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1、Seriously doubt it.可能是你孩提时代的那些卷纸 残留的细菌给感染了Maybe its a lingering bacterial infection from all those childhood toilet swirlies.这有可能吗?Is that possible?我以前常这么干I used to get those all the time.甚至在教堂都是Even in church.呃 要真是卷纸引起的 我倒是有办法对付Well,if it is from a swirly,there something I can do.好咧 圈 圈 点 点 这是给你的虱子

2、预防针!Okay,circle,circle,dot,dot,now you have a cootie shot!小盆友互相敌视 男生认为女生身上有虱子- 我要上床了 - 好 我马上就来- Im going to bed. - Okay,Ill be right in.她藐视我还不算 虱子预防针根本就不是这么打的Its not enough that she mocks me,but that isnt even the correct procedure for a cootie shot.Stephanie可不是来这儿治疗 你想象中的微恙的 明白?Do you understand th

3、at Stephanies not here to treat your imaginary ailments?怎么可能是想象出来的? 不然我怎么老听见比中音C高八度的音?How is it imaginary that I keep hearing an octave above Middle C?那是想象出来的?Is that imaginary?我可不这么认为t think so.- 晚安 - Leonard 还有件事- Good night. - Another thing.基于我们室友协议的第一章第三节Under Article One,Section Three of our Ro

4、ommate Agreement,我要求召开紧急会议Im calling an emergency meeting.才不呢No,youre not.Leonard请求取消会议 还有别人吗?Leonard moves the meeting not occur. Is there a second?没有 请求驳回None heard,the motion fails.会议一开始 我想要祝贺你 同Stephanie医生的关系突飞猛进d like to begin the meeting by congratulating you on the progress in your relationsh

5、ip with Dr. Stephanie.谢了Thank you.说完客套话 我们得讨论一下 是否执行同居附加条款之内容That being said,we have to discuss the implementation of the agreed upon cohabitation rider在你俩住在一起之后 该条款正式生效了which has been activated now that the two of you are living together.我俩没住在一起Were not living together.恕难同意I beg to disagree.当某女子在此屋

6、内待过以下时间 即可认为其与LeonardA girlfriend shall be deemed quote living with un-quote Leonard引号 同居 引号 A: 连续十个晚上when she has stayed over for A:ten consecutive nights,或者B: 连续三周内超过九个晚上or B: more than nine nights in a three week period,或者C: 一个自然月中 每个周末外加三个晚上or C: all the weekends of a given month plus three week

7、nights.真是荒谬Thats absurd.Leonard Hofstadter你签了字的 瞧? L.H. L.H. L.H.You initialed it. See? L.H.,L.H.,L.H.等等 我签字 是因为压根没想过这种事会发生Wait,I only initialed it because I never thought it would happen!我还签了另一个条款说 一旦我拥有超能力就喊你死党来着I initialed another clause naming you my sidekick in case I get superpowers.哼 没错 是你干的H

8、mm,yes,you did.现在总结陈词 以下条款也已激活生效:Now,to review,the following provisions are hereby activated:首先是冰箱里 本来我俩一人一个架子 这个架子是公用的In the refrigerator,as opposed to us having two separate shelves and one communal shelf,现在我们仨各拥有一个独立架子 冰箱门成为公用部分the three of us now get individual shelves and the door becomes commu

9、nal.接着 每周的吸尘工作 由两次增加至三次Next,apartment vacuuming shall be increased from two to three times a week以适应新增的死皮细胞to accommodate the increased accumulation of dead skin cells.第三 洗手间的时间表Third,the bhroom schedule.既然我已明了 女性需求不同 我们就得一起商量一下Now,Im given to understand women have different needs,so,well have to di

10、scuss that.我要上床了m going to bed.至少把这个带上At least take this with you.瞧 让Stephanie在这几个地方都签字Look,and have Stephanie initial here,here,here,here.还有. 这儿and. here.这条规定她现在和将来都不能 弹奏打击乐器或铜管乐器This states that she does not now nor does she intend to play a percussive or brass instrument.听上去就是个瘤 在挤压我的听觉神经Sure sou

11、nds like a tumor pressing on the auditory nerve.不 绝对不行No,absolutely not.又没啥了不起的 我们有橡胶手套s not a big deal. We have latex gloves.我不管你有何种症状 我女朋友才不会给你检查前列腺t care what the symptoms are,my girlfriend is not going to give you a prostate exam.嗨 SheldonHi,Sheldon.早上好 Stephanie医生Good morning,Dr. Stephanie.我相信L

12、eonard昨晚让你爽歪歪了I ust Leonard satisfied you sexually last night.Sheldon 地球人不会问这种问题Sheldon,we dont ask questions like that.我听见你一遍又一遍地问来着I heard you ask it over and over.让我问一次有啥不恰当的?How is it inappropriate for me to ask it once?他干得很棒He did very nicely.瞧见没? 又没冒犯人家See? Shes not offended.还让你小子知道了答案And now

13、you finally have an answer.咖啡没了 来借咖啡Out of coffee. Need coffee.噢 你好Oh,hello.是Stephanie 对吧?Stephanie,right?你-你-你是?And-And- And you are?Penny 我住在走廊那头Penny,I live across the hall.我常听他们提起你来着ve heard a lot about you.真的吗?Really?关于你 他可啥都没跟我提起呢I havent heard a thing about you.Leonard?为啥你对于这个住在走廊那头的 好邻居只字不提呢

14、?Why havent I heard a thing about this woman who lives across the hall她可会大清早来你们屋and comes into your apartment in the morning.还只穿着睡衣哟?in her underwear?我们跟她提起你来 是因为我和你.在谈朋友嘛Shes heard about you because were,you know,involved我没同你提起她来是因为.and you havent heard about her because.我从没同她睡过 我发誓!I never slept with her,I swear!Leonard可是争辩说 自己想

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