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1、所指、概念、语义 de 内涵及其区别。2. 词义的理据: 记忆:拟声理据、形态理据、语义理据、词源理据 领会:词义的理据与“conventional”之间的关系。3. 词义的类别 领会和运用:语法意义、词汇意义、概念意义、关联意义、内含意义、文体意义、搭配意义5.1 The meaning of meaning P81In linguistics, semantics is generally considered to be the study of meaning in language. 词汇学中研究的意义的是词汇的意义Lexical meaning: Reference (refere

2、nt) : is the relation between language and the world.Concept:definition, difference from reference Sense:definitionWords do not have meaning before they acquire reference.Reference and referent (所指物): Only when a connection is established between the linguistic sign the word, and a referent does the

3、 sign have meaning.只有当语言符号与其所指物之间建立起关系时,该语符才有了意义。By means of reference, a speaker indicates which things in the world are being talked about (Hurford & Heasley 1983: 25).A referent: an object, a phenomenon, a person, etc.The reference of a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary and conven

4、tional. This is the result of generalization and abstraction. 人类的概括化和抽象导致了事物和指称某事物的语言符号之间的任意性和约定俗成性关系。The same thing (referent) can have different referring expressions. 同一事物可以有许多不同的语言表达式(不同的语言、同一种语言)In specific contexts, reference can refer to something specific.在没有特定语境时,指称指的是笼统的概念,即泛指(general)。但在特

5、定语境中,指称可以指具体的事物,即特指(specific)。Examples:These are Persian cats.This is Wangwang. It is my sons dog. The dog named 行善.This animal is a cat.S/he is a cat.思考题:Does every word have reference?Idea, fear, love, probable, enthusiasm, encouragement5.1.2 Concept概念Meaning is usually used in the sense of concep

6、t. They are closely related but not identical. 意义通常指的是概念。两者紧密联系而又不同。They are both related to referents, both are notions of the words, but belong to different categories. 两者都与指称物相关,都是词的内容,但却属于不同的范畴。Concept is beyond language. It is the result of human cognition of the objective world in human mind.

7、概念在语言之外。它是人类对客观世界的事物认知的结果。 concept (human cognition in mind)Wordreferent (objects)比如, the relation between the word tree and the actual plant. There is no direct link between word and referent (language and the world), the link is via human concept in our minds. 词与指称物之间没有直接联系,联系是通过人类大脑中对客观事物形成的概念建立起

8、来的。A concept can be expressed in many different ways. Dialects of the same language, such as Shanghainese, Cantonese, Putong Hua上海话、广东话 Different languages could express the same concept. For example, in different cultures, there are different words for the concept of snow.snow, flake, grue (Scotlan

9、d), 雪xue;Shu (树), tree, (ki:)5.1.3 Sense 语言的内部意义Sense denotes the relationship inside the language. 语言内部的关系。The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationships with other expressions in the language. 词的Sense就是该词在语言中与其它表达方式,比如词之间的语义关系。Sense and referenceThey refer to two rel

10、ated aspects of meaning. Sense relates to the complex system of relations that hold between the linguistic elements themselves (mostly words); it is concerned with intra-linguistic relations.Sense与语言成分(词汇)之间的复杂的关系系统有关;它研究的是语言内部关系。Hence, sense relations is an important part of language studies (详见cha

11、pter 6).Reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements (words, sentences, etc.) and the non-linguistic world of experience.Reference研究的是语言成分与非语言的世界经验之间的关系。Some linguists suggest that we have two kinds of semantics, one that deals with semantic structure and the other that deal

12、s with meaning in terms of our experience outside language. In other words, one is intra-linguistic, which we call sense or sense relations; the other relates to non-linguistic entities, which we call reference. 5.2 Motivation理据:现代语言学的一个基本概念。什么是理据?理据有哪些主要类型?Motivation explains the connection between

13、 the linguistic symbol and its meaning. 理据解释的是语言符号及其意义之间的关系。Could you explain why do the words dog, 水,山,月, ,锅 refer to different objects in the world?两种主要分歧、两种观点:像似派、任意派。Since the relation between word-form and meaning is arbitrary and _, most words are non-motivated.识记四种主要理据:拟声onomatopoeic 词形理据morp

14、hological :语义理据semantic 词源理据etymological 理解四种理据的定义,记住几种例子。词形理据The meanings of compounds and derived words are the sum total of the morphemes combined. One can figure out the meaning of the word by the meanings of the morphemes, such as prefixes, suffixes.e.g. autobiographyNot all compounds have the

15、combination of separate parts as their meanings.e.g. Black market,语义理据Refers to the mental association suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of the word.The mouth of a river,The teeth of a sawThe tongue of a shoeThe foot of a mountain汉语的山腰、山脚、山顶、山脊e.g. metaphor, m

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