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本文(代建项目的全过程造价审计及资金监管研究Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!



2、价审计风险进行了风险识别,通过对审计风险成因进行分析,有针对性的提出审计风险的具体控制方法。通过本文的研究,力求能够为以后全过程造价审计及资金监管提供借鉴,进而提高建设工程实施的透明度和公信度,达到合理确定工程造价,最大限度地发挥投资效益,避免资源浪费的目的。关键词:代建项目 全过程造价审计 资金监管 审计风险Research on the Whole Process Cost Audit and Financial Supervision of Agency Construction ProjectsABSTRACTIn order to realize the specialization

3、 of public project management, strengthen the marketization of construction management business, and enhance the efficiency of public project investment, the mode of “Project Agency-Management”(PAM) is extending to take the place of organizational system in our country. Many questions still exist wh

4、ile the implement of PAM. The most prominent problem is that completion stage cost audit and financial supervision cannot fit the requirement of agency construction project. To solve the problem, we offer the mode of whole process cost audit and financial supervision in agency construction project.

5、It will achieve the goal of promoting cost audit and financial supervision in agency construction project within the shortest time through expounding key point of cost audit from different views by the way of comparative analysis method, conclusional summary method, etc.This thesis firstly outlines

6、cost audit and financial supervision through literature review, then defines the scope of whole process cost audit and divides the whole process cost audit into three parts: pre-implementation stage, concurrent stage and completion stage. Then aimed at the problems could be solved in each stage, the

7、 relevant theoretical frame , audit content and methods are raised.1. Key points of cost audit and financial supervision in pre-implementation stage are the availability of finance, the normalization of project feasibility study report, the accuracy of design budgetary estimate, etc.2. Key points of

8、 cost audit and financial supervision in concurrent stage are the compliance of construction-agent bidding and construction bidding, the implementation of contract, the implementation of project budgetary estimate, the establishment and implementation of internal control system, design change and on

9、-site visa, the usage of financial, etc.3. Key points of cost audit and financial supervision in completion stage are the valuation of construction work by both parties, using situation of equipments and material and the establishment of settle statement, etc.Finally, this thesis identifies the risk

10、s related to the whole process cost audit. After analysis, this thesis raises the detailed methods for risk control.Through research, this thesis illustrates the problems exist in the agency construction project and it provides references for the whole process cost audit. It also provides the transp

11、arency and public trust and then reached the purpose of identifying the engineer cost reasonably, maximizing the revenue and avoiding the waste of resources.Key Words: Agency Construction Project Whole Process Cost Audit Financial Supervision Audit Risk第一章 绪论1.1 研究背景及意义1.1.1 研究背景1代建项目发展趋势随着我国投资体制改革的

12、不断深入,政府投资项目的建设管理模式已由一体化的模式逐渐向着职能分离的模式转化,代建制模式应运而生。所谓代建制,是指政府通过招标的方式,选择专业化的项目管理单位,负责项目的投资管理和建设组织实施工作,项目建成后交付使用单位的制度。近年来,随着中华人民共和国建筑法、国务院关于投资体制改革的决定(下文简称决定)、各省市政府投资项目实行代建制管理办法等法律法规及政策规章的颁布,以及全国各地开始政府投资建设工程代建项目管理模式的试点工作并取得显着成效,代建项目的推广已成为必然趋势。厦门作为全国最早的代建项目试点,以北京、青岛等5个省市为例分析了代建项目的投资情况及实施范围,如表1.1所示。表1.1 全

13、国代表省市代建项目实施情况一览表Table 1.1 List of agency construction project implementation of representative provinces and cities省市名称开始时间代建项目投资情况政府规定必须实施代建项目的工程范围厦门1995年2005年2008年7月,累计开展代建项目114项,总投资额约为1215亿元土建投资总额1500万元以上的市级财政性投融资建设的社会事业项目实行代建制,财政投融资的其他建设项目逐步实行代建制度。青岛1998年截至2008年7月,累计开展代建项目70项,总投资额约160亿元项目总投资1000

14、万元及以上且财政性资金占项目总投资50%及以上的非经营性项目(不含单纯设备购置项目)以及市政府规定的其他项目。北京2002年截至2007年底,累计开展代建项目65项,总投资额约65亿元总投资3000万元以上且政府投资占70%以上的单个或同类捆绑项目实行代建制,涉及国家安全、保密、防灾抢险的除外。河北截至2008年7月,累计开展代建项目16项,总投资额约20.2亿元使用省财政性资金(含中央预算内资金和国债资金)占项目总投资50%以上且总投资500万元及以上,或不足50%但总额达到2000万元及以上的非经营性项目。 浙江2005年截至2008年6月,累计开展代建项目25项,总投资额约为27.4亿元


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