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外研版七年级上册Module2 Unit1 Is this your mum教案Word格式.docx

1、3. 能运用指示代词做简单的家庭介绍。过程与方法从欣赏family歌曲,呈现图片等热身活动到听、说、观看、读、练、写、Do pair work,以学生为中心,讲练结合。态度与情感激起他们对家庭的热爱和对家庭人员的关心。重点有关家庭人员的词汇及指示代词的用法,特别是指示代词的一般问句的回答。Are these/those.?Is this/that.?难点对话中的grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin 等词,由于中西方文化的差异,学生很难理解。教学手段方法教学过程教师活动学生活动说明或设计意图Step 1.Warming up .T: Hello, everyone.

2、 Lets enjoy the video. Play the song of I love my family on the screen. Let the students watch them. After enjoying the video, ask them to answer some questions.T: What is the song about ?S1: About family. What can you remember about the song?S2: mother , father ,brother.Do you enjoy it ?Ss: Yes, I

3、do. Do you love your family? Yes or No? Yes.Then let the Ss look at some pictures about families.Do you have a happy family?yes,I do.Teacher shows ppt”family means:father and mother I love you.”Watch and enoy the song I love my family” then answer the teacher s questions:Remember a few some words ab

4、out family,such as father,mother,son,look at some pictures about familiesKnow the meaning of family:family means:让学生在欣赏我爱我家的歌曲中复习与记住几个有关家庭人员的单词,同时明白这模块的主题就是有关家庭的话题。以歌曲形式激发他们学习兴趣,及时对他们进行情感教育,family,就是爸爸、妈妈、我爱你的意思。激发他们热爱家庭的情感。为下面谈论家庭的内容做好准备。Step 2 Lead in 2.Review: Read the words and expressions loudl

5、yaunt:nt brotherbr cousinkzn daughterd:t familyfmiliAnd make a dialogue acording ss family.Read the words and expressions loudlyafter the teacher then rember the words in heart.Do pair work to talk about their own family like :1. How many people are there in your family? There are three/four 2._Who

6、are they? _They are my father, my mother.3. Have you got any ? Yes, I have. Ive got His / Her name is Their names are No, I havent.帮助学生复习与掌握本单元的词汇,接着用刚学的词汇以对话的形式谈论自己的家庭,既巩固词汇又学以致用,以便更好地学习接下去的内容。Step3 Look and say(activities1,2).3.Lead the students to say the members of family like this4.Look at the

7、picture. Talk about Tonys family.This is a photo of Tonys family. This is Tonys 5.Listen and check ( ) in Activity 1 the people Tony mentions.首先根据呈现的家谱,再次说出家庭人员的英语名称。接着看图,学生两人一组,谈论Toney 的家庭人员。再请一两组到课堂展示。学生听录音核对听到的人物。通过说的练习让学生充分熟悉本模块的重点词汇,为后面的活动做好充分的准备。再通过听来核对听到的人物,训练学生识别听力语段中单词的能力。Step 4 Listen and

8、answer(activities34)3.Listen the text and choose the correct answer.(1)Play the tape and have them read and follow the recording.(2) Ask the students to read through the conversation individually. Then choose the correct answer.Check the answers4.Underline the correct words.先读题,进行预测个体活动,听录音,选出正确答案。两

9、人一组核对答案,然后全班核对答案。跟录音读对话借助手势表演出对话的内容。读完对话后选出活动4中短文中的正确的单词。训练学生从听力材料中获取有关信息的能力,以学生能够掌握对话中的主要信息为完成任务的标准。Step 5 Language points and grammar语言点:on the left 在左边,on the right 在右边,是表示方位的介词短语,“ in front of” , 在 (范围之外的) 前面,“in the front of”在 (范围之内的) 前面, family, home和house的等重点词汇的用法与区别。语法:指示代词的用法:This,these,tha

10、t,those 成为指示代词,用来指示或标示人或事物,其中,this和that为单数,these和those 为复数。另外,this和these用来指离自己较近的人或物,that和those 用来指离自己较远的人或物。例如:This is my bike , and that is her bike.These are my books ,and those are his books .当指示代词所指的事物已确定时,后面的指示代词指人时用he , she ,they来代替,指物时用it和they 来代替,如:Is this your book? Yes, it is.Are these yo

11、ur uncles ? No, they arent学习本单元的重点词汇与语法,认真听与做笔记。学习与掌握单元重点词汇与语法Step 6pronunciation and practice1.Pronunciation & speaking2.Ask the students to talk something about the picture like these:A:Is this your sister?B:Yes, it is.Are these your grandparents?Yes, they are .Is this her husband?No, thats her3.D

12、o a Quiz一、单词练一练1. 祖父; 外祖父 gr_nd_ather2. 祖母; 外祖母 g_andm_ther3. 父亲 fa_er4. 母亲 moth_.二、根据首字母完成单词。1. It is a p_ of Tonys family.2. How m_ people are there in Linglings family?三、从方框中选出合适的词填空。her we our my his she heMy names Rebecca. These are _ friends. There are from different countries. Susan is Americ

13、an. _ father is a doctor. Mike isnt Chinese. _is English. _ mother is a teacher. _ is _ English teacher. _ are her students. Listen and repeatFree talk:Talk about your family How many people are there in your family? There are Is this your dad? No, it isnt. Thats my uncle. Are these your grandparent

14、s? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.独立思考做练习通过口头与笔头进行练习,使学生进一步巩固与掌握所学知识。Step 7 Homework1. Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today;2. Write something about your family by using words weve learned today3. To preview the new words and expressions in unit 2;4. To preview the passage in unit 2.Blackboard designModule 2 My family

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