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2、片段,六个单词,要求是读对话,然后讲单词,其他的两个英语试讲是语法,我看了一眼是一般将来时的时态,另一个是作文类题目。之后去备考室,这里给你也就是15分钟的准备时间,可以把自己的资料带进去,也可以手机百度,低调点,别被老师看到都是可以的。不是很严。首先,进入考场,有三个老师,先问两个结构化的面试题目,问到的有:1,家长工作忙,认为教育学生完全是学校的责任,你怎么看?2,你怎么看待“绿领巾”事件。3,请问你对陶行知的“千教万教,教人求真; 千学万学,学做真人”怎么理解?4,同学上课一直开小差做小动作,你怎么办?恩,我知道的就是这些了。然后就是英语试讲,试讲之后会问你1-2个关于你试讲的问题,有的

3、可能不问,之后就结束了。记得擦黑板。关于教案,我们这儿是不看教案的,你拿着教案讲课,讲完交给面试老师就行,但是其实你讲完就已经打完分了,一个同学说她讲完交教案的时候已经偷瞄到自己的成绩了,我教案写的很好,结果没有计入分数,特别遗憾。大概就是这么多,不用紧张,我在宾馆跟同学试讲的时候还紧张到发抖,真到考场上就特别淡定了,也许是抽到的题目相对来说简单点,讲的有点快,不要太快,当然也别太慢,10分钟以内讲完。这里给大家模板作为参考,在备考室的时候你就可以这么准备了,什么教学目标,难点和重点,教学手段这些完全没必要写啊,直接切入你开讲就行了。试讲情态动词的语法类试讲稿:Step 1 warming u

4、pAs we know, the 2008 Olympics is coming. Show two pictures: Liuxiang and Yaoming. Say somethingabout them using modal verbs.教师展示两幅图片:刘翔和姚明,通过用modal verbs 来描述这两幅图片。Step 2 LeadinT: Look at the picture, the man is carrying a pile of books. So he can carry heavy books. He wants toenter the room, but he

5、 couldnt open the door by himself. So he is making a request to ask for helpfrom the woman by saying “Could you open the door, please?”(The teacher writes the three sentences on the blackboard.1.So he can carry heavy books.2. He couldnt open the door by himself.3. Could you open the door, please?)T:

6、 Look at the three modal verbs in each sentence and try to get their meanings.Step 3 Explanationu can & couldu may & mightu will & wouldu shall & shouldu must & cante.g. can and could1)表示能力(ability),指有能力做某事,意为“能够”。could 是can 的过去式e.g. The girl can dance very well.We all knew that the young man couldn

7、t be a doctor.2)表示请求(request)或允许(permission)。意为“可否”、“可以”。 Could 比can 更有礼貌,在此不是can 的过去式。e.g. Can you wait a moment please?Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?3)表示可能性(possibility)a. can 表示泛指的“可能”, 并非说话者主观认为的可能性,即并非说话者的主观猜测。e.g. Accident can happen to any drunken driver.b.表示说话者主观猜测,只能用与

8、否定句或疑问句中。e.g. It cant be my father. He is now in England.Step 4 Summing upFrom the demonstration of the modal verbs above, we can find most of them can be used toexpress certainty, but the degree of them is different.Step 5 practice1)Find all the sentences with modal verbs and explain the meaning.1.

9、 Other celebrations were held when hunters could catch animals.2. They lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty.3.or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm.2)Complete the following sentences with proper modal

10、verbs.Youve been working all day. You _be very tired.(The door bell rings) I wonder who that is, it_be Lisa. Shes still in the library at this time.It is a long time since we met last time. You _come and see us more often.3) Make a dialogue using modal verbs according to the given situation.You have

11、 to go to buy food and gifts for Spring Festival. In pairs, one as the shop keeper and theother as the customer, offer and request the items you need. Use these expressions to help you.Would you like ? Could I have ?Might I suggest ? May I see ?You should try ? Could we look at ?Can you see ? We mig

12、ht take ?Step 6. HomeworkChoose one of the following situations to create a short dialogue using modal verbs.Situation A: In a library. Ask the librarian if he can help to find a book relating to some specifictopics, whether they can be renewed or not, and how to do if the books are lost. (“Could yo

13、uplease find?” “May I ?” “You mustnt”)Situation B: A doctor gives a patient some advice. (“You should”)这一个就是完整的试讲模板了。In Search of the Amber RoomLead-in: free talkClass begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Today we will learn a new unit together. That is Unit 2.First of all, Id like to share one of

14、my experiences with you. Last summer, I visited terra-cotta warriors which are located in Shaanxi Province. It is known as the eighth wonder of the world. In other words, it is among Chinese cultural relics. Right? The scene was very magnificent. I could see thousands of life-size terra-cotta warrio

15、rs and each of them had different facial expressions. As a result, I learned a lot about the history of Qin Dynasty.Q1: Boys and girls, have you ever visited any cultural relics before? Tom, would you please have a try?A: Oh, you have visited the Great Wall in Beijing. Very good. Can you describe yo

16、ur feeling when you saw it?A: You felt impressive and you admired the wisdom and diligence of our ancestors. Very good. Pre-reading: predictYes. I totally agree with you. We can learn a lot from cultural relics. This is also our topic today. We will learn a passage about cultural relics. The title of

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