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1、1.Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall.2.Its taller than both of us together.3.-How tall are you ? -Im 1.65 metres.4.What size are your shoes,Mike?5.Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37.6.-How heavy are you? -Im 48 kilograms. 2.词汇 younger,older,taller,shorter,longer,thinner,heavie

2、r,bigger,smaller,strongerdinosaur,hall,metre,than,both,kilogram,countryside,lower,shadow,smarter,become【教学目标】知识目标一、词汇 二、句型1.主语+be动词+the+形容词最高级+其他.2.A+ be动词+形容词比较级+than+B.3.How+形容词+ be动词+主语?4.主语+ be动词+数字+单位/其他.5.What size + be动词+其他.三、四会句型 -Im 48 kilograms.能力目标1.能够用形容词的比较级和最高级来谈论人或事物。2.能够用英文的长度和重量单位来描

3、述人、物或动物的身高和体重第,并能够对长度及重量进行比较。情感态度目标关注自己身边的人、事物及自然界中与我们共同生活的其他生命。学习策略训练学生的角色扮演能力,在调查、比较和分析的过程中反思该如何扬长避短,让自己做得更好。文化目标了解有关鞋子尺码的知识。【单元重难点】1.本单元的教学重点是让学生在联系日常生活的对话中运用比较级。2.本单元的教学难点a. 各类比较级词汇及相应问题的掌握。b. 比较级不规则变化和写法的掌握。六、单元教学课时安排建议:六课时第一课时:Part A Lets try / Lets learn / Lets talk第二课时:Part A Ask and write /

4、 Lets spell /Choose , write and say第三课时:Part B Lets try / Lets learn / Lets talk/Do a survey第四课时:Part B Read and write / Lets check/ Lets wrap it up第五课时:Part C story time第六课时:第一课时(Part A Lets try / Lets learn / Lets talk /Lets sing )教学目标:(一)知识目标:1、使学生能听、说、读、写有关比较级的单词older、younger 、shorter、taller 、st

5、ronger。2、知道than是比较的意思,than前面要用形容词比较级(v-er)。3、了解cm、kg分别表示长度和重量单位,并知道它们的读音,会回答句型:How tall are you? How heavy are you?(二)能力目标:1、使学生初步掌握比较级的用法及句型。2、使学生知道形容词比较级变化的一般规律。3、使学生能在一定的情境中自觉运用所学新知识。(三)情感目标:培养学生分析观察能力,知道要关爱身边的人,爱父母要从生活中的小事做起。教具准备:图片、卷尺、钓鱼杆。教学过程:Step 1.Warm-up ( revision )( 1 ) Sing a song.Whats

6、your favorite season?( 2 ) Free talk.a. Whats your favorite season?Which season is it now?Whats the weather like in winter?Which season is always hot and sunny? / warm and rainy?/cool and cloudy?/cold and snowy?b. Which season can we make a snowman, winter or fall?Which season can we go swimming in

7、a river, winter or summer?Which season can we fly kites, winter or spring? Which season is colder,summer or winter?Which is colder, water or ice-cream ?c. I can say : cold -colderCan you say? warm-warmer, cool-cooler, hot- hotter, old -older. Step2. Presentation (practice) older/ younger的教学1. How ol

8、d is the woman? She is 35. 2. How old is the girl? She is 12.3. Whos older, the woman or the girl? 4. 3512, so we can say the woman is older than the girl.(出示图片)1235. We can say the girl is younger than the woman.5. Now lets play a game. Guess:How old am I? If your number is more than my age, I will

9、 tell you older. If your number is less than my age, I will tell you younger. Lets see who can guess quickly.6. How old am I? Guess, guess,guess.7. Its my turn now. You should ask me and say older or younger to help me. (出示图片)先请学生猜老师的年龄,假如学生猜出的年龄比老师的实际年龄大,老师就说older , older, 假如比实际年龄小,老师就说younger , yo

10、unger。然后由老师猜图片上小男孩的年龄,全班学生说older, younger来提示老师是否猜对。最后,由两位学生分别猜中年男人和老奶奶的年龄,全班学生通过说older, younger 来提示。8. Whos younger, the boy or the girl? (出示图片)9. Lets do: Older, older, older, make myself older.Younger, younger, younger, make myself younger.Shorter, shorter, shorter, make myself shorter.shorter/ ta

11、ller的教学 1.Look at the fishing rod, it looks very short. In fact its long. Lets have a look. Oh, its too long. Its difficult for me to take it. Now lets make it shorter and shorter. Everybody should say shorter ,shorter , shorter. Then Ill let you see it can be shorter and shorter. (出示钓鱼杆)2. Which ar

12、e shorter, the shorts or the pants?(出示图片)Whos shorter, Zhang Yining or Yao Ming?How tall is Zhang Yining?Shes 168cm . How tall is Yao Ming?Hes 226cm .教学长度单位cm=centimeter3.Whos taller, Zhang Yining or Yao Ming? Which animal is taller, the giraffe or the deer?4.Whos taller than you?5. How tall is it ?

13、(出示图片170cm,160cm,180cm,150cm)6.How tall are you? Come here.Line up from shorter to taller.Line up from taller to shorter.Lets do: Shorter, shorter, shorter, make myself shorter.Taller, taller, taller, make myself taller.stronger的教学1. You look strong and tall. I can do it. Can you do it? (老师拉着拉力器说)2. Yes, I can .(请两个学生

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