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1、Unit 3 Communication workshop北京市十一学校薛如梅教材分析:本课是第三单元 celebrations 的语言输出课,主要是围绕着本单元话题,运用相关词汇和结构进行口头表达和写作的练习。口头表达练习如何恰当表达惊讶及让对方重复。写作是写一篇记叙文,描述一个聚会或活动。本课计划按两课时进行。第一课时重点是口语表达,第二课时重点是写作。书上 P91 有 writing help 可供参考。教学内容:话题:聚会口语:1. 自我介绍和询问对方信息。表达惊讶和让对方重复的功能句。2. 在聚会中如何让谈话继续。写作:描写一个聚会或活动。词汇:与聚会有关的词汇。第一课时First

2、Period (Speaking)教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够* 根据语音语调辨认表达惊讶及要求重复的语句。* 在真实场合顺利使用这些语句。教学过程:教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式和时间IP & timeLead-in :Step 1:Ss read information about Zhang Xiyang. Then share their feelings.(PPT3)引出本课要学习的功 能句。引起学生注意。CW 4Preparation:Step 2 :Ss read and listen to the认识,熟悉功能句。CWdialoguea

3、taparty. Exercise on Page 44.Listen again if necessary.(PPT4)通过听,学生可以知道正确的语音语调, 读可以让学生模仿并熟悉语音语调。5Step 3:Ss complete the dialogue , using the functional sentences.(PPT5,6) 学案 I通过练习,学生进一步熟悉了所学语句。CW 3SpeakingStep 4:Ss read the information of Aristotle Chang and try to remember some facts aboutthis pers

4、on.为下面做对话做准备。AristotleChang 是下文编对话时要用到的一个角色。IW 2Step 5:Ss make dialogues . A: Aristotle ChangB: Invent a character or choose any from the options.(PPT7-9) 学案 II学生练习使用功能句。PW 5Step 6:Ss act out their dialogue infront of the whole class.通过展示,学生对所学知识进行巩固。CW6Step 7:Ss choose one from the characters they

5、have heard and write it down.(PPT10) 学案 III通过写,可以检测学生听课效果。如果课堂时间有限,可以做为作业。IW 5Step 8:Ss read their passages to the whole class.通过读,学生可以互相取长补短。老师可以发现问题。CW 5Step 9:Ss volunteer to evaluate the passage.培养学生良好的倾听 习惯。通过评价他人 作品,自己获得提高。老师鼓励引导学生关 注作品的主题是否清晰,语言是否流畅, 准确等。IW & CW 5Homework: Ss polish their wri

6、ting.第一课时学案SpeakingI. Please complete the dialogue:1) A: Hi, Im XuMei from China. B: Hello. Im Peter from Maine.A: ?B: M-A-I-N-E, Maine, America.2)A: Hello, this is Mary . May I speak to Kate? B: But she has gone to HongKong.A: . I saw her just yesterday!II. You and your partner meet at a party and

7、ask each other about information. Use words for repetition and surprise.A:AristotleB:?(Follow the example on P44. Use your imagination!)III. Please write about the most interesting person youve heard about in class today.I think is the most interesting person Ive heard about today.第二课时Second Period

8、(Writing)教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够* 正确使用时间连接词。* 写出一篇描述过去事件以聚会为主题的短文。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式和时间IP & timeLead in:Step 1:Ss answer the question: How do people usually celebrate their birthdays?(PPT3-9)学案 I用这种方式激活学生相关词汇,背景知识,引出“PARTY ”这一写作主题。CW 10Preparation:Step 2:Ssreadthe4 paragraphs on page45

9、and match the让学生注意不同段落发生的先后顺序,明确这类文章的结构。CW 5topicswitheach paragraphs.T summarizes the layout .(PPT10-12)Step 3:Deal with new words. Ss work out the word byreadingitsexplanation. (PPT13,14)为下一步活动清除障碍。CW 3Step 4:Ss read the 2nd paragraph again and guess the missing words.(PPT15-17)学案 II激活学生的表达时间的连接词。

10、体会表达时间的连接词在描述事件时的作用。CW 3Step 5: (optional)Ss read the passage again and use the diagram on P45 to take notes .(PPT18-21)学生进一步熟悉短文内容及有关描述 party 的语言。IW 6Writing:Step 6:T impresses the layout on the Ss.Ss start writing .(PPT22,23)学案 III学生独立完成写作任务。IW 10Step 7:Sschecktheirpassage. 学案 IV培养学生自我检查写作的能力及好习惯。

11、IWStep 8:Ss share their work.培养学生乐于分享的精神。提高全班同学评价鉴赏的能力。CW 5HomeworkSspolishtheir writing.培养学生对自己严格要求,做事精益求精的态度。第二课时学案WritingI. Brainstorming: How do people celebrate their birthday?II. Please read the following paragraph again and Guess the missing words. my cousin and I put out the welcome mat. I m

12、ade 3 litres of orange juice. the people started coming and we served drinks. I started frying some food and my cousin started serving the food. Unfortunately, I was talking to a friend I burnt the sausages.III. Write a description of a party you have been to.Im going to write a description of a Sta

13、ge 1: Please make notes:Paragraph1:Introduction to the situation:Why? -Where?-When? -Who? -Paragraph2: The beginning:What preparations? -What time?-What food?-Paragraph 3: Development: -What happened during the party? -Paragraph 4: Conclusion:-What happened in the end?-When did it finish?-Was it goo

14、d?-Time linking wordsbefore, when, as soon as, firstly, first of all, after that, during, later, then, next, finally,in the end, suddenly, etcUseful vocabulary1. See USEFUL VOCABULARY on Page 91.2.NewYearparty:decoratewith.atmosphere,giveaperformance,playgames,Stage 2: My writing:IV. Checking Please check your writing according to CHECKING on Page 91.第一课时讲义Unit 3 Communication workshopSpeaking北京十一学校薛如梅 ObjectivesAt the end of the class, the students

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