, please.A. kilos of egg B. kilo of eggs C. kilos of eggs16. The bus stop is two _ from our house.A. hours drive B. hours drive C. hour-drive17. Where are you going, Amy?-_.A. To my uncle B. To my uncles C. At my uncle18. Have you read _?A. a newspaper of todays B. today newspaper C. t

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