1、表示命令和请求的句子。疑问句:提出问题的句子。LOGODeclaratives are sentences in which the subject is present and generally precedes the verb.They are used to convey information.Interrogatives are sentences which are formally marked in one of two ways:yes-no interrogatives and wh-interrogatives.They are used to seek inform
2、ation on a special point.Imperatives are sentences which usually have no overt grammatical subject,and whose verb has the base form.They are used to instruct sb.to do sth.Exclamatives are sentences which have an initial phrase introduced by what are sentences which have an initial phrase introduced
3、by what or how,usually with subject-verb order.or how,usually with subject-verb order.They are used for expressing the used for expressing the extent to which the speaker is impressed by extent to which the speaker is impressed by somethingsomething.LOGO(2)汉语句子按结构分,比较复杂。在汉语语法体系中,有语素,词,短语,小句,复句,句群,句子
4、语气。其中起主导作用的语言单位,就是小句。小句是“最小的能够独立表达一个意思的一个语法单位。一个语素,一个词,或者一个短语,都会成为小句”。小句也是其它所有语法实体的“联络中心”。小句特点:第一,表述性,表明一个意旨,体现一个意图。第二,独立性,它不包含在另一个小句中。第三,它是最小的表述性语法单位。LOGO 种种 类类 例例 句句 英英 译译主谓短语阳光灿烂。油漆未干。Bright sunshine.Wet paint.名词短语快乐的时刻。Happy moments.动词短语向雷锋同志学习。勿踏草地。Learn from Comrade Lei Feng.Keep off grass.形容词
5、短语美极了。非常干净。Its very beautiful.Very clean.介宾短语从广州。(来自广州)From Guangzhou.复指短语英语老师张红。English teacher Zhanghong.词(词素)注意!虹!Attention!Rainbow!词或短语构成的小句LOGO小句因某种关系与其它小句合用,生成复句。例子:王明是男孩,张薇是女孩,他们都在四班。(Wang Ming is a boy and Zhang Wei is a girl.Both of them are in Class Four.)虽然他脾气急躁,但心眼却挺好。(Although he is sho
6、rt-tempered,he is kind-hearted.)汉语复句包括联合,偏正和补充复句。翻译时需要适当调整句式。英语句子按结构也可分为简单句和复杂句。中但是,无论句式如何变化其基本句型也只有七种。LOGOvsubject+verbvsubject+verb+objectvsubject+verb+complementvsubject+verb+adverbialvsubject+verb+indirect object+direct objectvsubject+verb+object+adverbialvsubject+verb+object+complement 汉译英时,无论句
7、式多么复杂,均可用以上七种基本句型译出,要注意主谓语搭配。例如:内战使他们的生意萧条。LOGOTrans.a.Their business has suffered much through the he Civil War.b.The Civil War has affected their business to a remarkable extent.c.The Civil War has rendered their business dull.d.The Civil War has done their business harm.e.The effect of the Civil
8、War upon their business has been depressing.LOGO1.1.3句子特征 (1)汉语和英语句子特征均受语法的影响。汉语语法突出特点是隐含性(covertness),隐含性特征体现在词性与词形无关,词语的语法功能不容易辨别,时态语态和语气往往没有明显的符号标记。如:我想借你的词典用一下。Trans:I want to use your dictionary.I wonder if I can use your dictionary.英语句子呈外显性特征(overtness),时态、格、性、数、体、态的曲折变化。LOGO(2)汉语重语义结构,英语重语法结构
9、。平日(我)多嘴多舌,(我)只不过要他们懂些商海沉浮。All this everyday chattering is but meant to remind them that ups and downs is the way of the business world.(3)汉语句子建立在意念主轴(thought-pivot)上,英语句子建立在形式主轴(form-pivot)上.如:我常见许多青年朋友,聪明用功,成绩优异,而语文程度不足以达意,甚至写一封信亦难以通顺,问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面。LOGOTrans.I have come across a great many bright
10、 and dligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies,but are rather weak in Chinese.They cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese.When I asked them why,they said they were not interested in the Chinese language.1.1.4句子扩展模式汉语句子:句首开放英语句子:句尾开放LOGO1.21.2句子的言内意义句子的言内意义言内意义:是指符号
11、与文本中其他符号之间的关系,它反映在语音层、词汇层和语法层。(1)英语中的头韵尾韵等均是言内意义在语音层面的体现,又如英语中的/m/,/l/声音柔和,/a:/声音沉重,/i/声音清脆,/u/听起来强壮阴沉,而/k/被认为最具男子气概。汉语的平声高昂洪亮,仄声低沉。汉英不同的语音特征使言内意义产生的语用意义很难传译。同形异义词和同音异义词也是言内意义的反应。汉语的修辞格粘连回环等也是符号言内意义的体现。汉字是象形会意指事形声相结合的方块字,与英语拼音本质不同。汉字的形美是英译时无法表达的。汉语独有的拆字都不可英译。LOGOExamples:长相思 (白居易)汴水流,泗水流,流到瓜州古渡头。吴山点
12、点愁。思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休。月明人倚楼。trans.Everlasting Longing See the Bian River flow,And the Si River flow!By Ancient Ferry,mingling waves,they go,The Southern Hills reflect my woe.My thought stretches endlessly,My grief wretches endlessly,So thus my husband comes to me,Alone on moon-lit balcony.(语音)LOGO空对着,山
13、中高士晶莹雪;终不忘,世外仙姝寂寞林。哼!你别看我耳朵聋-可我的心不聋啊!张俊民道:胡子老官,这事在你作法便了。做成了,少不了言身寸。王胡子道:“我那个要你谢!”Vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow-clad hills I forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world.Humph!My years are deaf,but my mind is not.“Handle it as you”think best,Whiskers.If you put it off,Ill not fail
14、 to thank you.As if I wanted thanks from you!LOGO(2)句子的排列特征也体现其言内意义。短句简短有力,节奏明快,有助于形成奔放的气势;长句结构紧凑,能表达严密的思想,详细的内容,一气呵成;叠句洋洋洒洒,显得语言腴厚而内容充实;紧缩句则显得凝练含蓄,干净利落。山,刺破青天锷未残。天欲堕,赖以柱其间。Peaks Piercing the blue without blunting the blade,The sky would fall But for this colonade.LOGO 在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树,一株是枣树,还有一是株也是
15、枣树。一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。Trans.:a.Through the window I can see two trees in my backyard.The one is a date tree,the other is also a date tree.b.Behind the wall of my backyard you can see two trees:one is a date tree,the other is also a date tree.Remember that every bowl of rice and porridge has not been got easily.Be ever mindful that e
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