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1、3. The word Ethics refers to principles of behavior that distinguish between good, bad, right, and wrong.(指的是行为的原理,区分好的,坏的,正确的和错误的)4. Techniques for forecasting resource (预测资源技术)are hunches, Market surveys, time-series, and economic model.5. Five aspects that differentiate jobs are(区分工作的五个方面)Work pa

2、ce, job repetitiveness, skill requirements, methods specification, and required attention.6. Five more widely used departmentalization bases are (五个广泛使用的部门化基地是)functional, Process , product, customer, and geographic .7. Contemporary organization design theory can be divided into two categories of op

3、inion.(现代组织设计理论可以分为两类意见) They are Universalistic approach and contingency approach.8. Organizations can adopt one of the three general strategies.(组织可以采用三个策略当中的一个) They are cost leadership, focus, and differentiation 9. Three conditions that determine the effectiveness of controlling function(三个条件确定

4、控制功能的有效性) are standards , information, and corrective action.10. JIT refers to the fact that it compiles byte code only when its ready to be executed - just in time11.Three management levels(管理的三个层次): the operational level , the technical level, and the strategic level.12. The three tasks of world c

5、lass managers(世界顶级管理者的三个任务): managing work and organizations,Managing people , and managing production and operations.13.Three important situational dimensions assumed to influence the leaders effectiveness are(三个重要的情境维度被认为影响领导效能): leader-member relations , task structure, position power.14. Five ke

6、y steps in developing a quality control system(开发一个质量控制系统的五个关键步骤): develop quality characteristics, establish quality standards, develop quality review program, build commitment to quality, design reporting system 15. A number of factors affect quality(影响质量的许多因素): policy, information, engineering an

7、d design, materials , equipment, people, and field support.16. Job depth refers to(工作深度指的是) the autonomy, responsibility , and discretion or control over the job.17. Strategy involves the selection of missions, objectives and appropriate courses of action to achieve theses objectives.(战略涉及任务选择)18. R

8、ichard Hackman has identified five core dimensions that provide enrichment for jobs.(rh已经确定了五个提供丰富工作的核心的方面) They are variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback .19. _P/OM_ goes well beyond manufacturing operations involving the assembly of products. (远远超出了涉及产品的装配制造业务)It also c

9、overs the operation of banks, transportation companies, hospitals and clinics, school systems, insurance companies, and high-technology firms.(它还包括银行,经营运输公司,医院和诊所,学校系统,保险公司,和高科技公司)20. Contemporary organization design theory can be divided into two categories of opinion. (现代组织设计理论可以分为两类意见)The second

10、category of opinion states that the best way to organize depends upon the situation. This category is termed _ contingency approach _ _. Identifying True or false of the following sentences (20 points)Please write you answer into the following table NO.12345678910MarksAnswers1. Mintzberg found that

11、managers regardless of the type of organization or the level in the organization perform similar role(明茨伯格发现管理者不论什么类型的组织或组织中的水平发挥类似的作用)T2. Social responsiveness has occurred when a business has met only its economic and legal responsibilities.(社会反应发生时,企业只见过它的经济和法律责任。)F3. Feedback favorably affects p

12、erformance.(反馈绩效对表现产生影响)T4. The decision-making process begins with identification of decision criteria.(决策过程始于决策标准的鉴定)F5. Most individuals make decisions based upon incomplete information.(大多数人做出基于不完全信息的决定)T6. Nominal group technique allows individuals to operate independently.(名义群体法允许个人独立操作)T7. No

13、 one should be held responsible for something over which he or she has no authority.没有人应对他而言没有权威的东西负责)T8. An organic structure has many rules with rigid hierarchical relationships and a tall structure.(一种有机结构具有很多严格层次关系与高层结构的规则)F9. People low in self-esteem believe they possess the ability to succeed

14、 at work.(低自尊的人相信他们拥有在工作中取得成功的能力)F10. When maintenance factors are not present, employees will be dissatisfied, however the presences of these factors do not build strong motivation.(当维修因素不存在时,员工将不满意,但是这些因素的存在并不建立强大的动机)T11. Management is the process undertaken by one individual to coordinate the activities of others to achieve results not achievable by one individual acting alone.(管理是由英国人来协调他人的活动无法实现由一个人单独行动的过程)F12. The external environment includes all the forces acting on the organization within the organization.(外部环境包括所有的力量作用于组织内的组织)F13.

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