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1、汤姆叔叔的小屋论文汤姆叔叔的小屋论文哈尔滨商业大学毕业论文论汤姆叔叔的小屋中黑奴汤姆悲剧的必然性学 生 姓 名 杨玉婷 指 导 教 师 奚新远 专 业 英 语 学 院 外语学院 2015年 5 月 30 日Harbin University of Commerce Graduation ThesisOn the Inevitability of Uncle Toms Tragedy StudentYang Yuting Supervisor Xi Xinyuan Specialty English Language School School of Foreign Languages May

2、30, 2015院长意见:(签字) 年 月 日毕业论文审阅评语一、指导教师评语:指导教师签字:年 月 日毕业论文审阅评语二、评阅人评语:评阅人签字:年 月 日毕业论文答辩评语及成绩三、答辩委员会评语:四、毕业论文成绩:专业答辩组负责人签字: 年 月 日五、答辩委员会主任单位: (签章) 答辩委员会主任职称: 答辩委员会主任签字: 年 月 日 摘 要美国作家哈利特比彻斯托的代表作汤姆叔叔的小屋被誉为废奴小说的经典, 在小说所有的人物当中,黑奴汤姆叔叔这个人物给读者带来了巨大心灵震撼一个友善、博爱、无私、忠诚和具有救赎精神的黑奴最后的结局居然是悲惨的死亡。汤姆的死亡给小说蒙上了一层浓厚的悲剧色彩。

3、通过以汤姆为代表的奴隶们的悲剧,斯托夫人成功地揭发和控诉了美国南方蓄奴制的罪行, 激发了人们对奴隶的同情和对奴隶制的憎恶, 继而把废奴运动推向了高潮,因此,小说被誉为美国南北战争的导火索之一,具有一定的历史地位。本文从社会、历史以及汤姆本人的人物性格分析着手,多方面探讨汤姆悲剧的必然性,致力于全面深刻理解小说的主旨一奴隶制的罪恶。关键词:哈利特比彻斯托 ;黑奴汤姆;奴隶制;悲剧;必然性 AbstractUncle Toms Cabin, published in 1952, which was written by the Harriet Beecher Stowe, the well-kno

4、wn masterpiece of Mrs. Stowe is the greatest anti-slavery work of America in the 19th century. Among all the characters in this work, Uncle Tom who was full of kindness was the true hero in the history of American novels. This work analyzes the characteristics of unselfishness, loyalty, kindness and

5、 generosity embodied in Uncle Tom who was a real believer in Christianity. However, such a kind man end up with a tragic death under merciless treatment of his slave owner in this novel, the ending of Uncle Tom has made a strong tragic atmosphere throughout the whole novel, which stresses the slaves

6、 miserable life under the unfair slavery system. Toms death , which made the people in the south stand up to fight against the slavery sustained in the South of America. This work also gave a true account of the miserable fate of the slaves in the South and woke up the sympathy of the white people t

7、o the black slaves. In addition, Toms tragedy assists Mrs. Stowe successfully in exposing and accuse the essence of the brutality of the slavery to the maximization, and giving more criticisms to the slavery system, finally, pushing the movement of fighting against slavery system to the climax. . Ke

8、ywords: Uncle Toms Cabin; Uncle Tom; tragedy; inevitability; slaveryContents1 Introduction Harriet Beecher Stowe(1811-1896), was one of the greatest figures in 19th-century America writer, was born in a ministerial family in Litchfield, Connecticut, on June 14, 1811. Both her father and brother are

9、well-known minister in congregational church and latter she married Calvin Stowe, a minister and professor, so Mrs. Stowe was deeply influenced by theology throughout her life, and she had a distinct understanding to the Christianity culture . Mrs. Stowe was interested in literature when she was a l

10、ittle child. Harriets favorite room was her fathers study. She liked flipping through Lymans books as he sat at his desk, working on his Sunday sermons. Many of the books were scholarly works on religion, but there were a few that excited the girls imagination. She particularly liked the exotic stor

11、ies in Lymans volume of Arabian nights. (Sonnebom, 2009:15)This novel Uncle Toms Cabin by Mrs. Stowe is the masterpiece of American emancipation literature in the middle of 19th century. It flintily exposed the atrocity of helotism, therefore, people in the north were stirred by righteous wrath whic

12、h led to the American Civil War in the 1960s. This novel Uncle Toms Cabin holds pretty high historical value and literature significance. The Fugitive Slave Act passed in 1850, which announced that it is illegal for anyone in the United States to give assistance or support to runaway slave. The nove

13、l served as a immediately response to the Fugitive Slave Act. It strongly attacked this law and other institution it protected. According to this act, the Southern slaves who escaped to the North must flee to Canada to get the real freedom. So in this novel, Mrs. Stowe kept calling for immediate ema

14、ncipation of the black slaves and freedom to all people. Uncle Toms Cabin was widely accepted as one anti-slavery novel which was one of the blasting fuse caused American Civil War. When Abraham Lincoln met Mrs. Stowe in 1862 in White House, he said, “so youre the little woman who wrote the book tha

15、t caused this great war.” This novel by Stowe directly exposed the brutal essence of the southern slavery system, and intensify the contradiction between the south and the north , finally made the American Civil War. The great success Stowe achieved no doubt is that it successfully aroused peoples hatred toward slavery and sympathy to slaves. In addition, it is widely thought Uncle Toms Cabin as an anti-slavery literature eventually brought about the end of slavery.In this novel, Mrs. Stowe through two clues described the miserable fates of the south slaves. On the one hand

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