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1、有机化学A1主讲教师:#李艳梅 教授 清华大学化学系E-mail:#URL:#http:#/ 1Chapter 1Introduction第一章 绪论Organic Chemistry A(1)By Prof.Li Yan-MeiTsinghua UniversityContentContentPart I Organic compounds and organic chemistryPart I Organic compounds and organic chemistry -History -History 第一部分第一部分第一部分第一部分 有机化合物与有机化学有机化合物与有机化学有机化合

2、物与有机化学有机化合物与有机化学 历史简介历史简介历史简介历史简介Part II Fundamental KnowledgePart II Fundamental Knowledge 第二部分第二部分第二部分第二部分 基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 Structure,reaction&#Classification Structure,reaction&#Classification Formulas Formulas Nomenclature Nomenclature NMR,IR,UV&#MSNMR,IR,UV&#MS1.Organic compounds and organic ch

3、emistry第一部分第一部分 有机化合物和有机化学 1.1 Introduction and a brief history 有机化学历史简介有机化学历史简介 1.2 Character of organic compound 有机化合物的特性有机化合物的特性 1.3 Research fields in organic chemistry 有机化学研究领域有机化学研究领域 1.4 The methods to study organic chemistry and how to learn organic chemistry 有机化学研究方法及如何学习有机化学课程有机化学研究方法及如何学习

4、有机化学课程1.1 Introduction and a brief history 有机化学历史简介有机化学历史简介有机化学?#有机化合物?#Starch(淀粉)CmHnm value around 8Gasoline(汽油)Salicylic acidAcetylsalicylic acid乙酰水杨酸(阿斯匹林)Formalinaqueous solution of formaldehydeOrganic Chemistry in the HistoryTo make human body into a mummy,formalin was often employed in ancien

5、t Egypt.甲 醛古埃及人利用有机化合物处理尸体Wine was invented before Xia dynasty.By Zhou dynasty,wine has become very important in sacrifice events.制酒周礼Vinegar production has already become an expect technology by Zhou dynasty.制醋Dyeing has become am important industry before Zhou dynasty.染色茜草The demise of vitalismIn

6、ancient ages,mixtures of organic compounds were abstracted from natural products.Chinese traditional drug,dye,and perfume are of this kind.By the 18th century,some pure organic compounds were obtained.Turtric acid was obtained from grape juice,citric acid was abstracted from lemon juice,and urea was

7、 purified from urine.1828,preparation of urea from inorganic compounds indicates the demise of“vitalism”.In 1806,famous chemist,Berzelius J.first used the word“organic chemistry”,and states,organic compounds could not be produced without“vital force(生命力生命力)”The fact that organic compounds could be o

8、btained from inorganic compounds without the help of organism was not accepted for a long time.In 1845 acetic acid and in 1854 ester were separately synthesized from inorganic compounds,indicating the final demise of vitalism.兴趣阅读:#See appendix file 0001:#Letter between Whler and his adviser,Berzeli

9、us.See appendix file 0002:#Whlers paper on synthesis of urea See appendix file 0003:#Problems and answers on the urea synthetic paper (from Yale University)氰酸铵A brief history190020001800Synthesis of ureaFriedrich Whler Important events on organic chemistry1828Synthesis of urea,indicating demise of v

10、italismMilestone of organic chemistry By Whler1865Bringing forward that carbon is quadrivalentMilestone of structural theory By A.Kekul1874Saturated carbon atoms share tetrahedral topologyInitiation of stereochemistry By J.H.Vant HoffInitiation of stereochemistry By J.A.Le Bel1917Lewis acid and Lewi

11、s base theoryMilestone of structural theory By Lewis1931Huckel rulesThe Frontier-orbital theoryThe principle of conservation of orbital symmeteryMeans of“Organic chemistry”“有机化学”的含义First citing 基于基于“生命力生命力”学说学说Based on“vitalism”,Berzelius first cited this word,and deemed organic compounds could not

12、be produced without the special power“vita force”.1806Definition 元素分析结果元素分析结果A.L.Lavoisier and Von Liebig J.F.invented the elemental analysis protocal.They found all organic compounds contain carbon,most contain hydrogen,many contain oxygen and nitrogen.Kekl and Gmelin defined organic chemistry as“c

13、hemistry of carbonaceous compounds”将将“有机化合物有机化合物”定义为定义为“含碳的化合物含碳的化合物”,则,则“有机化学有机化学”即为即为“研究含碳化合物的化学研究含碳化合物的化学”Of course,many carbonaceous compounds are not organic compounds1865SchorlemmersSchorlemmers definition definition 肖莱马的定义肖莱马的定义肖莱马的定义肖莱马的定义Based on chemical structural theory,Schorlemmer defin

14、ed organic compound as“hydrocarbon and its derivatives”,and organic chemistry as“chemistry of hydrocarbon and its derivatives”.“碳氢化合物及其衍生物”HintHint分类的关键:#“性质”!#而不是“组成”1.Organic compounds and organic chemistry第一部分第一部分 有机化合物和有机化学 1.1 Introduction and a brief history 有机化学历史简介有机化学历史简介 1.2 Character of o

15、rganic compound 有机化合物的特性有机化合物的特性 1.3 Research fields in organic chemistry 有机化学研究领域有机化学研究领域 1.4 The methods to study organic chemistry and how to learn organic chemistry 有机化学研究方法及如何学习有机化学课程有机化学研究方法及如何学习有机化学课程1.2 Character of organic compound 有机化合物的特性有机化合物的特性结构上Covalent Bond1、碳通常以共价键与其它原子相连Link to eac

16、h other easily2、自身成键能力强Isomersim3、同分异构现象普遍存在Physical PropertiesLow melting point 熔点低Low boiling point 沸点低High volatility 挥发性大Often insoluble 多数难溶于水Density often lower than water 比重一般比水小Chemical Properties 稳定性不如无机物 Less stable 易燃 Inflammation反应速度慢 Low reaction rate副反应多 Frequent side reaction 化学性质物理性质1.Organic compounds and organic chemistry第一部分第一部分 有机化合物和有机化学 1.1 Introduction and a brief history 有机化学历史简介有机化学历史简介 1.2 Character of organic compound 有机化合物的特性有机化合物的特性 1.3 Research fields in organic chemistry 有机化学研究领域有

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