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1、Game theory can be defined as the science of strategy which studies both pure conflicts (zero-sum games) and conflicts in cooperative forms.Part TwoParas. 4-11There are two distinct types of strategic interdependence: sequential-move game and simultaneous-move game.Part ThreeParas. 12-19The typical

2、examples of game theory are given as the basic principles such as prisoners dilemma, mixing moves, strategic moves, bargaining, concealing and revealing information.Part FourPara. 20The research of game theory has succeeded in illustrating strategies in situations of conflict and cooperation and it

3、will focus on the design of successful strategy in future.II.Language Points The games it studies range from chess to child rearing and from tennis to takeovers. (Para.1)Paraphrase: The games it (game theory) studies extends from chess to child bringing-up and from tennis to handovers.range: v. to v

4、ary between limits, extend, run in a linee.g. (1) The price ranges from $ 30 to $ 80. (2) The boundary ranges from north to south.takeover: n. the act or an instance of assuming control or management of or responsibility for sth. 接收、接管e.g. The economy of Hongkong goes well after its takeover.Game th

5、eory was pioneered by Princeton mathematician John von Neumann. (Para.2)pioneer: v. to be a pioneer; to originate (course of action etc., followed later by others)e.g. The new treatment for cancer was pioneered by the experts of state hospital. n. original investigator of subject or explorer or sett

6、ler; initiator of enterprisee.g. The young generation was greatly motivated by the pioneers exploits.That is, the participants were supposed to choose and implement their actions jointly. (Para.2) That is, the players were expected to select and carry out their actions together. he must anticipate a

7、nd overcome resistance to his plans. (Para.3)anticipate: v. 1) to expect or realize beforehand; to foreseee.g. The experts are anticipating the negative effects of air pollution. v. 2) to deal with or use before proper time 预支e.g. Ted was not used to saving monthly and he would always anticipate his

8、 income.The essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies. (Para.4) The key principal of a game is that player strategies are dependent on each other.essence: n.1) the quality which makes a thing what it is; the inner nature or most important quality of a thinge.g. The two things are

9、 the same in outward form but different in essence. n. 2) extract obtained from a substance by taking out as much of the mass as possiblee.g. milk essence; essence of peppermint (椒薄荷、椒薄荷油)interdependence: n. the quality or fact of depending on each otherinter-为前缀,意为between each other, 类似的词还有intercha

10、nge、intermarry、international、interview等。A general principle for a player in a sequential-move game is to look ahead and reason back. (Para.5) A commonly-applied rule for a participant in a sequential game is to anticipate and think logically in turn.reason: v. to form or try to reach conclusions by

11、connected thought; to think oute.g. (1) Mans ability to reason makes him different from the animal. (2) I reason in this way about the matter.In principle, any sequential game that ends after a finite sequence of moves (Para.6)finite: a. limited; having boundse.g. The petroleum supply is finite for

12、humankind.infinite: a. without limits; having no bounds; (number that cannot be calculated)e.g. infinite space.In contrast to the linear chain of reasoning for sequential games, a game with simultaneous moves involves a logical circle. (Para.7) A game with simultaneous move requires a logical circul

13、ar thinking, which is totally different from the linear chain of reasoning for sequential games. in ignorance of the others current actions. (Para.7)ignorance: n. being lacking of knowledge or uninformede.g. The manager was offended by the ignorance of his plans.The logical circle is squared (Para.8

14、)square the circle: to attempt sth. impossible 做(似乎是)不可能的事When we say that an outcome is an equilibrium, there is no presumption that each persons privately best choice will lead to a collectively optimal result. (Para.10) When we mention that game result is an equilibrium, there is no assurance tha

15、t each players best choice will lead to the best effect for all the players.此句是一个复合句,when引导时间状语从句,主句there is no presumption中又包含一个同位语从句that each persons privately best choice will lead to a collectively optimal result,修饰presumption。But in spite of these flaws (Para.11)flaw: n. imperfection; crack; invalidating defect in documente.g. There was a fatal flaw in his argument that he gave an inaccurate definition.Such cooperative behavior can be achieved in r

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