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1、 transport, times, double-decker, light rail, stall, dump, poison, opposition, exhibition, title, attraction2.重要知识点3.基本技能通过听、说、读、写掌握本单元的对话,短文,相关词汇和重点语法表达。并通过运用新词汇和语法来谈论慈善这个话题。4.情感态度激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣5.学习策略综合应用和自主学习;利用上下文语境及阅读技巧复习巩固所学知识。 第一课时 Comic strips & welcome to the unit学习目标: To introduce the concep

2、t of situations that started in the past and are continuing at present To introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a time-line.课前自主学习:1.试着翻译下面的词语bus coach double-decker light tail plane train taxi underground2.试着在时间轴上标出下面的时间Since 1958 since 1935 since 2002 since

3、1913 Since 1971 since 1909 since 1958 since 19903. Having a discussionDiscuss the transport at different times.The bus has been in use since 1958. People have taken the bus since 1958.巩固与练习:1.Read the comic strips and try to recite it.2.Try to revise the phrase and sentence in this period.3.学习第二课时的语

4、法,完成 自主学习练习三。 第二课时Grammar To learn the spelling of the past participles of verbs To recognize contexts for the use of the present perfect tense To use the present perfect tense to talk about events that starts in the past and are connected to the present To understand adverbs of time and use them wi

5、th the present perfect tenseTeaching procedures重点难点:现在完成时:构成:S+have/has+Vpp用法:(1)表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与just, yet, ever, never,already, before 连用。1.Have you _ been to Beijing? No, _.2.I have _ finished my work.(已经). 3.They have _ left here. (刚刚)4.I have _ (从来没有)met such a man _. (以前)(2)表示动作或状

6、态开始于过去, 一直延续到现在, 甚至还可能继续延续下去. 常与for , since, so far, in the past/ last +一段时间, recently 等连用。动词用延续性动词。常见的非延续性动词与延续性动词的转换。come/go be in/on go out-be out leave be away begin/start be on buy have borrow keep join be a member die be dead catch a cold have a cold become be fall asleep be asleep open be ope

7、n get to know know close-be closed1.He died twenty years ago.1) He _ _ _for twenty years. 2) Twenty years _ _ _ he died.2.Jim came to the city last year.1)Jim _ _ _the city_one year. 2) _ one year _ Jim _ _ the city.3) One year _ _ _ Jim _ to the city.3.The exciting film began 5 minutes ago.The exci

8、ting film _ _ _ _ 5minutes ago.(3)have (has) been to sp.曾经去过某地,(或多少次)而现在不在某地have (has) gone to sp. 已经去了或正在去某地的路上have (has) been in sp 在某地(多久)1).The twins are not at home. They _ the West Hill Farm.2).A: Where _you_? Im looking for you.B: I _ the library. 3).-How long _ his uncle _ Germany? - I dont

9、know. But I know that he _ there many times. 4).We cant find Zhang Ming .Where _ he _? A. does, go B. does, gone C did , gone D. has , gone 5).Neither you nor Jim _ to Japan. A have been B. has been C. went D. has gone6).Where is your mother ? She _ Shanghai. She wont be back _ next week. A. has gon

10、e to ,until B. has been to , until C. has been to ,after D. has gone to , after现在完成时与一般过去时态的比较1.时间轴比较2.具体例子: Eddie was born four years ago我们一般用一般过去式表示在过去确定的某个时间里发生的事情,在时间轴上一般以点的形式呈现。Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born.Eddie has lives with Millie for four years.(第一种情况)We have known that Hob

11、o was very angry, because Eddie has eaten his food. (Eddie ate the food in the past and now Hobo does not have anything to eat. )(第二种情况)现在完成时表示某件事在过去某个时刻发生,一直延续到现在。有两种情况,一是其影响在这一刻依然存在,二是,这件事还将继续发展下去。现在完成时态的解题技巧现在完成时是比较难掌握的,是中考考察查较多的时态,是初中英语学习的重点和难点,根据各地历年各地中考试题对现在完成时的考查,只要掌握以下解题技巧,就能轻松搞定现在完成时态题。1.寻找

12、现在完成时中的“时间段”现在完成时态表示过去已经开始并持续到现在的动作或状态,多和表示一段时间的状语连用,其标志通常是“for+一段时间”或“since+点时间”I have been a teacher for ten years old. 我当老师有十年了。Have you worked in the city since three years ago? 你自从三年前就在这个城市工作吗?注意:since作连词后接句子时,该从句一半过去时,其主句依然用完成时态。2.寻找完成时态的状语标志在做时态题时,句中现在完成时的状语标志是我们选用现在完成时态的首选条件。常见的状语标志有yet, already, never, lately, recently, ever, just, before, twice(表示次数的词)等。They havent finished their work yet.他们还没有完成工作。We have never seen a more interesting film. 我们从来没看过比这更有趣的电影。1.他的祖父死了三年了。His grandfather _ _ _for three years.2.李明去哪了?他去北京了。Where is Liming?He _ _ _ Beijing.3.这套房子你买了多久?How long _ you _

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