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1、3.能借助思维导图理解文章内容,建构完整的知识体系。三、情感及能力目标:通过文章内容的学习,了解英语国家中学生的假日生活,以此鼓励、培养和锻炼学生的意志,珍惜友谊。了解世界各地以及人们进行的不同活动,感受地域差异。Teaching and learning steps:Pre-reading ActivitiesStep1 PreviewTalk about the activities in the pictures using Simple past tense. Picture1Picture2Picture3 (设计意图:有效地再现知识是必要的巩固,唤醒记忆,为进一步学习打好基础。)S

2、tep II Prevision and presentation1.Check some old knowledge and the new phrases that they have previewed 1)Put the following into English orally.(1)中学毕业 (2)作为一个特殊礼物 (3)带我们去印度 (4)坐了很长时间汽车 (5)搭起帐篷 (6)生火让我们取暖 (7)相互讲故事 (8)受到大的惊吓(9)看到一条蛇正睡在火旁 (10)吵醒了蛇 (11)感到东西在动 (12)作为一份特殊的礼物,我父母带我们去印度。 (13)那里(我们支起帐篷,生活取

3、暖并做饭。 (14)但是我太累了,很早就睡了。.(15)我太害怕了,以至于一动不能动。(16)我们大声呼喊父母,让他们知道我们的危险。(17)这样把蛇弄醒了,它进入到湖旁的森林里去了。(18)他还告诉我重要的是别靠近蛇。(20)当我们往帐篷外看时,我们看到一条蛇正睡在火旁。(设计意图:为学生设置前置任务,培养学生的预习能力和自主学习能力,以便他们能更好地了解课文)Step III Leading inAsk the students some questionsT:Did you watch TV yesterday evening?S:No, I didnt.Did you go shopp

4、ing?No,I didnt. What did you do yesterday evening?Ss: I did my homework/I went to(ask more questions more quickly ) Did you go to the zoo last Sunday? Yes or no. T:Do you love animals?Do you like monkeys?Do you like tigers ? what about lions?Why not?Are you afraid of them?Of course I am afraid of th

5、em. (use the following pictures.)Show some pictures about the article1)high schooltook a long bus ride put up a tent made a fire to cook food on sat under the moon saw a snake sleeping so scared that started to jump up and down moved into the forest(Ask the students to make a list of the animals tha

6、t people often fear.)When we go camping, we may meet scary animals, right? Last weekend Lisas family met a very scary animal. Guess what it is.OK,lets see the story in 2b.复习了一般过去时的特殊疑问句也复习了它的一般疑问句式,从谈论昨晚活动引入新课,对新的知识进行衔接,让学生对新知识做到心中有数,激发学生兴趣和积极性。Step IV Reading reading: ask them to re

7、ad quickly and find the general idea of the story.(They are given only one minute).The general idea of 2b is about_A. a snakeB. a relaxing weekendC. An unforgettable weekend学生阅读时,教师给予学生快速阅读目标,学生做到心中有数,速读获取大意培养学生的快速阅读能力。Task 2: Read the text again more carefully and slowly to find the specific ideas.

8、 And then answer the questions:QuestionsAnswers1.Who finished high school two years ago?2. Why did our parents take us to India?3. How was Lisas last weekend?4.What did we do when went camping in a small village in India?5. How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake?6. What did Lisa and her sister do?

9、7. What did their father do? Why did he do that?8. What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend?精读了解文章细节,理清思路。根据文章内容,提出具体问题,使学生的阅读目的性更强,提高阅读效率,进而培养学生精读与泛读能力) 。Task 3: Read the passage again. Put the phrases in order according to the passage. _snake went into the forest_ put up our tents and cooked fo

10、od_ learned a useful lesson_ saw a snake and shouted to parents for help_ snakes cant hear but they can feel things moving_my dad jumped up and down in his tent_ took a bus to a small village in India_ told stories under the moon, then went to sleepTask 4:Judge the sentences true or false. If it is

11、false, please correct it.1. Lisas sister left school two days ago. T F 2. The trip from the city to the lake took a long time by train. T F 3. It was cloudy on their first night of camping, because there was no moon. T F4. Lisa and her sister wasnt afraid of the snake . T F 5. Lisas mother jumped up

12、 and down because snakes could feel things moving and then it would leave there. T F 6. They killed the snake in the end. T F运用合适的阅读方法进行指导,结合中考给学生设计合理的题型,引领学生正确地完成任务,有助于提高学生阅读分析及判断问题的能力。Step V ConsolidationTask 1. Listen to the recording of 2b, and repeat the verb phrases . Then ask the students to

13、find out all the verb phrases in the article and underline them .Read them rapidly and memorize them as many as possible.Task 2. Retell the passage according to the answers.1. My sister finished high school two weeks ago. 2. As a special gift, our parents take us to India.3. Last weekend was interes

14、ting but scary. 4.We took a long bus ride to a small village in India. We put up our tents and made a fire to cook food on.We sat under the moon and told each other stories.5.She was so scared that she couldnt move.6.They shouted to their parents.7.Her father jumped up and down to scare the snake.8.Dont go near snakes./ Snakes cant he

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