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1、教学目标知识目标:学会用by短语表达学习方法能力目标:学生能与同学们交流和讨论学习方法情感目标:形成相互交流相互促进的学习氛围教学重点:Verb + by with gerund.教学难点:掌握并灵活运用have you doneWhat aboutWhy dont you 等句式教学方法:Personalizing, Role playing教、学具的准备:tape and tape recorder, some flashcards.主 备 栏补充栏、教后笔记(集体研究及个性化修改)教学过程:Step 1 Leading in (导入新课)1.Greetings.2.Ask some st

2、udents about their summer holiday Step 2 Presentation(讲授新课)1.Pre-taskSB Page 2, 1a.(1)Ask several students to tell you how they study for a test .Write their answers on the blackboard.(2)Call some volunteers to read the phrases on Page 2 .Explain something about the structures “verb + by with gerund

3、”.(3)Read the phrases, students repeat.2. While-taskSB Page 2, 1b.Read the instructions to the students and make sure students know what to do .Then play recording and check the answers.SB Page 2, 1c.(1)First students work in pairs to talk about the picture.(2)Then ask several pairs to present their

4、 dialogues.SB Page 3, 2a & 2b .(1)Read the instructions to students and ask some volunteers to read after you if necessary.(2)Play the recording, students finish the work. Check the answers.(3)Ask some students to read the questions and answers in pairs.Step3 Exercise(课堂练习) Post-task1.In pairs, stud

5、ents talk about how to study for several minutes.2.Ask some students how they study individually.SB Page 3, 2c .Get students work in pairs. Ask a few pairs to present their conversations.Step4 Grammar Focus Read the questions and answers in the grammar box .Students repeat. Explain something about t

6、hem if it is necessary.Step 5 Sum up(小结)Go throught the lesson and ask students to memorize something important.Solve the problems that students dont understand.Step 6 Homework(作业)1. I study English (看英语杂志).2. I study English (记流行歌曲歌词).3. I study English (加入英语俱乐部).4. you, learn , by , do , English ,

7、 aloud , reading 5. cant, new , words , lots of , I , memorize .教学反思6 节Section A 3a , 3b , 42 课时能掌握更多学好英语的方法通过介绍自己喜爱的方法或有效的策略,增进同学之间的了解动名词短语作主语Step 1 Revision(复习旧课)Ask some students how they study English, get them to answer individually.Step 2Lead in(导入新课)Ask some students about their ways of learn

8、ing EnglishStep3 Presentation(讲授新课)Reading SB Page 4, 3a.1.First, ask one volunteer to read the article aloud to the class.2.Have students read through the passage one or two times and complete the chart on their own.3.Correct the answers.Step 4 Exercise(课堂练习)PairworkSB Page 4, 3b.1.Read the instruc

9、tions to the class and ask a pair of students to practice the sample conversation.2.Then in pairs, have students make their own conversation according to activity 3a.3.Ask some pairs to present their conversations.SB Page 4, Part 4 .1.Ask students to check what they do to learn English in the chart

10、.Then get them to work in pairs to interview their partner.2.Call some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.Go throught the lesson and solve the problems.Write an article to introduce how you study English.单选( )1.She learnt English by _ it . A. use B. using C .used ( ) 2.We _ see d

11、ocumentaries because they are too boring. A. Always to C.never ( ) 3.I think _ a notebook is a good way. A. keep B.kept C.keepingSection B 1a , 1b , 1c , 2a , 2b ,2c 3 课时单词pronounce,短语make mistakes ,句型Why dont you join an English 能用英语提出在英语学习上的问题和解决问题在评价自己的学习方法时,可直接表达个人感受Use the modal verbs to

12、 express the challenges and solutionsReview and consolidate the usage of the reposition “by” with gerund,give the students a chance tothink about their own learning skills and ways.Step2 Leading-in(导入新课)Ask some students about their difficulties of learning EnglishStep3 Presentation ( 讲授新课 )1.Practi

13、ce SB Page 5 , 1a & 1b .(1)Ask one student to read the sentences to the class .(2)Then have students check the statements which are true for them and ask them to add some other different things .(3)Ask several students to write their lists on the blackboard and discuss them with the whole class .2.Listening SB Page 5 , 2a &( 1) Ask two students to read the challenges and

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