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1、Beijing#80 High School International Department Introduction to Chemistry 化学入门Definition: Chemistry is the study of the position, structure, and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that acpany there processes. (化学的定义:化学是研究物质的组成,构造,性质,物质发生的变化,以及变化过程中涉及的能量

2、变化。)Branches of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry;Inorganic Chemistry;Physical Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry;Biochemistry; Theoretical chemistry (化学的分支:有机化学;无机化学;物理化学;分析化学;生物化学;理论化学)Day 1【Task】Please put the Chinese name into the suitable chapter. Vocabulary about chapter name. 章节名称词汇-What may we study

3、 about chemistry in the first year? 高一可能涉及哪些化学知识?物质和变化;原子:构建物质的根本单元;酸和碱;氧化复原反响;气体;化学键;原子中的电子排布;称量和计算;反响能量;元素周期律;化学方程式和化学反响;化学平衡;化学反响动力学;化学计量学;化学式和化学物质;物质的状态;电化学;滴定与pH值;水溶液中离子和稀溶液的依数性;溶液;Chapter 1 Matter and Change ( )Chapter 2 Measurement and Calculation ( )Chapter 3 Atom-Building Block of Matter (

4、)Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms( )Chapter 5 The periodic Law ( )Chapter 6 Chemical Bonding ( )Chapter 7 Chemical Formulas and Chemical pounds ( )Chapter 8 Chemical Equations and Reactions ( )Chapter 9 Stoichiometry ( )Chapter 10 States of Matter ( )Chapter 11 Gas ( )Chapter 12 Solution

5、( )Chapter 13 ions in Aqueous Solution and colligative Properties ( )Chapter 14 Acid and Base ( )Chapter 15 Acid-Base Titration and pH ( )Chapter 16 Reaction Energy ( )Chapter 17 Reaction Kinetics ( )Chapter 18 Chemical Equilibrium ( )Chapter 19 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions ( )Chapter 20 Electroche

6、mistry ( )Chapter 22 Organic Chemistry ( )Chapter 23 Biology Chemistry ( )Day2 【Task】Identify the vocabularies and master as possible as you can. Matter and its properties物质及其特点Mass 质量 Definition of Matter物质的定义 States of Matter物质的状态solid 固体 liquid液体 gas气体 plasma等离子 position of Matter 物质的构成 Chemical

7、and Physical Properties化学性质和物理性质Chemical and Physical Changes 化学变化和物理变化 Conservation of Mass 质量守恒 atom 原子 molecular 分子 ion离子 cation 阳离子 anion阴离子 element 元素/单质 pound 化合物 pure substance 纯物质 mixture混合物 reactant 反响物 group 族元素周期表的纵行 family 族元素周期表的纵行 period 周期元素周期表的横行 metal 金属 nonmetal 非金属 metalloid 准金属 N

8、oble Gas 稀有气体Day3【Task】Identify the vocabularies and master as possible as you can. Scientific Method(科学方法) system 系统 hypothesis 假设 model 模型 theory 理论 weight 重量 derived Unit 衍生单位 Energy能量Definition of Energy能量的定义 Forms of Energy能量的形式Types of Reactions反响类型Exothermic Versus Endothermic 放热对吸热 Measureme

9、nts and Calculations测量和计算Temperature Measurements温度测量 Scientific Notation 科学记数法 Method of Conversion 转换方法 Precision, Accuracy, and Uncertainty精细度,准确度,不确定度 Significant Figures有效数字 Calculations with Significant Figures 有效数字的计算 directly proportional 正比例 inversely proportional 反比例 Chemical Formulas 化学分子

10、式 Equation 化学方程式 Writing and Balancing Simple Equations 写作和配平简单方程式 Ionic Equations 书写离子方程式 mass number 质量数 average atomic mass 平均分子量 mole摩尔 Avogadros number 阿伏伽德罗常数 molar mass 摩尔质量Day4Law of conservation of mass 质量守恒定律 nuclear forces 原子核力 atomic nuclei原子核 proton 质子 neutron 中子 electron 电子 charge电荷 po

11、sitive charge 正电荷 negative charge 负电荷 atomic number 原子序数 isotope 同位素 nuclide 核素 particle 粒子 Oxidation Number and Valence氧化数和化合价 Reactivity反响 Period Table of the Elements元素周期表Periodic Law周期律 Properties Related to the Periodic Table元素周期表的性质 Radii of Atoms原子半径 Electro negativity电负性 Electron Affinity电子亲

12、和能 Ionization Energy电离能 Bonding 化学键Types of Bonds 化学键类型Ionic Bonds离子键 Covalent Bonds共价键 Metallic Bonds金属键 Intermolecular Forces of Attraction 分子间的吸引力 Hydrogen Bonds氢键 Double and Triple Bonds双键和三键 Resonance Structures共振构造 Day 5 【Task】Learn the apparatus vocabulary and match the vocabulary with the pi

13、cture given. If necessary, google the vocabularies on the baidu /google image and try your best to finish it. 学习仪器词汇并完成后面的图片匹配题。如果需要,可以通过XX图片或谷歌图片搜索相关仪器。试管 test tube 试管夹 test tube holder 烧瓶 flask 烧杯 beaker 漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗separatory funnel 锥形瓶conical flask/ Erlenmeyer flask 天平 balance/scale 分析天平 analy

14、tical balance 台秤 platform balance 游码 crossbeams and sliding weights量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner塞子stopper 洗瓶 plastic wash bottle 滴定管 burette 酸氏滴定管Geiser burette 碱氏滴定管Mohr burette for use with pinchcock 冷凝器 condenser 试剂瓶 reagent bottles 蒸发皿 evaporatin

15、g dish玻璃活塞 stopcock 搅拌装置 stirring device 磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrer电动搅拌器power basic stirrer 容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb 玻璃棒 glass rod stirring rod 移液管 (one-mark) pipette刻度移液管 graduated pipettes蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask 坩埚 crucible 外表皿 watch glass 称量瓶weighing bottle广口瓶wide-mouth bottle研磨钵 mortar 研磨棒 pestle 玛瑙研钵agate mortar 滴管 dropper 蒸馏装置distilling apparatus蒸发器 evaporator升降台lab j

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