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Lets celebrate教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、第 1 课时课 题Welunit课型New教学目标知识目标Enabludaw words: festival ,as, dlebrate , favourite ,Halloween , gake能力目标To knowg abouavals ba and in wu情感目标Try to lovaditional culture.教学重点To talk abouavals教学难点g abouavals in wu前预习1. Preview the new words and phrases. 2. To talk about the favouvals教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动

2、备课札记Rev2. Talk and LeaWrite and readStep4.Listen and readPraHomework:1. Alass When is Halloween?wwval. 2. Ask studlook aAsk quunderstanding,. 1) Why is Eddie so happy? (Its a holiday.) 2) What does Hobo look lure 3? (A ghost) 3) What does Hobo look lure 4 ? (g) 3. Ask two more able studle-plaversala

3、ss. Gudlook auage 38 and allowing questions: 1. Do you knowNew Year /as /Dragon Boat Festival / Easter / Halloween / Mid-Autumn Festival? 2. What do people usually do for eaval? Heludanswer: 1) Wlight pumpkin lanterns at Halloween. 2)le eat mooncakes ad-Autumn Festival. 3) Many people eat chocolate

4、eggs at Easter. 4)le give redand lackers aNew Year. 5) Many people put uaaaallWest. 6)le eat rice dumplings and watch Dragon Boat races at the Dragon Boat Festival. Ask studlook ax pictuage 35 and wavals underneauanswers wwhole class. Make sure that students can pronouavally. Ask studadversaPart B q

5、uietly. Then read ouversalass. Ask studat aaating the teachers pronunciation and intonation.Divide the claairs. Ask studlace the underlined words wwaalk abouavouvals. Gairs to act ouwn conversalass.1. Ask studdrawgs about eavald on page35. 2. Ask studgw about festivals.Learn Try to anwer the quRole-

6、playLook aure and answer the quDiscuss and learnLook and wanswers.Read aacher.Pair wok.Act.教学反思初一年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:第 2 课时Reading (1)To leawledge about Halloween a game called., cut out, at Halloween, play agiveasat wear costumes with mask paint fa能力目标To cultiva abilading情感目标Tw and lovaditional cul

7、ture.To mawledge of Halloween.教学难点课前预习Tw the background knowledge of Halloween.备课札记Presenta2.ReadingudPraworkTalk wudents about Halloween by askingllowing questions: 1. When is Halloween? 2. What do people usually do at Halloween? 1. Ask studlook auage 40 and 41. Ask Can you see a pumpkin lantern ?

8、Explaudents that at is a game children play at Halloween in wuThen show the studures. 2. Ask studan the passage andguaning of each new words. 3. Read out the lWendy. Students listen and follow the texbooks. Ask several studad out a paragraph eaunciation. Leaw words with students together: Play the t

9、ape and gad aWe celebraas by exchangingume cla particular period, group or activity, e.g. He wore traditionalua. dress up pual clume. e.g. He dressed up as Faag. You shoulddu want somebodlay abody for amug. He played aumpkin lantern a lantern made out of a puHalloween celebrag. We make pumkin lanter

10、ns at Halloween. sharp having a fine edge, e.g. This dog has shaal uunusual, e.g. She has a special doll. treat sth. very pleasaallat you give sb.or dg. She gave ulates as a special treat. Gudad through the passagunderstanding by asking questions: 1. Whats Wendys favouval? 2. What costume will Wendy

11、 wear? 3. How do children play “Tat? 4. What do people do with pumpkins? 5. Do people have a paber 31st? 6. Dave cold drinks and food? Ask studdesigwn Hallowumes. Displalaboard.Try to answer the quTalk abouure.Guess.LLook, listen and learn.Leaw words by heart. Ask and answer. Listen and retell. List

12、en and write Praairs Fwork第 3 课时Reading (2) and VocabularyTo know the words and phrases turkey, May, New Years Day, May Day, Teachers Dadumpling, get cards and能力目标To learn how to describvala and the dactivities done during the dvals.情感目标To describvals.Leaabout Halloween Millies Hallow教学难点Leaabout Ha

13、lloween.Preview the new words.备课札记Rev2. LeaaboutHallowDiscuLeaPra:Homework:1.Audag about the passage Getting ready for Halloween. 2.Discuss Why do people like Halloween?1. Go through the wordword box in Part B1. Ask studdart individuallanswers orally wlass. 2.Go through the wordword box in Part B 2.

14、 Read out alland elanswers. Then studldividually. Ask for volull the class about Halloween basedPart B 3. 1.Talk aboual costule wear aNew Year. Get studdescribdetails. Ask students wweag special aNew Year. 2. Hand ouPaudents and adesign special costuNew year. 1.Ask studlook aading in Part C . In pairs, students look at Wendys letter again and lwords. Tlxdividuallanswers orally wlass. 2.Without looking abox, students guess what eaaying in each picture. The studlxdividually. Ask several studad out answach picture. Explaw words and

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