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1、霍华德 你要不要再检查一下Howard,do you want to double-check激光上的赤道仪装置the equatorial mount on the laser?我们得把它锁定到宁静之海上 月面某部名称We need it locked onto the Sea of Tranquility.没问题You got it.天 拉杰 别这样Oh,Raj,no.人们花了无数美元发明了英特网Billions of dollars have gone into inventing the Internet并在上面发了无数艳照and filling it with pictures of

2、 naked women,就是为了让我们不需要通过窗户来偷窥啊so we dont have to peep through windows.我才没有呢Its not like that.我只不过在看别人的电视而已Im watching someones TV.正在播傲骨贤妻呢The Good Wife is on.告诉你 这就是我的新实习医生格蕾I tell you,this is my new Greys Anatomy.莱纳德 莱纳德Leonard,Leonard.那是啥 那是啥What is that? What is that?别紧张 不就是只脏袜子嘛Relax,its just a

3、 dirty sock.你怎么可以如此淡定的把How on earth can you say脏袜子和别紧张放在同一句话里Dirty sock And Relax In the same sentence?谢尔顿 这个世界上到处都有被遗弃的脏袜子Sheldon,the world is filled with dirty discarded socks.我的世界可没有Not my world.嘿 你们知道谁会非常想看这个实验吗 佩妮Hey,you know whod really dig seeing this experiment? Penny.我怎么不知道她喜欢月面搜索呢I wasnt a

4、ware that lunar ranging was her thing.尽管我可以确定尼尔阿姆斯特朗留在月球上的Although,I suppose the retro-reflector left on the moon回复反射器的确符合了亮晶晶的标准by Neil Armstrong does qualify as a shiny object.那你怎么不叫她上来Why dont you ask her to come up?不知道 自从那之后就有点怪怪的I dont know,its still a little weird since,you know.-她甩了你吗 -她没有甩了我

5、- She dumped you? - She didnt dump me.我们只不过在这段关系中处在不同方位罢了We were just in different places in the relationship.我不明白为什么一段情缘I fail to see how a relationship还能有地理位置的特性can have the qualities of a geographic location.唔 这很简单Oh,its very simple.莱纳德住在一个叫做请别离开的小镇里Leonard was living in a little town called Plea

6、se dont leave me而佩妮则刚搬到了一个叫拜拜的小岛上while Penny had just moved to the island of Buh-bye.去你丫的Screw you guys.我去看看她在不在家m gonna go see if shes home.如果方便的话If its not too much trouble,我想把望远镜瞄准月球了d like to point this at the moon now.且慢Wait a second.好老婆正哭呢The good wife is crying.出大问题了Somethings very wrong.嘿 怎么

7、了Oh,hi. Whats going on?我们在屋顶上尝试从月球将激光射回来呢Were up on the roof bouncing laser beams off the moon.抱歉 什么m sorry,what?很酷的哦s pretty cool.我们准备了直径两米的反射器和其他仪器ve got a two-meter parabolic reflector and everything.我觉得你可能会想来看看I thought you might want to see it.这完全说不通啊That makes no sense.你怎么可能从月球上弹射东西How can you

8、 bounce stuff off the moon?那儿可没有重力Theres no gravity.呃 莱纳德Uh,Leonard,-这是扎克 扎克 这是莱纳德 -嘿- This is Zack. Zack,Leonard. - Hey.抱歉 我不知道你们正忙呢 或许下次吧Oh,sorry,I didnt know you were busy. Maybe another time.嗯 或许吧Yeah,maybe.嗨 我想看看这个激光Hey,I want to see this laser thing.但那个派对怎么办Oh,but what about the party?只不过是个惊喜派

9、对而已 什么时候到完全没所谓s a surprise party- doesnt matter when we get there.那倒是Right.那好吧 上来吧Okay,well,yeah,come on up.你们是如何认识的呢So,howd you guys meet?我的公司为芝士工厂设计菜单My company designs the menus for the Cheesecake Factory.你的公司Your company?事实上是我爸的 但我和我妹妹是副总Well,my dad. But me and my sister are VPs.呃 菜单啊So. menus.听

10、起来貌似简单 但在设计当中I know it sounds easy,but theres a lot of science是包含了不少科学知识的that goes into designing them.开心了吧Happy now?我把脏袜子丢开了m moving the dirty sock.谢谢Thank you.拉杰 时刻注意另外一只Raj,keep an eye out for the other one.各位 这是我朋友扎克Hey,guys,this is my friend Zack.-你好扎克 -哇哦- Hello. Zack. - Whoa!这就是那激光吗Is that th

11、e laser?太他妈帅了s bitchin.没错Yes.1917年 当爱因斯坦在他的文章In 1917,when Albert Einstein established关于辐射的量子理论中阐述了the theoretic foundation for the laser in his paper激光的理论基础时 他最诚挚的希望Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung, His fondest hope就是最终的仪器要很他妈的帅was that the resultant device be bitchin唔 那任务达成了Well,mission accomplishe

12、d.让我来解释一下我们在做什么Let me explain what were doing here.1969年 阿波罗11号上的宇航员Um,in 1969,the astronauts on Apollo 11在月面安置了数个反射器positioned reflectors on the surface of the moon,而我们则要发射激光and were going to shoot a laser off到其中的一个上面并反射回来one of them and let the light bounce back到这个光电倍增器上into this photomultiplier.哇

13、 那很酷啊Oh! Thats very cool.只有一个问题One question.你怎么确定它不会爆炸How can you be sure it wont blow up?激光吗The laser?月球The moon.看 这才是配得上佩妮的男人See,now this is a man for Penny.问得好 扎克s a great question,Zack.才不是呢No,its not.谢尔顿Sheldon!要友好Play nice.问得不好s not a great question.怎么能有人觉得How could somebody possibly think我们会炸掉月球were going to blow up the moon?这才叫问得好s a great question.不用担心月球Dont worry about the moon.我们把激光调弱了We-We set our laser to stun.聪明Smart.发射时我们能看到光束Now,well be able to see the beam when it leaves,但返回时的光束减弱but it won

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