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1、classroom,window,door,picture,blackboard,light. 结合以前所学的颜色,大小,数量等,组合成不同内容。并能展示,输出。Main and difficult points:classroom,door,light,blackboard,picture,window. Main points: 学习巩固单词 里面的动词的掌握。Difficult points:在教学中出现单词的单复数情况,Lets do 教学理念让学生运用单词情景真实,PPT本课主要借助图片和展开教学,以教室为场景, 更为自如。有真实的情境。教学准备 PPT 教师手绘图,单词卡,程 过

2、学教 内容与环节预设 个人二度备课 及课后反思Step 1 Warm up: GreetingFree talk. 1.T:Hello! Boys and girls! Welcome back to school! 2. Free talk. T: Hello! Good morning! S: T: How are you? fine, thank you! Show me you pencil! . 18 / 1 T: open your pencil-case. S: . T:s do Open your pencil-case. Show me you pencil. Read a

3、book. Go to school! Step 2 Presentation T: Go, go, go to school!s go and see our classroom! OK! teach classroom 教师在黑板上绘上教室的空间图。 Whats this? T:在图上绘上门.teach door T:再绘上窗teach window 再绘上黑板T:teach oard and this? 再绘上灯 :Tteach light 最后绘上图片T:teach picture and this? Desks and chairs!(注意后面的S)Step 3 Practiceco

4、nsolidation 1.看读单词Classroom chair picture window light desk door 让学生将单词卡贴放在教室里相应的地方。如:学生说好2. .再去放好。desk,desk, this is a deskLook at the picture and say. 3. How many lights?S:6 How many.?. Read:Classroom / 2 chair light picture desk door window chairs pictures lights desks doors windows 3: Clean the

5、classroom. s Look! boys and girls! )(图片出示教室很脏,大家打扫教室。clean the classroom!OK! S Say and do) 里面的动词要教学!(Sweep the floor!Clean the window!Clean the blackboard!Put up the picture!one ,two, 指着教室的几扇窗户说,如 在教学过程中可以加入复数单词:three, four, four windows!clean the windows!教师说一句学生跟一句,之后学生自己来Say and do! 带大家一起律动, 做何说。s

6、 go, boys and girls! .重复老师的句子。!Go, go, go to the classroom Open the door!Turn on the light! Close the window! Put up the picture!4.Group work Great! Boys and girls.Now, the classroom is beautiful! Look!. The blackboard is 和老师一起描述:The door is The windows are The lights are / 3 The picture is But, som

7、e classroom is like this让学生了解更破旧教室,!(PPT图片, ) 多边远地区的小朋友的学习环境。design the classroom for them. Lets 小组绘制. (颜色/形容词)The board is 之后小组展示 用以上句型说 . The door is . The windows are . The lights are The . 板书设计 classroom Unit1 light board picture door window, 绘制教室的简单图 作业 布置 或设计 ) (三星级 Talk about your classroom w

8、ith your friends or parents. )(五星级 Write down about your classroom. 教后 整体反思 / 4 My Classroom Unit 1 任课教师 与班级 Part A Lets talk Lets play 2课时第 )(共 6 课时 教学目标 (含重点、 难点) 知识目标: 会说句子 Lets go and see. Its near the window. 1、培养学生互帮互助的精神。 2、了解西方礼仪文化。能力目标:1、能用句子We have .(复数)向他人介绍自己的教室或家。 2、能用问句Where is it? 向他人

9、询问物的位子,并用Its near the .回答。 Main and difficult points: Main points: 让学生会认读句子:s near the window.并在情景中会用这些句子与他人交流自己的教室或学校等。 (s). Difficult points: We have教学理念 运用旧知识滚动新知识,创设真实的情景,让学生输出语言。录音机,磁带,各个房间的图片。教 学 过 程 个人二度备课 及课后反思 1复习已学句型:This is I have 教师手拿一个毛绒玩具,说:I have / 5 a dog , this is my new dog. 2让学生用事

10、先准备好的实物模仿句子 当学生能够说出句子时,教师可提问:Where is it? 启发学生用学 3Its on/in/under/the 过的知识回答:Its near the 教师可以适当的加入near 一词,在学生回答4Where is it?时,near 的含义并运用。 让学生在实际的情景中理解Step 2 Presentation we have a new 引出:课件出示: 一张教室图: A new classroom.1Lets go and classroom. Really?see. 2. Practice: A: we have a new classroom. ?s go

11、 and see. B:Really让学生看教室图回答问题 3课件: How many lights in the classroom? Is the new classroom big? Where is the picture? 4操练句子:A: My name is ? Wheres B: Its near the 部分的内容。(使用教材相配套的教学录5学生跟读并模仿Lets talk 音带) 6课件:看本部分的教学挂图,让学生根据画面内容分角色;朗读。7让学生三人一组,分角色表演对话。评选最佳表演奖。教师要注意 学生使用最好让学生在说话时把这两个词的动作表my, our两词的准确性。 演出来,以免混淆。Step 3 Consolidation 示图,师生问答1. 同桌练习,反馈呈现。 2. 板书 设计 ? Where is it Its near the .see. Lets go and 作业 布置 或 设计1. Activity: Plan the classroom 让学生自己设计喜欢的教室,并给教室里物图上自己喜欢的颜色,第二天向同学或好 朋友介绍自己的教室。教师把优秀的作品张贴在教室里。 对话表演课文。2. / 6 教后 整体 反思 具体课时备课表吴兴区学校_ 单元(章)主题 Unit One My classrooms spell LetPart A

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