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1、(模考作文问切忌抛开漫画内容直接议论!(模考作文问题一)题一)v TIPS:2.漫画的内容一定要符合图片,漫画的内容一定要符合图片,v切忌无中生有!(模考作文问题二)切忌无中生有!(模考作文问题二)v The boy thought deeplyvThe boy feel ashemed and says nothing.vThe boy stops playing and learning a lot.vThe boy is making a plan and the grandpa is encouraing himvpara2:全文的核心段 giveyouropinionaboutthe

2、phenomenonconveyedinthepictureandinterpretitsmeaning/message揭示主题(观点)并加以解释和说明论证;揭示现象(问题)并阐述现象(问题)产生的原因。TIPS:可以从可以从2-3个方面个方面进行阐述,也可以将这进行阐述,也可以将这部分部分分为两段。分为两段。Para3.:give your conclusion.(a)提出建议,重申观点重申观点 主题句主题句(b)对如何解决漫画中所反映的问题提出合理提出合理建议建议或或总结观点总结观点。主题句的复述主题句的复述不是不是简单地重复,通常需符合简单地重复,通常需符合1.1.如果在段末,用如果在段

3、末,用强调词强调词转换方式连接。转换方式连接。2.2.与主题句保持意思一致,更进一层。与主题句保持意思一致,更进一层。3.3.转换方式:转换方式:词对应,同根,逆向词对应,同根,逆向EXAMPLESv主题句主题句:you should confirm every appointment when you do business in US.v主题句复述:主题句复述:In business circle in US,businessman usually makes sure every appointment.v2.主题句:主题句:To perceive is more important t

4、han to judge.v主题句复述句:主题句复述句:It is of great importance to perceive to judge.vOR To perceive is no less important than to judge.实例运用实例运用+模考模考分析分析 模考一模考一一、语法问题一、语法问题v1.时态,人称,单复数的混用,不统一。时态,人称,单复数的混用,不统一。veg:1.Theboyplaycomputergamesandhisgrandpawatchhim.v2.Playcomputerisausualactivityforuniversitystuden

5、ts.v3.Lifeplanmusthasadestinationv4.Ifsomeonedonthavealifeplan.v 2.词性的使用错误词性的使用错误 veg:1.ifyouhaveaplan,youshouldworkhardly.v2.sosheissucceedatlast/ayoungpeoplecantbesuccessv3.weshouldfacedifficultbravelyv4.wehavemanychooses3.There be 句型使用错误句型使用错误eg:1.There are many young people waste time to do some

6、 boring things.2.There have a problem in the future if we dont have life plan.4.被动语态的使用错误被动语态的使用错误eg:1.asshowsinthepicture,theboyis.2.everyonehasalifeplan, sentences 串句无法理解的句子串句无法理解的句子EG:1.The

7、re are many this phenomenons 2.if everything is a lie,we arent need a life plan.3.Other people making a life plan from sth.4.As a young people,we should have.二、佳句欣赏二、佳句欣赏v1.Therefore,we are supposed to make a life plan from now on to make our life more meangingful and colorful(章笑盈)v2.As far as I am

8、concerned,making a life plan is very important for young people.(李程鹏)v3.It is obvious that the drawer of the picture wants to draw our attention towards that we should make a life plan from an early age.v Making a life plan should be attached great significance to by ourselves.(赵建宏)v4.Only you make

9、a life plan and devote yourself into it,can you have no regret when you are old.(卞涵)v5.We are easy to bocome confused with our life.Make the life plan right now and focus on the things you want to do because time doesnt wait for anyone.(钱林豪)三、看图作文的解题思路应用v1.审题(认真阅读写作提示):漫画信息“focus on the topic about

10、making a life plan and explain why it is important for young people to do”确定写作主题:年轻人应该做好人生规划以及人生规划的重要性的原因2.作文提纲(结构)v第一段:简要描写图画内容(who,what,when,where):v爷爷教导孙子:如果年老的时候写自传,你会看到自己去过哪里,(whereyouhavebeen)如果年轻时候写,你就会知道你将去哪里(willseewhereyouaregoing)。vThe picture depicts a young man sitting in front of a com

11、puter and typing something with his grandfather standing behind.The caption below says,“When you write your autobiography in old age,youll see where you have been,but when you write your autobiography at a young age,youll see where youre going.”It reveals profoundly that young people should shape th

12、eir own future and make their own life plans,which is cosistent with what I advocate第二段:解释图画深刻含义(揭示主题)并加以解释和说明论证。Firstly,planning your life helps you set up specific life goals and follow through on your goals.When you have specific goals,youre more likely to be self-motivated.Secondly,life planning

13、 helps you have a full understanding of your life deficiencies and make prompt adjustments.If you fail some of your life goals,you can re-examine your life plan and decide whether to make more efforts to fulfill those goals or change some of your goals.Last but not least,you can meet many new opport

14、unities after some of your life plans come true,because success breeds more success and opportunities bring in more opportunities.第三段:给出自己的看法(总结全文,强调正确的做法)。vTo sum up,it is quite essential for young people especially the university students to make life plan early so as to face the challegings confidently after graduations.What we should do is to take actions immediately,including choosing core coures and interest-based minor courses and figuring out exact schedules for study or future career.Only in th

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