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1、夏威夷标准时间I. INTRODUCTIONa federal republic 联邦共和国a federation of 50 states and 1 federal district (District of Columbia) 1. capital: Washington, D.C.(District of Columbia)华盛顿哥伦比亚特区Origin of the Name Washington, District of Columbia - The name Washington was to honor the first president of the USA, USA,

2、 George Washington. The name Columbia is in reference to Christopher Columbus(klmbs克里斯托弗哥伦布,意大利航海家,地理大发现的先驱者。他在1492年到1502年间在西班牙国王的资助下四次横渡大西洋,到达美洲大陆,他也因此成为了名垂青史的航海家。)2. total area: 9,826,630 sqkm (4th )population: 303,824,6403. major cities:u New York (largest city, “Big Apple”), u Chicago (2nd large

3、st city), u Los Angeles (3rd largest city), lsndls; -li:zu Detroit: Motor City汽车城, ditrit4. states:1Vermont,2New Hampshire, 3Massachusetts(,mstu:sits), 4Connecticut(knetikt), 5Rhode Island(rud), 6New Jersey, 7Maryland, 8Delaware(delw)National symbol: Uncle Samlargest state: Alaska2nd largest state:

4、Texas3rd largest state but most populous(ppjls): Californiasmallest state: Rhode Island6. longest river: the Mississippi (the U.S.A.) longest river: River Severn(sevn)塞文河(the UK)5 lakes五大湖: Superior(Superior sju:piri; s- 苏必利尔湖), Michigan(miign密歇根湖), Huron(hjurn休伦湖), Erie(iri伊利湖), Ontario(ntriu安大略湖)5

5、II.* America: a melting pot大熔炉 or a mosaic(m()zek)马赛克?a nation of immigrants, a nation of nations, a microcosm of the world, a melting pot, (makr()kz()m 微观世界;小宇宙)(mainstream culture: WASP culture = White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), a mosaic (a salad bowl) = a multicultural society/cultural diversity/ c

6、ultural pluralism(plr()lz()m n. 多元主义;多元论;兼任)III. the discovery of America2 immigration movements to American continents:1) from Asia2) from Europe & Africa1492: Columbus discovered the New World (America)3 earliest colonial powers in the worldSpain, Portugal(p:tjul), the NetherlandsIV. Europe in the

7、 16th and 17th Centuries1. Medieval Europe: prevalent religion-the Roman Catholic Church (medii:vladj. 中世纪的,原始的;prev()l()ntadj. 流行的,普遍的,广传的)2. 3 new forces led to the awakening of Europe and the discovery of America1) the development of capitalism2) the Renaissance 文艺复兴(欧洲1416世纪)3) the Religious/Pro

8、testant Reformation 宗/新教改革leaders: Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII: Church of England英国国教(会)VI. Colonial Period: 1607-17761. Virginia: by the London Company in 1607, the first English permanent colony in North America (kln殖民地,移民队)*Newfoundland 纽芬兰established in 1583Jamestown-James I (Gol

9、d-tobacco)2. Puritan New England: by PuritansEngland-Holland-Plymouth(plim 普利茅斯(美国马萨诸塞州东南部城市), Massachussetsthe Pilgrim Fathers:清教移民先驱 the ship Mayflower, Thanksgiving Day 3. Maryland: by a Catholic: the 2nd Lord Baltimorethe manor system(mnn.庄园,领地;庄园制): a feudal (fjud()l adj. 封建制度的;领地的;世仇的)experime

10、nt plan (failed)- a capitalist development roadindentured servants白人契约奴 indentd adj. 受契约束缚的,v. 以契约约束;签订契约(indenture的过去分词)4. Quaker Pennsylvania kweik ,pensilveinj n. 教友派信徒;贵格会教徒Philadelphia (“a city of brotherly love”) ,fildelfj; -fi n. 费城(美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部港市)philanthropy=fraternity博爱 ( flnrp n. 博爱,慈善;慈善事

11、业 frtnt n. 友爱;兄弟会;互助会;大学生联谊会)by a Quaker: William Penn- the Holy Experimentseparation of state and church 政教分离(国家机器与教会分离)Quakerism=the society of friends 贵格会,教友派(quake: shake)Quakers beliefs: man was not born sinful, but equal; liberty and equalitycf: the UK- a society with social hierarchy (hai,r:ki n. 层级;等级制度)VII. The American Revolution (1775-1783) 美国独立战争The American Revolution = The American War of Independence (177

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