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1、ArgumentationFocus:#Organization pattern Language featureWarm-up activityWarm-up activityYou and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation.Your friend prefers towork in a big company to earn some money.YouPrefer to do some voluntary work for soci

2、ety.You try to persuade each other by giving various reasons.Alternative:#A senior high is considering which university to apply to.He/she comes to you for suggestions.Try to give as many reasons as possible to persuade him/her that BISU is an ideal place for learning.(选择二外的几大理由)选择二外的几大理由)vAlternati

3、ve:#A senior high is considering which university to apply to.He/she comes to you for suggestions.Try to give as many reasons as possible to persuade him/her that BISU is an ideal place for learning.(选择二外的几大理由)选择二外的几大理由)vPlease note down what methods/strategies are used to persuade others to believe

4、 you.ArgumentationArgumentationDefinitionTo argue is to persuade your audience to agree with your opinion or position by presenting logical reasoning and solid evidence.A good argument appeals to reason so it relies on logic more than other kinds of writings do.Purposes of argumentation -to convince

5、 -to defend -to attack&#Essential elements of argumentation v The issuea controversy,a problem,or an idea about which people disagree and hold different points of viewv The claimthe point of view the writer tries to prove about the issue,usually the writers view on the issuev The supportideas and in

6、formation intended to convince readers that the claim is sound or believable.The three common types of support are reasons,evidence,and emotional appeal.vThe refutation,which recognizes/acknowledges and argues against opposing viewpointsOrganization:#major stagesI.Introduction(提出问题/引论)Identification

7、 of issueBackground to issueThesis statement Introductionv2012 Doomsday?#vSince the turn of the new century,a theory has emerged concerning the end of the world,or at least the end of life as we know it.This new theory centers around the year 2012,a date that many claim has mysterious origins in anc

8、ient manuscripts from many different cultures.The most noted characteristic of this date is that it appears to mark the end of the Mayan calendar.But there is no evidence to suggest that the Maya saw any great relevance to this date.In fact,none of the claims surrounding a 2012 doomsday event hold u

9、p to scientific inquiry.The year 2012 will pass without a major,life-altering catastrophe.Are cash incentives a good way to motivate employees?#vSome companies give their employees bonuses or cash awards for excellent work,in addition to salary.Do you think this is a good idea?#)vIntro 1vMoney makes

10、 the world go round,and nowhere is this more true than in the workplace.Employers know that money is one of the best motivators.However,are bonuses or cash awards always the best way to reward employees?#In this essay,I will look at some of the arguments for cash as a reward.vIntro 2vMany people arg

11、ue that cash incentives are an unfair means of motivating employees.Others love the simple,practical,down-to-earth gift of money for a job well done.I feel that while there are some circumstances where money is the best recognition for extra work,there are other times it is inappropriate.Protecting

12、the Environment:#Who is Responsible?#vIntro 1vToday we live in a global consumer society.People across the world purchase,use,and dispose of a huge variety of products which make our lives easier and more comfortable.However,the result of this is massive damage to our environment.This essay will exa

13、mine how authorities and individuals need to work together to protect our resources and our planet.vIntro 2vWhat can one individual do to protect the environment?#Very little,it may seem,especially compared to the power of governments and huge industrial companies.However,working together with dozen

14、s,hundreds,or millions of other people,we can influence and change policies which are destroying our environment.This essay will discuss ways in which individuals can take responsibility for their world.Thesis sentence:#comes at the end of introduction.vIn this essay,I will outline the arguments for

15、 and against sex education in schools.vThis essay looks at ideas in favour of and against early marriage.vThis essay will discuss the benefits of having universal free health care.vI am going to analyse the effects of drugs on the individual,the family,and society.vBeating children brutalizes parent

16、s,damages the parent-child relationship,and is completely unnecessary.(be strong!#)vWords to use in the thesis sentence vanalyze,look at,examine,discuss,outline,consider,describe II.Body(分析问题/本论)Layout of an essay:#3773:#a four paragraph essay35553:#a five paragraph essayv3773 meansva 3-sentence Intro va 7-sentence para va 7-sentence para va 3-sentence conclusion vv35553 meansva 3-sentence Intro va 5-sentence para va 5-sentence para va 5-sentence para va 3-sentence conclusion vIs Education Being Devalued?#thesis

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