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1、教学准备录音机 多媒体 词卡主备人梁泽颖环节教 学 过 程个性化设计激趣导航一、预习学1.Listen to a song: Days of a week.学生感知星期一至星期日的英文表述。2.T:“Its 8 oclock. Its time for Chinese.”引出句型:We have Chinese, Englishon Mondays. 结合课程表,进行日常口语练习,内容可参考如下:A: Hello, B. What time is it?B: Hello, A. Its 8:20. Its time for English class.二、尝试学1.T:“What classe

2、s do you like?”引导学生复习有关课程的词汇。2.T: Today is Monday. We have Chinese, English, maths and PE.展示PPT向学生介绍星期一至星期日以及周末的名称,先让学生试读,然后播放声音,让学生跟读。教师范写七个单词。可用彩色粉笔标出这些单词的后缀-day,引导学生仔细观察,发现单词构成上的这一共同点。引领导法三、合作学 展示学1.Listen to the tape and repeat the words.2.Read the words in groups.3.Game: Which one is it?(仅出示首字母

3、或两个字母)4.PPT展示课程表。T: What do you have on Mondays?I have.替换练习A:What do you have on? B:5.Act the dialog out.运用练四 实践学 拓展学1. Lets playWork out a schedule with your partner. I have PE. Music, science and English. Is it Monday?Yes./ No.2.Copy the new words twice.3. Do some exercises on activity book.作业1. L

4、isten to the tape 3 times.2.Copy the new words 3 times.3. Preview A Lets talk.板书设计Unit 1A Lets learnMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekendI have .课后记Unit 2 A Lets talk 第 2 课时(总第8 课时)1.能听懂、会说并在实际情景中运用以下对话:I have .能替换关键词造新句并在实际情景中自如运用2.能听懂Lets try部分的录音内容,完成正确填空的练习。掌握句型What do

5、 you have on Mondays?I have .要求学生在实际情境中完成替换练习。难点1. 单词“with”的用法。2. 能与同学谈论一星期的课程以及所做的事。录音机、词卡、多媒体主备人个性化设计1.listen to the song: Days of the week2.读词卡Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekend1.T利用PPT出示班级课程表,让学生两两合作交流What do you have on _?I have _.2. Ss show the dialog. T适当评

6、价3. Lets tryListen and fill in the blankWhat do you have on Wednesdays?I have _.1.PPT出示人物John and his grandfather. Guess, What does his grandfather ask?2.Listen to the tape and answer:Whos Johns music teacher?3.Read and fill in the blanks1)John has _, _ and _ on Thursdays.2)Grandfather has a _ _ wit

7、h Johns grandma.4.Listen and repeat the dialog.5.Ask some questions about what they dont understand.6.Act the dialog out.四 实践学1. Make a new dialog with your partner. 2. Act the new dialog out.3. Which dialog is perfect?4. Pair work What do we have on Wednesdays and Thursdays? We have.五、拓展学3. 课堂练习根据所

8、给情景,选择正确的句子:( ) 如果你想问“你星期一做什么”,应该说: A. What do you do on Mondays?B. What day is it today?C. When is your birthday?( ) 如果你想问“星期一你们上什么课”,应该说: A. Monday is my favourite. B. We have English, maths and science. C. What do you have on Mondays?( ) 如果你想说“我喜欢星期五”,应该说: A. What do you do on Fridays? B. I like

9、Mondays. C. I like Fridays.2.Form the sentences1).do, on, what, have, you, Thursdays2).have, maths, I, and, English, Chinese3.Do some exercises on activity book.1 Listen to the tape 3 times.2 Make a new dialog with your friend.3.Preview B Lets learn.Unit 1 A Lets talkUnit 2 B Lets talk 第 4课时(总第10 课时

10、)1. 能听、说、认读单词“often”和“park”。2. 能听懂、会说句子“Do you often read books in this park?”,“I like this park very much.”,“Me too.”。3. 能完成“Lets try”部分的听力任务。 掌握本课中的句型,要求学生能在实际情境中运用。单词“often”表示的频率。一、 预习学1. Free talk What do you often do on the weekend? S1: I often S2:2. 请两三组学生上讲台表演“B. Lets learn”部分的对话。3. 说单词,如“pla

11、y”,学生快速说出相应的短语,如“play football”。4. 随机说出上一节课学习的词组,全班学生做相应的动作。1.出示一本故事书T:Whats this? 引出Its a storybook. 板书storybook学习。Do you often read books? (板书此句)引导学生回答:Yes, I do./No, I dont.3.利用图片练习 Do you often ? Yes, I do./No, I dont.二、 合作学 展示学1.介绍对话情景 Its Saturday afternoon. Zhang Peng and Sarah are in the par

12、k. They are talking now. Lets listen to the tape and see what theyre talking about.2. Read and find the answer: Whats that in Sarahs hand? Does Sarah often read books in the park? What does Zhang Peng often do in the park? Do they like the park?A Its a story-book.B No, she doesnt.C He often plays football. D Yes, they do.3.Listen and imitate the dialog.4.Ask some questions about what they dont und

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