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1、Nothing succeeds like success, as every parent of a straight-A student knows, but trying to stress academic excellence by telling your child, “Youre so smart!” may be counterproductive. Why? According to a 2017 study, children who think their intelligence is fixed are less likely to pay attention to

2、 and bounce back(重新振作)from mistakes than children who think intelligence can grow and change. In the study, researchers looked at 123 children. The team assessed the children to determine whether they had a “growth mindset”(believing that you can work harder to get smarter), or a “fixed mindset” (be

3、lieving that your intelligence is unable to change). They then asked the children to complete a fast-paced computer accuracy task while their brain activity was recorded. During the recording, researchers noted that brain activity stopped within a half-second after making a mistake, as children beca

4、me aware of their mistake and paid closer attention to what went wrong. The larger the brain response was, the more the child focused on the mistake. Based on the data, they concluded that children with a “growth mindset” were much more likely to have a larger brain response after making a mistake.

5、While children with a “fixed mindset” were able to “bounce back”, only if they gave their full attention to the mistake. For parents, the lessons are clear. Dont pay your children compliments that suggest that intelligence is fixed. If your child hands you an A+ score, dont say, “Youre so smart!” In

6、stead, say, “Wow, that studying really paid off!” or “You clearly mastered this material-way to go!” Note the effort, not the intelligence. Besides, many parent shy away from addressing a childs mistakes, telling them “Its OK.”Youll get it next time.” without offering them the chances to figure out

7、what goes wrong. Instead, its better to reassure your children that mistakes happen, and work to figure out where and how they make the mistake. 1.Which of the following best explains “counterproductive” underlined in paragraph 1?A.Opposite B. Competitive C. Successful D. Unknown2.How did the childr

8、en with a “growth mindset” react in the study?A.They made fewer mistakes. B. They tried to avoid mistakesC.They had smaller brain response D. They focused more on the mistake.3.What should parents say when children make a mistake according to the text?A.You are so careless B. Paying compliments to c

9、hildrenC.Youll get it the next time D. Lets find out how you made it.4. What should be avoided according to the study?A. Overstressing the intelligence.B. Pay compliment to children.C. Addressing childrens mistakes.D. Offering chances to find mistakes.参考答案:ADDA(B)With the weather getting hot, bites

10、caused by mosquitoes not only annoy people, but can result in many infectious diseases. Even when people wear long clothes, mosquitoes complex biting mechanism enables them to bite some of them through.It would be great if clothing could be used to completely prevent people from getting bitten. Rese

11、archers tested graphene (石墨烯), a material that is incredibly thin but really strong, in order to find out if it can make clothing resistant to mosquitoes.In the lab experiment, volunteers exposed a small patch of skin on their arm or hand to roughly 100 mosquitoes for five minutes at a time. Researc

12、hers tested three different situations: volunteers wearing no protection, wearing cheesecloth (薄纱棉布), or wearing cheesecloth plus a thin graphene layer under it.A video camera was then used to record and quantify mosquitoes behavior, including whether they landed on the skin, how long they stayed th

13、ere, and whether they began to suck blood. The number of bites each volunteer got was also calculated based on how many swellings developed on their skin afterward. Finally, researchers dropped a little water or sweat on top of the graphene layer and studied the consequence, and they also tested a s

14、lightly different graphene layer called “reduced graphene”.As a result, the number of mosquito bites on naked skin was the highest, about 16 on average; skin only protected by cheesecloth got the second, approximately 10 per five minutes exposure. The exciting finding was that there was no swelling

15、developing on skin covered by the thin graphene layer under cheesecloth, which means the material is effective at preventing mosquito bites. The mosquitoes landed on skin totally uncovered or covered in cheesecloth about 23 times on average, and stayed for one to two minutes. Comparatively, the mosq

16、uitoes landed on skin covered in the graphene layer fewer than 10 times, and the length of their stay was much shorter. Besides, water or sweat can ruin the graphene layer, which allows mosquitoes to bite through it. But fortunately, the number of mosquito bites in either dry or wet conditions can be lowered as long as the graphene material is improved to a certain extent i

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