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本文(英语译林牛津版小学四年级上册Unit 6 At the snack bar优质课教案1Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

英语译林牛津版小学四年级上册Unit 6 At the snack bar优质课教案1Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、youlike?Idlike, please.Anythingelse?3.能使用正确的语音语调流利地朗读课文中出现的长句。4.让学生体会到英语朗读的美感,从而爱上英语朗读。5.能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型进行点餐活动并会征求别人的意见。二、教学重点:三、教学难点:1.能使用正确的语音语调流利地朗读课文中出现的长句。2.能正确使用升降调朗读课文。四、教学过程:Step1 Greeting & Warm up1.GreetingT:Hello,boysandgirls.S:MissWang.2.SingsongWhatWelldone!Yousingbeautifully!Ihavesome

2、questionsforyou.foodcanhearinthesong? 出示单词food noodles,hamburgers,hotdogs, pies.Good!Andwherewebuythem?AtbarYes,maybeatbar.(出示快餐店,并通过出示相同发音的单词,教读snack和bar)TodaywelllearnUnit6bar揭题Step 2 Story time1. Listen to the tape and think: Where are Mike, Helen and their dad? They are at the snack bar.再次揭题:Tod

3、ay well learn a new lesson “At the snack bar”. Read the topic.2. Watch the cartoon. Where would Mike like? Hed like a hamburger and a glass of milk. Where would Helen like? Shed like some noodles. What would dad like? Hed like a sandwich and a cup of coffee. 2. Watch the cartoon again and finish the

4、 table.What do they want to eat? 完成信息表格。FoodDrinksMikeHelenDad What would Mike like? He would like a glass of milk and a hamburger. What would Helen like? She would like some noodles. What would Mr. Brown like? He would like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.3. Listen to the tape and read after it. ( 注

5、意模仿其语音语调。)4. Read in three. (分角色朗读对话。Step 3 Fun time1. Review the words将所学的8个词语按照单复数形式的不同进行分类记忆。可数名词:a hamburger, a sandwich, some noodles不可数名词:a bowl of rice, a glass of milk, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea2. Show some pictures. What would you like? Id like a sandwich and a glass of orange juice. Wh

6、at about you? Id like some noodles and a cup of tea. Anything else? Some cakes and a cup of coffee.Ask each other and act the dialogue.3. Play the game 引导学生拿出事先画好的40页的菜单图,每4人一组进行点餐的游戏。S1:S2: Id like S3: Id like S4: , please.Play it in groups and act the dialogue.Step 4 Cartoon time1. Show the pictur

7、es on Page 41 and think:What are they saying? Discuss in groups.小组讨论,自主提问,猜猜他们在说什么?2.看看你猜的和他们说得一样吗?Watch the cartoon. Boys and girls, you did a good job. Look, who are they? They are Bobby and Sam. Yes. Whats wrong with them? Lets watch the cartoon.(播放动画) Whats wrong with Bobby and Sam? Theyre hungr

8、y.3. Watch the cartoon again and answer. (再次播放卡通片) What would Sam like? Some fish. What would Bobby like? An egg.4. Read and answer How about the fish and the egg? They are very big.5. Read and say ( 注意模仿Bobby、大猩猩和Sam的语气) Now please open your books and read this story. Its on your book, Page When yo

9、u are reading, try to remember what they say (阅读Cartoon time记一记每一幅图中的对话) Now close your books. (PPT逐图显示) Who can be Sam / Bobby/大猩猩? Im hungry. ( 指导有气无力的语气) Me, too. ( 指导有气无力的语气) Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. (指导惊喜、兴奋的语气) Id like an egg. (指导惊喜、兴奋的语气) Can I help you? (指导严肃的语气) Yes. Id like so

10、me fish, please. (指导渴望、期待的语气) Id like an egg, please. (指导渴望、期待的语气) What a big egg! ( 指导意外、惊讶的语气)5. T: Now read the story in pairs. (注意语气哦!Step 5 Sound time1. Show the picture on Page 42. ( 出示Sound time中的图片。Ask: What can you see in the picture?Answer: I can see 2. 学生自主进行提问,引出 “fox” 和 “box” 这两个单词。3. W

11、atch the cartoon and answer. Where is the box? Its behind Mrs. Fox.4.给图片丰富些内容,加一些盒子和一辆出租车。 How many boxes can you see? S: I can see six. How can Mr. Fox take them? He can put them in the taxi. 5.理出单词:box, fox, six, taxi6. Read the words after the tape. 7.总结发音规律:所含的字母x都发/ks/这个音。引导学生举一些含有此相同发音的单词。fix,

12、 exercise, wax, sex (学生小组内讨论,教师板书。8. Read the sentence. How many words can you find? 在这句话中你能找到几个含有相同发音/ks/的单词? Two. Can you read them all again? 再读另外列举的单词。 Now can you tell us the sound of the letter x? /ks/. Good! Now read them like this: /ks/, /ks/, /ks/ box, /ks/, /ks/, /ks/ fox (学生读单词) Yes. And here are some words with the sound /ks/, can you read them? (PPT显示单词,学生读) And can you choose three of them to complete this sentence? 你能根据图片挑选三个单词完成句子吗? Discuss in pairs. (学生讨论,反馈)Step 6 Rhyme time1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Hello ( 出示书上42页Rhyme time中的图 ) What would the

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