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1、1. A plane is a machine. The machine can fly.A plane is a machine that /which can fly. 关系代词实际上是先行词的复指,that/which代指先行词machine2. The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday.The girl who /that we saw yesterday is mary. 关系代词实际上是先行词的复指,who/that代指先行词the girl1. The car which my uncle had just bought was destroy

2、ed in the earthquake.2. This is the city where I was born.定义:修饰名词或代词的从句。先行词:被定语从句修饰的词。关系词/连接词:连接主句和定语从句的连词。引导定语从句的连接词,一定要在从句中充当成分。关系代词(作主语/宾语/表语): 1.who/whom(that) 2.which(that)3.that不能放在介词的后面4.whose=of which 或 of 关系副词(作状语) :1.where=介词+ which2.when=介词+ which3.why=for+which 4.way的特殊用法 the wa

3、y he lives.that he lives. in which he lives关系词的作用:1)连接;2)代替先行词;3)在定从中作成分。一、关系代词1. The number of people _ lost homes reached as many as 250,000.A. who B. which C. where D. when 1. who 作定从的主语/宾语指人作主语时不可省略指代先行词 2. The boy _ we saw yesterday was Johns brother.A. whom B. / C. which D. when 2. whom作定从的宾语可

4、省略3. Spielberg won a prize for a short film _ he made.A. which B. who C. / D. where3. which作定从的主语或宾语指物作宾语可省略指代先行词4. Its about a big shark_ attacks swimmers _ are spending their holidays in a small village.A. where B. who C. that D. which E./4. that指物或人5. Spielberg, _ mother was a music teacher, was

5、born in 1946.A. who B. which C. whose D. that 5. whose 作定从的定语不可省略指代先行词=sbs/sths I once lived in a house _ was broken. A. whose roof B. which roofC. of which the roof D. the roof of which5. whosenof which/whom the +n =the +n+of which/whomHer parents dont want to marry their daughter to a man_ is poor

6、她父母不想把女儿嫁给一个家境贫穷的男人关系副词和定语从句)我仍然记得这天。 (2)在这天我来到这里。I still remember the day. I came here on the day =on which=whenI still remember the day when/on which I came here我仍然记得(我来到这里的)那天。1. Do you know the date _ Lincoln was born?A. which B. on which C. when D. where 1. when 作定从的时间状语指时间,在从句中表示在.时间=in/on.+wh

7、ich先行词为时间名词(1)就是这所房子。 (2)我去年在这所房子住过。This is the house . I lived in the house last year.This is the house where/in which I lived last year. 就是这所(我去年住过的)房子。2. The farm _ we picked cotton was 90 kilometers away.A. when B. where C. why D. on which 2. where 作定从的地点状语指地点,在从句中表示在.地点先行词为地点名词(situation, busin

8、ess, case, point, surroundings,environment,scene等为地点概念的名词) 1)他给了一个原因 (2)因为这个原因人们喜欢音乐。 He gave a reason. people like musicfor the reasonHe gave a reason why/for which people like music3. I dont know the reason _ he looks unhappy.A. that B. why C. for which D. / 3. why 作定从的原因状语指原因,在从句中表示因为.原因=for whic

9、h先行词为reasonI disapprove the reasons _ he came up with.因此先行词虽然为reason,但如果连接词在从句中作主语或者宾语,则只能用that/which4.以way为先行词的定语从句问题。I dont like the way _ he talked to his mother.t like the way _ he chose to do it.A. that B. in which C. / D. howWay(方式,方法) 1.连接词如果在从句中作状语时,用that或者in which且可以略。2.连接词如果在从句作主语或宾语,用that

10、或which 关系代词的用法关系代词在从句中可以:主语宾语thatwhichwhowhom 何时可以省略?做宾语时可以省略解题方法和技巧1.首先是确定关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中作什么成分。若是作主语、宾语,则在关系代词中选择。若是作状语,则在关系副词中选择。2.其次是看先行词是人还是物;是时间、地点还是reason,way。1. She looked at Jeff_ was waving his arms.2. The girl _ leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital.3. And there she saw a

11、wall of water _ was quickly advancing towards her.A. who B. that C. whose D. which 1、判断关系词在定从中的成分是关键;2、再看先行词。定语从句使用中的特殊情况一、只能用that的情况:1. 先行词既有物又有人时。He spoke of the persons and things that he had seen abroad.2.先行词是something, anything, all, nothing等不定代词时。Is there anything that I can do for you?3.当先行词被

12、序数词或形容词最高级修饰时或者被,all,the very,the only,the just修饰时。This is the best film that I have ever seen. 二、不用that的情况:1.介词后禁用关系词that。I heard of the man, about whom he talked.2. 非限制性定语从句。She was late again, which made me unhappy.三,介词关系代词的问题。介词+关系代词的情况 1Are these two sentences right?The man who/whom you spoke w

13、as a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.介词+关系代词的情况 2The man whom you spoke was a scientist.The city which she lives is far away.介词+关系代词的情况 3Join the following sentencesHe lives in a lonely village. At the back of it is a hill.He lives in a lovely village, at the back of _ is a hill.He has three sisters. All of them are abroad.He has three sisters,all of _ are abroad3. 固定动词或介词短语搭配介词+关系代词的情况

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