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八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains学案3无答案新版人教新目标版Word格式文档下载.docx

1、教学重难点重点:通过图片和相关词汇谈论中国古代的故事。难点:故事名或书名的是写规范。预习任务任务一 翻译以下单词或短语女娲补天_后羿射日_大闹天宫_愚公移山_一就_除非_ 放弃_同意某人的观点_代替,反而_ 有点儿;稍微_ 尽力去做某事_提醒;使想起_任务二 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词的拼写。1.Did you hear the story that Yu Gong tried to m_ the mountains?2.Yu Gong thought that his family could c_ to move the mountains after he died.3.The sto

2、ry r_ us that we shouldnt give up.4.She found a good way to s_ the problem.5.Anything is p_ if we work hard.6.What could he do i_ of selling his bike to get some money.7.Do you have different o_ about the story?8.I think we should try to find a better way_(solve) the problem.9.Yu Gong said that his

3、family could continue_(move) the mountains after he died.10.The two mountains _(be) very high at that time.【课中探究】小贴士:关于故事,传说的若干要素:时间,地点,人物,起因,经过和结果。这些要素都可以通过who, what, when, where, why, how等疑问词来引出。例如:1.When and where did the story happen?(时间和地点)2.Who is the main character?(人物)3.How does the story be

4、gin?(起因)4.What happened? Why did that happen?(经过)5.What is the end of the story?(结果)故事开头的集中描述:once upon a time, long long ago, one day故事结尾:概括主要内容,阐述道理,感受,评价注意故事名,书名的书写规范书名,故事名,寓言名等,单词首字母要大写;名称中有借此,虚词,冠词无需大写;印刷体中名称要斜体。试着阅读以下一则寓言,找出故事的若干因素,AesopOnce upon a time in Greece there lived a clever man. His

5、name was Aesop. One day, when Aesop was taking a walk in the country, a man on the road stopped him. He said “kind sir, can you tell me how soon I can get to town?”Go,” Aesop answered.“Of course I know I must go,” said the man,” But I want to know how soon I can get to town.” “Go,” Aesop shouted to

6、him again. The man got angry.”He must be mad,” he thought. And he walked away. Suddenly he heard Aesop shouting at him, ”You will get to town in two hours.”The man was in great surprise. He turned back and asked,” Why didnt you tell me that before?”“How could I tell that before?” answered Aesop,” I

7、didnt know how fast you could walk.”【当堂达标】一 、根据句意从以下单词中选择适当的来完成句子。silly shoot bit remind begin weak west stick birth hide1.He cut a_ to help the old woman walk.2.Some birds _among the trees at night.3.He is a famous _singer.4.My brother is good at Chinese, but I am _ in it.5.She gave _ to a baby yes

8、terday.6.Dont move, or Ill _.7.Are you ready to_? We all sit down to listen to the song.8.This _me of Christmas parties.9.He was not _, just lazy.10.She is a _taller than me.二、 按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。1.You should come here on foot.(改为否定句)You _ _ here on foot.2.Mr .Yang told us,”I will have a long holiday.”(

9、改为间接引语)Mr.Yang told us_ _a long holiday.3.An old man moved the mountains many years ago.(改为一般疑问句)_an old man _ the mountains many years ago?4.I was watching TV when Mother came in.(用while改写)_ I _ _ TV, Mother came in.课后巩固1. (2011.广州)May I have a rest? I have already finished _the report.A. write B.

10、writing C. to write D. written2. (2012.贵阳) Teresa is_ nervous _she cant talk in front of the class.A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that3.(2012.河南) What smells terrible, Ted?-Im sorry. Ill _ my shoes and wash them at once.A. take away B. put away C. move away D. get away4. (2012.山东临沂) I asked two peo

11、ple the way to the station, but _of them could help me.A. both B. neither C. either D. all5. -I never thought she would _my invitation to the concert.-What a pity! She would feel sorry for missing the concert some day.A. remind B. suppose C. accept D. refuse6. I _ my homework as soon as I got home l

12、ast night.A. do B. did C. will do D. am doing三、根据汉语完成句子。(每题5分,共50分)1. 当他们忙着搬运石头时,一场交通事故发生了。 When they were_ _moving the stone, a traffic accident happened. _ _?2. 对愚公一家来说搬动大山似乎不可能。 It doesnt _ _ for Yu Gongs family to move a mountain. 3. 汤姆乘早班车去上学而不是步行去。 Tom caught the early bus to school_ _walking. 4. 孙悟空如词的聪明以至于他能把自己变成不同的动物。Sun Wukong is so clever _he can turn himself _ different animals.5. 为了使他父母高兴,下周他们要结婚. To_ their parents_, they will _ _next week. 八年级英语(下)导学案Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains第二课时 Section A (3a4c、Grammar Focus) 设计: 审稿:熟练运用连词”as soon as,unless,

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