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1、性对象;文学作品有其独特的普遍结构,即二维度多层次的结构,这种结构保 证了作品的同一性。通过指出文学作品的存在方式和独特结构,英伽登的作品 观超越了西方传统作品观的主客二元对立,并且说明了文学作品区别于其他艺 术作品的特殊本质。本论文在这方面补充阐述以往国内外研究忽视的两个问题, 一个是作品的结构如何与作品作为“纯意向性对象”关联在一起的问题,另一 个是英伽登的作品结构理论中文学作品结构的第二个维度,即作品各部分的连 接次序的相关问题。英伽登对文学作品如何在读者的阅读中达到实现也作了考察,提出了“具 体化”和“审美对象”两个重要概念。英伽登所说的“作品”就是指区别于其 具体化和审美对象的“作品

2、本身”。由于作品本身只是一个充满未定点的图式化 的结构,需要读者在阅读中加以填充并使作品的潜在要素达到实显,作品才能 实现。具体化使得同一部作品在不同的阅读经验中出现各种变化,也使作品在 历史流传中表现出一种类似“生命”的现象。读者对同一部作品可以有多种态 度,从而形成不同的具体化,只有审美的具体化才能形成审美对象。这样,英 伽登的作品观就说明了作品的相对自足性,他所界定的“作品”既有确定性又 有开放性。英伽登还考察了文学的艺术作品的价值规定性。他认为艺术价值和审美价 值是作品特有的价值规定性,审美价值的复调和谐使一部文学作品成为艺术作 品;他区分了艺术价值和审美价值并界定了现代意义上的“美文

3、学作品” 。国内 1 外已有研究在作品的结构和价值是如何关联在一起的问题上还比较薄弱并且对 英伽登的理论有所误解,本论文强调英伽登认为作品的结构和价值是统一的, 作品自身的各个层次的结构要素都承载着各种价值质素并且与这些价值质素不 可分离,而且文学作品的结构特点决定了其所承载的价值质素及其组合方式的 多样性,这种多样性使得文学的艺术作品可能形成的诸价值质素的复调和谐以 及文学作品可能出现的不同审美对象比其他类型的艺术作品都更加丰富。这样, 英伽登就认为文学的艺术作品的本质特点在于其二维度多层次结构和价值规定 性的统一。英伽登以其独特的作品观澄清了“作品”的概念,实现了对西方传统作品 观的主客二

4、元对立的超越,更合理地解释了文学作品并揭示了其本质特点,对 当代文学研究影响巨大。英伽登的文学作品研究成果丰硕,给当代文学理论和 文学批评提供了不少有意义的新概念,提出了新的思考进路和新的研究方法, 也开拓了文学理论和文学批评的研究领域与视野,他的作品理论至今仍然有富 有生命力,给当前的文学研究以启示。关键词:文学作品;意向性对象;具体化;审美对象;艺术价值;审美价值2 Abstract Roman Ingarden, whose unique view of the literary work has great influences on the theory of literature

5、in both the Western and Chinese Academy, and still has significance today, was one of the most important theorists in the 20 century. The aims of this thesis are to introduce, to analyse and to evaluate Ingardens view of literary work, and to supplement the study on this feild. And on the basis of t

6、he introduction and the analysis and the evaluation, I point out the significance of Ingardens view of literary work in contemporary literary studyWith the phenomenological approaches, Ingarden studied the mode of existence of the literary work. He argued that the literary work is neither the real e

7、ntity nor the ideal entity, but a purely intentional object in its ontically heteronomous mode of existence; the literary work is a two-dimensional formation with one dimension consisting of four strata and the other consisting of the sequence of parts in the workAnd in this formation the literary w

8、ork is fully secured as regards its identity. I illuminate two questions which the former students neglected, that one is how is the stratified formation of the literary work related to the works being a “purely intentional object”, and the other concerns the order of the sequence in a literary work

9、Ingarden also investigated the actualization of the literary work in readings, for the work itself was only a schematic formation. The concepts of concretization and aesthetic object were important because he distinguished the work itself from its concretizations and the aesthetic object which had i

10、ts foundation in the work itself. In Ingardens opinion, the “work” was just the work itself. On the condition that a literary work is expressed in a manifold of concretizations, it can undergo changes, and in this sense, one can speak of its “life”. Ingardens view of literary work illuminates its re

11、lative independence and its relations to history and societyIn his investigation on the value qualities of the literary work of art, Ingarden3 distinguished artistic and aesthetic values and defined “belles letters”. Ingarden believed that it was the polyphonic harmony of aesthetic value qualities t

12、hat makes the literary work a work of art. I try to illustrate the relation of the structure and the values of the literary work of art, which is a question that the former students had not explained. In Ingardens opinion, the value qualities cannot be detached from their constitutive basis-form the

13、 corresponding elements of the individual strata which carry them. The literary work itself contains artistic value in its structure and determines the aesthetic value which appears in the aesthetic object. And then Ingarden concluded that the essence of the literary work of art consists in the unif

14、ication of its values and its structureWith his special view of the literary work, Ingarden freed the concept of “literary work” from the various kinds of blurring, and his study reasonably revealed the essence of the literary work. For these reasons, Ingarden has significance in history and great i

15、nfluence on contemporary theory of literature and criticism. In nowadays, Ingardens view of the literary work still inspires the literary studyKey words: The Literay Work; Intentional Object; Concretization; Aesthetic Object;Artistic Value; Aesthetic Value 4 引 言 1 第1 章 文学作品的存在方式. 3 1.1 现象学与英伽登的作品观3 1.2 文学作品的基本结构 7 1.2.1 第一个维度的四个层次 7 1.2.2 第二个维度的连接次序15 1.2.3 小结

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