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1、Contract Number:RENMEL/MAZUT 100-400M/27/12/2013合同号:Seller Transaction Code:RENMEL/MAZUT 100-400M/29/10/2013卖方交易代码:RENMEL/MAZUT100-400M/29/10/2013Buyers Code:卖方代码:日期:2013年12月27日This Contract is made and entered into by the below parties:该合同由以下各方签订:SELLER/SUPPLIER:Partner“A”卖方Company Name:Valona Hold

2、ings Pte ltdAddress19,KALLANG AVENUE,#06-159,Singapore339410Represented ByNARESH KAPOORPassport CountryK9598970/lndinContactTelephone(65)62952066(65)Telephone/Fax(65)62965535EmailNHereinafter referred to as “Seller”(以下简称“卖方”)And和Partner“B”买方DocumentContact:Hereinafter referred to as “Buyer”(以下简称“买方”

3、)THE PARTIES HAVE CONCLUDED THE PRESENT CONTRACT AS FOLLOWS:双方订立以下合同:Whereas, the parties mutually accept to refer to the General Terms and Definitions, as set out by the INCOTERMS Edition 2000 with latest amendments, having the following terminology fully understood and accepted:有签于,双方同意参照“国际贸易术语解释

4、通则2000”最新修订版规定的一般术语和定义,完全理解和接受以下术语:DEFINITIONSMetric Ton Ameasure of weight equivalent to one hundred thousand metric tons;公吨 重量单位,相当于500,000公吨;Commodity The Russian MAZUT 100 GOST 10585-75 elsewhere is this agreement also referred toas “product” or “MAZUT 100or as “Goods” with the specifications fo

5、r which appearin “APPENDIX No.1” attached and by this reference confirmed an integral part of this Agreement.商品俄罗斯出产的MAZUT 100 GOST 10585-75,本协议中也称为“产品”或“MAZUT 100 或“货物”,技术标准参考“附件1”附件已确认为本协议不可缺少的一部分;Day Means a Calendar day,unless differently specified日 指公历日,除非另有规定;Month Means a Gregorian calendar m

6、onth月 指公历月;Calendar Quarter period equal to three(3)months and commencing on 1”Jan,1”Apr,1”Jul,1”Oct公历季度 相当于三(3)个月时间,分别从1月1日,4月1日,7月1日和10月1日开始;ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials,is the institute,internationally recognized,thatapproved all Standards,Tests and procedures used in the Oil i

7、ndustry and to be referredin the Agreement to the Iatest revised edition With amendments in force to date.ASTM 指美国材料试验协会,是一家国际社会承认、负责批准石油行业所有标准,测试和程序的机构,本协议中的所有标准,测试和程序均为经过最新修订并生效的最修订版。Out-turn The quantity and quality of the product ascertained, according to the ASTM procedures,oncompletion of the

8、discharge operations,The so determined out-turn quantity and quality is base on which amount will be computed for the payment of the product effectively delivered to the Buyer.运作 产品的数量和质量应当根据ASTM程序在卸货作业完成之时确认。所确定的产品数量和质量将作为基准,用于计算有效交付买方之产品的付款金额。Bill of Lading The official document, issued at the loa

9、d port after completion of the loading operations,stating,among other things,the shipsloaded quantity,expressed in cubic meters(m3)and in metric tons(MT)per the definitions herein This document has to be signed in original by the ships master and made out in ccordance without the in struction herein

10、after specified in the agreement提单 装货作业完成之后在装货港口发出的正式文件,根据此中定义,以立方米(m3)和公吨(MT)为单位说明船上的装载数量。船运公司船主应签署该文件正本,在本协议无其它指示的情况下正规填写。Discharge Terminal The safe port/berth designated by the Buyer as final receiving destination.卸货码头 买方指定的安全港口/泊位作为最终接收目的港CIF Cost lnsurance Freight,strictly a referred to in the

11、 interpretations defined by the INCOTERMS Edition 2000 with late st amendments.CIF 严格依据国际贸易术语解释通则2000最新版定义规定的成本+运费+保险费Banking Day Any day on which the bank opens for business in jurisdiction where the parties are located.银行工作日 买卖双方所在地法定的银行开门营业的任何一天。Delivery Date The date mutually accepted by both Se

12、ller and Buyer as the date on which thenominated in ternational Surveyor Company has ascertained the quantity and quality of the product pumped in to the Buyers designated discharge terminal fa cilities un der INCOTERMS 2000.交货日期 指经买卖双方共同接受的日期,而指定的国际测量公司在该日期内确认在买方指定的卸货码头卸下的产品数量和质量PLATTS The organiza

13、tion internationally recognized and accepted,who publish official quo tations of Petroleum products on a daily basis.PLATTS (普氏)国际公认和认可的,负平每日出版石油官方报价的组织。Execution Date The date on which the Seller and Buyer receive their respective faxed copies of this agreement,or as may be indicated otherwise in t

14、he agreement.执行日期 买卖双方收到各自的本协议传真版的日期,或本协议中另有规定Proof of Product: Documentation to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer through corporate e-mail. 卖方通过公司电子邮件向买方提供的文件。Whereas, the parties mutually desire to execute the agreement which shall be binding upon, and to the benefit of,the parties,successors and assigns,in accordance with the jurisdictional law of the negotiated and fully exeuted contract with terms and provisions herunder agreed upon. Internat

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