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1、新目标英语八年级上册知识点小结1、当形容词修饰不定代词、不定副词时,放于其后; something special; somewhere wonderful.2、不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。如: Is everybody here? 大家都到齐了吗? 3、something,somebody,someone,somewhere用于肯定句及表示请求或建议的疑问句中,而anything,anybody,anyone,anywhere用于否定句、疑问句及条件状语从句中。如:Did you do anything interesting? 你做了有趣的事吗?(表疑问)Why dont y

2、ou visit someone with me? 你为什么不跟我一起去拜访下某个人呢?(表建议) If anything happens, please tell me. 如果有事情发生,请告诉我。4、 few与little 的区别: 肯定否定许多 可数a fewfewquite a few不可数a littlelittlequite a little 如:There is little sugar in the bottle. Can you get some?5、Still no one seemed to be bored. 仍然没有人感到烦闷。 seem意为“好像;似乎;看来”,是个

3、连系动词,构成的短语有: seem to do sth. 好像做某事 如: They seem to wait for you. 他们似乎在等你。 seem(to be)+adj. 似乎. 如: He seemed ( to be) ill yesterday. 昨天他似乎病了。 It seems that + 从句 似乎. 如: It seems that he was ill yesterday. 昨天他似乎病了。其他表示状态的系动词有:feel(觉得); keep(保持);stay(保持);look(看来像.);smell(闻起来)sound(听起来)taste(尝起来)6、 bored

4、 (adj),意为“感到厌倦的、无聊的”,其主语是某人; boring(adj),意为“令人厌倦的、无聊的”其主语是某物。 如:I got bored with the boring work. 我对这无聊的工作感到厌倦。相类似的词语还有: interested/ tired/ excited/ amazed/surprised如此以致于(结果) interesting/ tiring/ exciting/ amazing/surprising7、 so+形/副+that 从句:She is so popular that everyone likes her. such such+名短+ t

5、hat 从句:She is such a popular girl that. so that +从句:结果(为了) 如:He gets up early so that he can catch the early bus.8、反身代词:myself/yourself/itself/herself/himself/ourselves/yourselves/themselves 如:The child (herself) usually wears the clothes (herself).感叹句的结构9、What a difference a day makes! 一天的差异多大啊!mak

6、e a difference in:对有影响 1.What a/an + adj.+ n(单)+主+谓!或 What + adj. +n(复/不)+主+谓! 2. How+ adj. +主+谓(联系动词)!或 How + adv+主+谓(实义动词)!10、由how构成的疑问词组的用法(1) howmany+ 可数名词复数 如:how many programshowmuch+不可数名词。 如:how much coffee 但how much=whats the price of.? 还有“多少钱”的意思 如:Howmucharethosepants?(2)how many times: “多

7、少次”. 其答语表示次数。如:once ,twice,three times等“how long?”(3) How old.? 询问年龄 如:How old are you? I am five.(4) 多久(时间) 常用 for two days,for three hours等回答。多长(某物的长度) 如:-How long is the river? - 10 kms. (5)how soon 用来询问过多久,多久以后,其答语是in two hours,in three days等。 如:How soon will he come back? In an hour.11、 You can

8、 spend time with your friends and family as you play together. 度过(时间) 如:spend the weekend with family 花费(时间、钱) 如:He spent 20 yuan (in) buying / on the magazine. 同义句:He spent 20 yuan on the magazine. He paid 20 yuan for the magazine. It took him 20 yuan to buy the magazine. The magazine cost him 20 y

9、uan.12、 形容词和副词的比较级一、含义1. 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级: 原级、比较级、最高级: good better - best2. 比较级:表示两者(人或物)之间的比较。3. 加more/most 的情况:.部分双音节和多音节词;.-ed/ing结尾的词;adj+lyadv.4. 双写的词:一个大热天,一个胖子和一个瘦子穿着红衣服,汗湿了,很伤心。 big hot fat thin red wet sad二比较级基本句型: 连系动词+ adj.(比) 如: Lucy is slower than Lily.1主语+谓语动词+adj./adv(比)+ than+ 对比成分实义动词

10、+ adv./ (比) 如:Lucy runs more slowly than Lily.2. 主语必须与对比成分保持一致:Her hair is longer than yours.(your hair) 3 as+adj./adv.(原级)+as : “如同一样” 否定: not as/so+adj./adv.(原级)+as : “不如一样” 4比较级and比较级:越来越 e.g. They talked more and more loudly. 5. The比较级,the比较级:越就越 The more exercise you do, the stronger youll be.

11、6. “Which / Who is + 比较级, A or B?” e.g. Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one? 7. the+比较级+of the( two ) : 两者中较的一个 Of the twins, she was the more hard-working . 13、常用the one代单数可数名词,the ones /those 代替复数名词,that 代替不可数名词. e.g. The book here is newer than the one on the desk The apples on the tree

12、are fresher than those/the ones in the box. The weather in Wuhan is hotter than that in Beijing.14、比较级前可用“数词+名词” 表示确定的度量。 e.g. I am (5 years) older than himThe room is (3 times) as large as that one. 注意: 1. 原级常与very, as,so, too, quite,pretty, really等连用。 2. 比较级常与much, even, far, than, a little, a bit

13、, a lot 等连用. 3. than 后的比较状语结构: e.g. He runs faster than me/ I (do).15、Its not easy for me to make friends. (make friends with sb. 与.交朋友) Its+adj.+ for sb.+ to do sth.: 某人做某事怎么样. (It是形式主语,to do sth.是真正主语) 16、形容词和副词的最高级一、含义1. 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级: 原级、比较级、最高级: badly worse - worst2. 最高级:表示三者或三者以上(人或物)之间的比较。二最

14、高级基本句型结构 系动词+ the+adj.(最) of + 同类 ( of all/us.) 1. 主语 + 谓语动词 + the + adj./adv.(最) + 实义动词+ (the)+ adv.(最) in + 范围 (in China.)如:Tara is the youngest of all. Linda draws (the) most carefully in her class. 注:1. 副词的最高级前可省略 “the”: 如:sit (the) most comfortably 坐得最舒适 2. 最高级前有其它的限定词时,不加“the”: my best friend 2. Which / Who +the + 最高级, A, B or C ? e

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