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1、 语法填空中提示词为动词的解题技巧教学目标1. 知道动词的分类,能够区分句子中的谓语和非谓语,能判断语法填空中所给出的动词在句子中充当谓语还是非谓语;2. 学会联系上下文的语境判断并正确使用谓语动词的时态、语态,并注意主谓一致;3. 识记三种非谓语结构的功能和各自的时态和语态结构,理解它们在含义、结构和用法上的区别;4. 学会结合语境使用正确的非谓语形式。难点预知1. 谓语动词的各种时态和语态的区分及使用,非谓语动词的区分和各种时态和语态结构2. 如何判断填入的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词;3. 如何联系上下文填入正确时态和语态结构和谓语或非谓语动词; 课堂练习请做下面一组题,思考是如何一步一

2、步做出来的,并将解题的思维过程说出来。在做完这一组题后,总结一下这类题的解题方法。Task 1. 1. I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car_ (break) down near a remote and poor village. (2007广东) broke2. Jack_ (work) in the lab when the power cut occurred. (2016北京) was working3. In the last few years, China _(mak

3、e )great achievements in environmental protection. (2015北京) has made4.Ever since 1990, the Greens _(live)a peaceful life in this village. have lived 5.When I _(choose)to take part in the sport, I felt very surprised because i had never done this before. was chosen 6.At present, a big farm _(build)ne

4、ar our city to solve the problem of the daily vegetable being built 7. Where men control the household, less money _( spend) on healthcare and food,which results in poorer health for children. is spent /will be spent8.It is the first time that she _(witness)such a heavy snow storm. has wit

5、nessed 9.It is three years since he _(graduate)from Harvard University. graduated 注意1.以上括号中所填的动词为谓语动词还是非谓语动词, 判断的原因是什么? 此时,还要根据语境确定该动词的_和_。1People stepped on your feet or _ (push) you with their elbows(肘部),hurrying ahead to get to a bargain(广东省2009年) pushed 2.I_(read)half of the English novel, and I

6、ll try to finish it at the weekend. (2016北京) have read3.She _(phone)someone, so I nodded to her and went away. (2014 四川) was phoning4. But the dog, after sniffing around for a bit, _ (lie) down and began to complain about how difficult it, was to find one bone in such a big field. lay5.Hoping he wou

7、ld not be seen, Bob rushed in, _ (pick) up his book andrushed out. picked6.When I first met Bryan I didnt like him, but I_(change) my mind. (2013 课标I) have changed注意2: 以上括号中所填的动词为谓语动词还是非谓语动词, 判断的原因是什么? 句中已经出现了谓语动词,但需要填空的动词与之是并列关系,考的是谓语动词,必须考虑时态语态。 _陷阱1:句子中含有从句或同位语时,要从整个句子的结构入手。例:The experiment they

8、had devoted themselves to _ (succeed) at last.succeeded例:Some studies show that the industry of raising large farm animals _ (lead) to water and air pollution, land damage and climate change. leads 例:But this type of housing, which _ (call) co-housing, is gaining popularity in the United States. is

9、called例:But this type of housing, _ (call) co-housing, is gaining popularity in the United States.called例:The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home, _ (reply) in a way that shocked his father.replied陷阱2:句子本身是状语从句,要看清楚引导词后面有没有主语。例:In Indonesia, where Obama lived as a ch

10、ild, hundreds of students at his former elementary school erupted in cheers when he _ (declare) winner, pouring into the courtyard where they hugged. was declared 例:Generally speaking, when_ (take) according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.taken陷阱3:考祈使句,要通过语感去判断。例子:_ (give) blood if y

11、ou can and many lives will be saved. GIVE例子._(knock) at the door before you enter my room. (2012北京)Knock1. The famous musician, as well as his students,_(invite)to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo. (2013 福建) was invited 2. My mom suggests that we _(eat)out for a change

12、this weekend. (2013陕西) eat 3.She insisted we _(keep) pace with society. keep 4.I will be lost in deep _(think)about Chinese education and parenting style. thought 5.European_(settle)began in 1840 when the British arrived. settlement6.My father has made a full_(recover) from the operation. recovery7.

13、I found him an honest and _(rely )man.reliable注意3:提示词为动词的几种其它的填写情况?_Task 1模拟训练(1) His fear of failure _ (keep) him from classrooms games that other children played with joyous abandon. kept(2) That was definitely not a attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, _ (close) my book and walk

14、ed away. closed (3) The next time you _ (offer) help, no matter what that offer may be, do not turn it down! are offered (4) _ (leave) it with me and Ill see what I can do. Leave (5) _ (get) to the tower building, where you can see the whole city. Get (6) The new machine, if _ (use) properly, will work for at least ten years. used Task 2: 1.He spit it out, _(say) it was awful. saying 2._(found)

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