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1、(1) navigation watch keeping (from 1200 to 1600, and from 0000 to 0400);(2) chart and navigational publication corrections;(3) passage plan making;(4) usually working as the designated communications officer;(5) maintenance of communication equipment, instruments and spare parts on board the ship;(6

2、) care of all the basic navigation equipment and instruments, including magnetic compasses, gyrocompasses, gyro repeaters, time changes, depth sounders and course recorder.(7) Maitenance of inventories of the stationery;(8) Medical duties, and other duties designated by the master or chief officer.(

3、9) Some other work designated by master or chief officer.4. please briefly describle the procedure of dealing with navigational warnings. Firstly, I shall register the navigational warnings in the register book and record the warning number in the card. Secondly, I shall select the charts that are a

4、ffected by the warnings. Then I shall use pens, scissors and glues to fix permanent notices. I shall also use pencils to fix temporary and preliminary notices. The charts are to be corrected according to all the concerned warnings. When I correct the chart, I shall frequently consult the geographica

5、l index.5. can you describe the charts correction procedure? Please refer to the same question for the master. Firstly, the second officer has to make sure that he has received the latest Notice to Mariner and that he has to write the notice request on time. The master shall make emergency request i

6、f the latest is not received. Secondly, the second officer has to record the notice to mariner on the correction logs on time according to the chronogical order. Thirdly, when correcting the chart, he has to make sure that the last small correction has been made on the chart. Erasure should never be

7、 made when deleting in formation crossed throuth. Instead, series of short double strokes should be used while correction fluid should not be used. Always insert information before you delete any information.6. who should draft the passage plan on board? What are included in passage plan? When you m

8、ake the passage plan, what information do you need? Usually, the passage plan should be prepared by the second officer and approved by the master. During passage, when an error or mistake is found about the passage plan, it should be reported to the master first and corrected afterwards by the secon

9、d officer. But during voyage the passage plan cannot be changed without the masters approved. The passage plan should include such information as way points, the distance between way point, courses, current, tide, weather conditions and means of communications, means of fixing position and interval

10、and so on. Besides, the following information and publications are necessary in making the passage plan: sailing directions, pilot book, port entry guidance, tide tables local area warning, warning from the NAVAREA areas, list of light and radio signals, admiralty notice to mariner, sea chart and ca

11、talogue of admiralty charts and other publications.7. what is the scope the passage plan cover? If you miss one ore two big or small scale charts for next voyage, can the ship give sea going or not? The passage plan should cover the sailing route from berth to berth. Lack of information for some are

12、as may lead to some serious accidents. The ship cannot go if one or two charts are not available.8. if the signal of “three red lights vertically aligned” is found on board a ship during night voyage, what do you think is wrong with the ship? If a motor ship is mpving under the way, but not under co

13、mmand, what kind of signals shoud she use? On what occasion do you display two black balls during the day? The vessel is constrained by her draught. It is very hard for her to maneuver. Our vessel should give a wide and take actions to keep away from her. The motor ship should use not-under-control

14、lights, i.e., two red lights vertically aligned during night time, and two black balls vertically aligned during day time. We shall display two black balls when our vessel cannot get out the way of another.9. please describle how you take care of the magnetic compass. The liquid magnetic compass sho

15、uld be regularly checked for air bubbles and it shoud always be covered when it is not in use. The deviation of the compass should be checked and observed during every watch.10. how to you set and adjust gyrocompass? The second officer should frequently check the gyrocompass, error. Actually, gyrocompass accuracy should be checked at least once a day at sea and at anchor, and for each course steered. During the watch, the simultaneous check should be made

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