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本文(初中英语八年级英语教育教学案例设计份仁爱版.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、初中英语八年级英语教育教学案例设计份仁爱版初中英语八年级英语教学案例设计(份)-仁爱版 作者: 日期: Ui 6 njoingCyclng Toic 2 wabou exploingTiannen uare?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕孩子们游览天安门广场而展开。主要内容包含:Mchel邀请arre来中国度假,孩子们游览天安门广场和描述游览过程及发生的事情。通过描述游览过程和写游览日记来引入时间状语从句。通过介绍天安门广场来学习方位的表达。学生通过学习本话题可以更好地了解天安门广场并培养他们的爱国主义精神。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Sctin 1a, 1b, 1c, 2,

2、4第二课时:Section A3,Secton-a,b, ,1b,2第三课时:Seion C1a, 1b, 1c第四课时:ectin-4a,4b,SctinC2, 3第五课时:Sction D-Gramara Functons, 1a,1, 1c, , Projc 第二课时 (Section A,Ston 3a,3b, 1a,1b,2)教学设计思路:本课主要学习方位词并继续学习时间状语从句。首先让学生展示家庭作业来复习时间状语从句,这样就完成了Seton的3 。然后通过几个谚语来导入到方位词的学习,既解决了新词汇,也完成了3a ,b与3a是紧密相连的两个任务,接下来完成b便水到渠成。扫除了词汇

3、语法障碍,再来听1完成1,本课通过1b表格提示来完成1的直述,并进一步巩固1。最后解决1a中的难点,听2的短文完成本课。. Taching aims1.nowledge am:()继续学习时间状语从句。()学习正确地描述方位。 aims:()能够正确地介绍某物所处的位置。(2)能够正确地描述物体的大小形状。(3)能够正确地听,说,读出本课所涉及的景点。3.otona ams: 培养学生的爱国主义精神。4.Clte aareness: .The ky pits and diicult ints1. Kpots:(1)Wrd and exprssions: north,ea,west,rt

4、hwes,hes,outhst,nuent,rotrum,haiman memoial, nnounce, fond,reulic, meaningfu, li i/toon, be eaninful t, ant it to do th., on and a haf. (2)enteces: Itsin the cnter oBijn. nthe north o the sqar , we cansee iaanmn Rosrum. TheGreatWall f the ple is to the est ofthe Mont o the Pels heros .fclt poits: (1

5、)正确运用in, to, n来表达方位。 (2)正确地读出本课的著名建筑物的名词。 .Learning strategies(1)利用构词法学习新词汇。如:nortest,nrhest, sutheast, airman,meaningful等。(2)在进行听力任务时,要学会使用关键词来提醒自己,然后利用关键词去完成任务。 Tehig aids录音机多媒体图片. Teching procedurStage 1(5ins): evision epTeace ctiiStden activiyenin puroe1(la tivit)Chck he k in 3onae 36 to riadver

6、bial clause o time: Hi, class! Hw are yotoday?T: Are yu read occk yourhomework?T: Ok,etsbeginwitxxx.T: God seene Pictur?T: .T: Pefect. Nex, Id ikeou toke your own entene withut picure One miu oryou.T:Any volues! Hanup! Ok, xx, u paseT: Vy oo.Mre ntence, pleae.evise aveial causeof time y checkig the

7、hmewrk.S: ey wl. s: f course:Jane was running hlMrias wimmig.S2: Maria and Jane were digwhleMichal was singng.S: .S4: .S: .6:I was din y homeworile mmother wacook inner.S7:WhenI g hoe, my aher ws rading newpaper.S8: .通过检查学生的作业完成情况复习时间状语从句,完成Secio A的任务3。Remar:老师在检查完Sectio A 的看图说话后,可以让学生自由造句以便发现学生的问题,

8、最后要对when,wle的用法进行比较总结。Stg 2(10mns): edintepTeaher actiityStdentvitDsigning purpos:1(lss ativity)Shw te icure abou diretons i3a t itrouce directn.T: Hey, bosn girls, do you le your fml?: The how o say“金窝银窝不如自己的草窝”n Esh?T: hn easefllowm:es orwt , home is the be . T: You seein inese,ths provbdste “Dong

9、” r“Xi”, t in Engsh, it has“ast” n “Wes”. as t sy, ou cnt rnlat prvrbs word by wd. T:(shows a ituraout dections) ook,watisthispicure au?T: Yes,itsabot eight dirctis. Doyu this diection?T: How abot ths?T:Andi?T:Thisne?T: Nort.epet,leae. :Thn this drecton?T:, in glish,we shou sayntas. Cea?T: Lts ry ti

10、?T: ie .:(shs pitres abou t fm uidigs)hao e cal thi buildng?T: Tiuilding?T: t Tiaane Rostrum.T: .T: Nw,math thenames th he uilding onhemap.T: No, lts check.earn th nw words aout rectinSs: ur.:N.s:Est r wet , oe isthebest. : 方向。S:ast.Ss: Ws.s: Sth.S:.Ss:North.S: EasnorthSs: YesSs: ouheatSs:.S: ation

11、MuumSs:Ss:an amn Rostum.Ss:.S:.通过图片扫除3a,1a中新词并导入到方位词的学习。完成3a 。Rmrk:在学习方位词和本课的建筑物时用PT或者图片更直观易懂,出示图片即顺便教学a,1a的新词。tage 3(3mins):Finshg Task bSepeacher ciityuet ctvityesigng purpose1(ndvdulor)Let heSs o3b topactc : Up t now, ae leaed ght dirctionadfie fu buildins. xt,ts ur time to pactie. ou hve o finis

12、 3bin 1-mnutes. Te map ishelul.T: Now,tme tocheck anse. N.1, who?T: Nextone?T: .:.:Youhav got he right nswers. Lookat th entencescarefuly, doou find soeing sange?:Ho eve ! In fact , we can as us “n” efore direcins. ow have “in the +directionof.”,“o the+direction of.”and“toth +drctono.” Do 3b toratice.S1:oth.S

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